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    25 December 2022, Volume 31 Issue 12
    Theory Analysis and Methodology Study
    Game Model of Green Growth Policy Implementation Block in China
    ZHOU Ying-nan, HUANG Sai, YANG Dan
    2022, 31(12):  1-8.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0380
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    The green growth policy in China is affected bymulti-stakeholder groups in the process of implementation. Considering environmental tax rate, consumer green degree payment coefficient and corporate pollution control rate, this paper establishes optimal decisions and game model of policy community, government network and producer network green growth policy implementation and builds a numerical simulation. The results show the environmental tax rate needs to be controlled within a reasonable range. The high tax rate will increase from the producer network policy implementation block. And consumer green degree of payment coefficient can effectively reduce the policy implementation block. Enterprise pollution control rate will increase the policy Community and intergovernmental network policy implementation block. Policy makers can adjust the environmental tax rate, consumer green degree of payment coefficient and corporate pollution control rate, so as to make the green growth policy implementation process tend to be optimal.
    Research on the Order Batching Problem in the AGV-based Intelligent Warehouse Considering the Product Quantity and the Product Picking Cost
    ZHANG Guo-wei, WU Ling-yun
    2022, 31(12):  9-15.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0381
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    Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) based intelligent warehouse is a type of parts-to-picker automated warehouse. In this paper, we consider the product quantity required in the orders and stored in the pods and build an integer programming model for the order batching problem by minimizing the pod carrying cost and the product picking cost. Motivated by the characteristics of the order batching problem, we propose a greedy algorithm based on the alternative selection of orders and pods. Compared with the CPLEX solver, the error percentage of the proposed greedy algorithm is less than 10%, and the average error percentage is 5.38%. Compared with the similarity-based order batching algorithm, the proposed greedy algorithm possesses a shorter computation time and better solution quality. Furthermore, compared with the order batching model without considering the product picking cost, the proposed model could substantially reduce the product picking cost without significantly increasing the pod carrying cost. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the product picking cost in the order batching model.
    A Study on E-commerce Order Batching Optimizationof “Cargo-to-Person” Picking System
    LI Kun-peng, LIU Teng-bo
    2022, 31(12):  16-23.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0382
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    With the rapid development of E-commerce and artificial intelligence technology, the paper aims to address the order batching problem of “cargo-to-person” picking system which uses the automated guided vehicle(AGV)as a transport tool. First, we establish an order batching mathematical model to minimize the number of times that AGVs transport shelves. Then, this paper presents the shelf similarity-based two-phase order batching algorithm. In the first stage, it is divided into two steps of new batch creation and order addition. Then, we us local search to improve the initial solution. Inthe algorithm, we construct rule of order selecting selves, define shelf similarity functionanddesign two methods to create a new batch.Besides, the authors consider the quantity limit of the turnover box in order batch scheme. Finally, the experiment verifies the effectiveness of the model,and the algorithm proposed in this paper and we analyze the applicability of two batch creation methods. This paper provides suggestions of the optimal configuration of turnover box quantity through sensitivity analysis. The study can provide theoretical basis and practical guidance for enterprises by order batch optimization to improve the AGVs picking efficiency in “cargo-to-person” picking system.
    Preventive Maintenance Modeling and Policy Optimization for Self-protection Systems with Dependent Units
    SHEN Jing-yuan, WANG Chun-li
    2022, 31(12):  24-30.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0383
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    As a kind of self-healing technology, self-protection technology can make the system operate with high reliability under the interference of environments or dynamic working conditions. In this paper, a new reliability model for systems with dependent main and auxiliary units is developed, in which the degradation rate of the main unit depends on the number of operating auxiliary units. In addition, based on the periodic inspection and preventive maintenance strategy, the long-run average cost of the system is derived by the technique of semi-regenerative process and the optimal preventive maintenance strategy of the system is given with the goal of minimizing the long-run average cost. Finally, taking the boring tool system as an example, the optimal values of preventive replacement thresholds and inspection period are given by the proposed method, which is expected to provide a theoretical reference for practical maintenance decision.
    Cellular Yin-Yang Pair Optimization Algorithm for Bi-objective Fire Rescue Facility Location Model
    XUQiu-yan, MA Liang, LIU Yong
    2022, 31(12):  31-37.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0384
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    To measure the quality of rescue services provided by fire rescue stations at different times, the timeliness evaluation function based on fire risk level is introduced. Bi-objective location model that considers both timeliness and economy is constructed. Aiming at the characteristics of the new model that is NP-hard, cellular Yin-Yang pair optimization algorithm is proposed. The individual not only performs global exploration in the search space of the Yin-Yang pair optimization algorithm, but also uses evolution rules in the cellular space to perform local exploitation within the neighborhood. The experiments prove the feasibility and effectiveness of the new model. The performance of algorithm is compared with bat algorithm, bee colony algorithm, harmony search algorithm, NGSA-Ⅱ and cellular ant colony optimization algorithm. The results show that the new algorithm is superior to the other five methods in terms of convergence, diversity, uniformity of distribution for the set of non-inferior solutions and calculation speed.
    Behavior Analysis Models of Decision Makers in Conflicts Based on Sequential Stability
    HAN Yu, XU Hai-yan, CHEN Lu, ZHAO Shi-nan
    2022, 31(12):  38-45.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0385
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    Stability definitions can refract the decision makers’(DMs) different behavioral patterns. In order to understand DMs’ behavior more comprehensively and deeply, this paper extends the existing four basic stability definitions to six based on the sequence stability (SEQ stability). First, the logic concept of strong and weak SEQ stability is proposed to analyze the conflict decision making process of the DMs with different degrees of overconfidence. Then, the matrix representation of strong and weak SEQ stability is defined to facilitate the calculation of the corresponding stable solution and the realization of programming algorithm.‘Conflict analysis of the channel and price selection’case study proves the effectiveness of above-mentioned process. It is found that DM’s overconfidence bias is not always negative, but sometimes it is beneficial to the collective interests of the managers.
    Complexity Analysis of Duopoly Enterprise’s Emission Reduction Decision under Heterogeneous Expectation
    ZHAO Liu-wei, JIN Shuai, JIANG Hong-yun, PENG Zhen-ge
    2022, 31(12):  46-54.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0386
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    As it has become a worldwide concern how to reduce carbon emissions effectively, more and more firms take low-carbon operations into account when producing and selling eco-friendly products. At present, in China, the reform of carbon-emission-trading provides firms with new opportunities to develop the market, which is to study the government carbon quota allocation and enterprise production and emission reduction research and development decision-making problems under the low-carbon environment. This paper will focus on the study of two carbon emission manufacturing firms with limited rationality and heterogeneity expectation in the oligopoly market. From the internal perspective of market complexity evolution, this paper analyzes the internal mechanism of market competition fluctuation, and discusses the influence of different corresponding speed of enterprises on market stability through the nonlinear dynamics theory. The results show that the cost coefficient of technology emission reduction and the preference coefficient of carbon trading price for low-carbon products are the key factors affecting the competitive strategy of the two enterprises. The difference of the two factors will even change the relative investment intensity of emission reduction and the relative profitability and market stability of the two enterprises in the equilibrium state. In addition, the numerical analysis shows that the time-delay feedback control method could control the unstable behavior of the dynamic system efficiently and quickly, and make the market quickly back into a stable and orderly state, which provides a scientific basis for decision makers to effectively solve the market instability.
    Optimization on Tractor-and-trailer Transportation Scheduling with Full-empty State Transition
    XU Shi-da, HE Wen-qing, JIN Zhi-hong
    2022, 31(12):  55-61.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0387
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    This paper investigates the full and empty container transportation problem in a local area near a terminal. Each inbound and outbound demand can be split an interdependent empty container transport task and a full container transportation task. Therefore, the container could complete Full-Empty state transition and empty container reposition. The state transition time are affected by loading/unloading time, it need reasonable scheduling the tractor fleet, to avoid the two-stage task start time earlier than first-stage finish time, namely pre-task restraint. An integer programming model based on pre-task constraint is built and an Ant Colony Optimization algorithm with Cluster Select(CSACO) is designed. The validity of the model is verified by an example.
    Research on Risk Transmission of Emergencies in Supply Chain Based on an Improved GERT Network
    JING Yi, CAO Liu, ZHANG Wen-qiu
    2022, 31(12):  62-68.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0388
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    Emergencies can have a huge impact on the supply chain operation, and can even break the entire network. For the risk transmission issue of emergencies in the supply chain system, three models are constructed based on the GERT network, including the supply chain normal delivery model, the supply chain deferred delivery model, and the risk transmission model of emergencies. According to the structure of these models, the corresponding mathematical expressions of moment generating functions and transfer functions are derived. Based on the model analysis, a quantitative analysis strategy of risk transmission for emergencies in supply chain is developed. In this strategy, the final delay time for each link is obtained by comparing the solution results of the supply chain normal delivery model and the supply chain deferred delivery model, the extent to which risk accumulated during step by step transmission is described quantificationally by the fitting calculation of the risk transmission model of emergencies. Finally, a numerical example abstracted from an automobile production supply chain is suggested to demonstrate the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed models and approach.
    Pricing Decisions in a Closed-loop Supply Chain with Technology Licensing under Uncertain Collection Quantity
    HUANG Zu-qing, SHAO Wei, MENG Li-jun
    2022, 31(12):  69-75.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0389
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    More and more enterprises begin to adopt the operation mode of remanufacturing to alleviate the resource waste and environmental crisis. In order to focus on the manufacturing of new products, the original equipment manufacturer(OEM)can license the third-party remanufacturer (TPR) to undertake remanufacturing activities. The decisions on pricing of closed-loop supply chain based the uncertain demand are researched. The results indicate that, (1)when the collection quantity fluctuates in a small range, OEM and TPR need to consider the impact of the degree of risk-averse if they want to obtain profits no less than that in the case of collection determination; (2)when the collection quantity fluctuates in a large-scale, the wholesale price and retail price of new products and remanufactured products will be adjusted in opposite direction of the collection fluctuation for remanufactured products; (3)when the collection quantity is uncertain, the risk-averse OEM preferred to cooperate with the risk-neutral TPR. The OEM could reduce the licensing fee to avoid the risk, so that the TPR has profit margins to improve the recycling price, which is conducive to promoting the recycling of waste products and the sustainable development of the cooperation between the two sides.
    Financing and Coordination of Low-carbon Supply Chain with Capital Constraintsand Yield Uncertainty
    ZOU Qing-ming, LIU Chun, ZOU Ting-jun
    2022, 31(12):  76-85.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0390
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    In a supply chain consisting of a supplier and a capital-constrained manufacturer, this paper studies the financial and operational decisions of the supply chain in the presence of production uncertainty and consumers’ low-carbon preference. Under the carbon cap-and-trade mechanism, the optimal order quantity, the optimal wholesale price and optimal emission reduction level of supply chain members under the two financing strategies of deferred payment and loan payment are obtained.Theoptimal decisions and corresponding expected profit under the two financing strategies are respectively compared. Our results show that under the carbon cap-and-trade mechanism, the yield uncertainty is negatively correlated with the manufacturer’s order and carbon emission reduction; at the same interest rate level, the deferred paymentnot only simulates manufacturers to order more, but also induces carbon emission reduction level and the profits to supply chain members are also larger; the quantity discount contract can perfectly1 coordinate the supply chain under the financial constraint, but the revenue sharing contract cannot. We thendesign a new contract of revenue-sharing versus carbon emission reduction costs-sharing to coordinate the supply chain.Finally, numerical examples are used to verify the theoretical results.
    Research on Manufacturer Encroachment Considering Retailer’s Sales Effort
    ZHANG Chong, LIU Ying
    2022, 31(12):  86-92.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0391
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    Channel encroachment is gradually becoming an important strategy for enterprises to exploit the market and realize multi-channel sales.Considering the retailer’s sales effort, this paper studies the manufacturer’s channel encroachment decision. Four Stackelberg game models are constructed: no encroachmentand no sales effort, encroachment and no sales effort, no encroachment and invest in sales effort, encroachment and invest in sales effort. The research results show that when the manufacturer encroaches, the higher the level of asymmetric substitution between online direct channel and offline retail channel, the more unfavorable for the manufacturer to encroach. In the case of manufacturer encroachment, the retailer’s sales effort encourages the manufacturer to lower the wholesale price; when the cost of the manufacturer encroachment is large and the investment efficiency of retailer’s sales effort is high, the sales effort may be an effective anti-encroachment strategy for the retailer; the manufacturer encroachment reduces sales effort level of retailer.
    Time-lag GM(1, N) Model Based on New Kernel and Degree of Greyness Sequences and Its Application
    XIONG Ping-ping, SHI Jia, YAO Tian-xiang, YAN Shu-li
    2022, 31(12):  93-98.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0392
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    On the basis of the novel kernel and grayscale, the mechanism of the delayed action of the GM(1,N) model on the driving term is still unclear. Under the circumstances, time delay parameters are introduced into the driving term of GM(1,N) model, and a time delay GM(1,N) model based on the new kernel and gray scale is constructed. Meanwhile, the identification method of time lag parameters and the modeling mechanism of the new model are analyzed and discussed respectively. To better verify the validity of the model, the optimized time-lag GM(1,N) model is used to predict and analyze the haze in Nanjing, and the GM(1,N) model and the one-dimensional regression model are selected to compare with the optimized model in the paper. The results show that the optimized model fits the PM10 concentration with higher accuracy and the errors are all controlled within 5%, thus verifying that the proposed optimized model is suitable for simulation and prediction of data with time lag characteristics.
    Research on the Opportunity Maintenance Strategy of EMU Multi-component System Based on Integrated Importance Measure
    LIU Xiao-yang, WANG Hong, HE Yong, XIONG Lv, WANG Bing-hui
    2022, 31(12):  99-105.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0393
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    In view of the current maintenance mode of EMU trains in China, the opportunity maintenance strategy of EMU multi-component system based on the Integrated Importance Measure (IIM) is proposed, and the key components that contribute greatly to improving the reliability of the system are maintained on time first. The calculation model of the IIM of components is established, and the maintenance priority of components is sorted according to it. The optimal maintenance cycle and time of a single component are calculated with the goal of minimizing the total maintenance cost, and the opportunity maintenance model of a multi-component system considering the importance is established with the goal of minimizing the total maintenance cost of the system and the maintenance time of key components as the downtime of the system. The four component system replaced during the four-level repair of a certain EMU is selected as the research object to discuss the impact of the size of the opportunity maintenance mileage window and its offset on the maintenance effect. The comparison results show that the opportunity maintenance strategy considering the IIM can ensure the reliability of the key components that contribute greatly to the system reliability, and thus ensure the overall reliability of the system, under the condition that the maintenance cost is basically the same.
    An Approximation to Weibull Renewal Function
    JIANG Ren-yan, ZHANG Bi-wen
    2022, 31(12):  106-110.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0394
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    The renewal function of the Weibull distribution has many applications, such as product warranty policy analysis, maintenance decision optimization and spare part demand forecasting. The Weibull renewal function does not have a closed-form analytic expression. This leads to inconvenience for solving the optimization problems that involve the Weibull renewal function. A common problem of the existing approximations of the Weibull renewal function is that the accuracy decreases as the shape parameter increases. To address this issue, a novel approximation is proposed in this paper. When the shape parameter is larger than 3.65, the maximum relative error of the proposed approximation is considerably smaller than the maximum relative errors of the existing approximations. An example that deals with maintenance policy optimization is included to illustrate the accuracy and usefulness of the proposed approximation.
    Study on the Optimization Method of Three-dimensional Loading Logistics Distribution With Time Windows
    WANG Yong, WEI Yuan-han, JIANG Qiong, XU Mao-zeng
    2022, 31(12):  111-119.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0395
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    In order to overcome the short comings of the urban logistics distribution optimization study in the reasonable combination of customer service time windows and cargo loading modes, the relevant characteristics of the cargo loading modes and customer visiting sequences in the logistics distribution carriage are considered to select a reasonable carriage compartment partition mode. Firstly, this paper establishes a bi-objective optimization model including the minimum logistics operating costs and the maximum space utilization of vehicles, and the logistics operating costs contain the fixed cost of the distribution center, transportation cost, maintenance cost, vehicle rental cost, and the penalty cost of the time window violation. Secondly, a Genetic Algorithm-Tabu Search (GA-TS) hybrid algorithm that combines the global search capability of GA and the local search capability of TS is proposed to address this model. Finally, the proposed method and algorithm are verified and studied based on real-world case data of three-dimensional loading logistics distribution in Chongqing City, China, and the experimental results show that the optimization schemes of three-dimensional loading logistics distribution with time windows, and the changes in the logistics operating cost, the number of vehicles and average loading rate under different compartment partition modes are compared and analyzed. This study shows that when the number of types of goods required by customers is equal to the number of compartment partitions of vehicles, and the areas are divided according to the cargo types, the lowest logistics operating cost, the minimum number of vehicles and the highest average vehicle loading rate can be obtained.
    Application Research
    Credit Bond Portfolio Optimization Based on Two-factor CIR Intensity Pricing
    LI Hong-xi, SONG Yu
    2022, 31(12):  120-127.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0396
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    This paper constructs a credit bond portfolio optimization model including interest rate and credit double risk factors, and Monte Carlo simulation solves the following problems: Firstly, under the framework of the intensity pricing model, the CIR stochastic interest rate model is used to describe the stochastic dynamic changes of the interest rate risk factor “risk-free interest rate” and the credit risk factor “default intensity”, which are measured in two types of risks. They affect the market value of credit bonds to construct a CRRA-type investment utility function. The CRRA-type investment utility function is maximized as the objective function, while controlling both interest rate and credit risk. It makes up for the shortcomings of the existing research that only considers credit risk or interest rate risk separately and cannot control the two risks as a whole. Second, the risk-free interest rate is used as a factor to influence the intensity of default. The two-factor CIR model of “risk-free interest rate factor” and “pure credit factor” is used to fit the default intensity, and the impact of market interest rate change on bond default intensity and the correlation between the two risks are reflected. The portfolio model considers both credit risk and interest rate risk, and the interaction of the two risks. We avoid ignoring the correlation between the two risks and optimizing the risk of underestimating when optimizing the portfolio.
    Background RiskPortfolio SelectionModel with Conservative Short-selling and Financial Distress
    LIU Yong-jun, LI Ying-ying, ZHANG Wei-guo
    2022, 31(12):  128-135.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0397
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    How to reasonably consider both the background risks faced by investors and the real market constraints to make effective investment decisions is an important practical management decision problem that has aroused wide concern. This paper studies a portfolio selection problem with conservative short selling and financial distress, where investors face both additive and multiplicative background risks. We assume that investors seek the optimal portfolio strategies with the objectives of maximizing the investment return, minimizing the investment risk and minimizing the financial distress about the issuers of the securities. We propose a background risk portfolio model with conservative short selling and financial distress. Then, we apply the nondominant sorting genetic algorithm with elite strategy to solve the proposed model. After that, we provide an empirical analysis to demonstrate the application of our model. The computational results show that incorporating conservative short selling into portfolio selection can provide investors with a higher investment return, and the change of either of the aforementioned two types of background risk will lead to the change of efficient frontier.
    Research on Portfolio Optimization Based on Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic Environment
    ZHOU Xiao-guang, HE Xin, WANG Xiao-ling
    2022, 31(12):  136-142.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0398
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    Compared with traditional fuzzy portfolio, portfolio selection based on hesitant fuzzy linguistic can not only use natural linguistic to evaluate financial assets and their uncertainties, but also avoid the loss of information during the evaluation process. The scores of different financial products are calculated based on the hesitant fuzzy linguistic portfolio comprehensive evaluation system. By setting the parameter values of different semantic scale functions and the thresholds of the hesitant fuzzy linguistic optimization models, maximum returns and minimum risks hesitant fuzzy linguistic portfolio models are proposed for the three types of investors: aggressive, moderate and conservative. The optimal solutions of hesitant fuzzy language portfolio are obtained by solving the proposed nonlinear models. Finally, numerical simulations are used to verify the rationalities and validities of the proposed models.
    Network Structure, Capital Buffer and Systematic Risk Contagion Effect of Banks ——Data from 14 Listed Commercial Banks in China from 2007 to 2017
    LIU Chao, GAO Feng-feng, CHEN Wei-guo
    2022, 31(12):  143-149.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0399
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    The sound operation of the banking system is of great significance to the healthy development of thenational economy. We construct a bank network to conduct empirical research on the contagion effect of systemic risk in Chinese banks by using debt matrix and complete decomposition model without residual, which is about two factors: network structure and capital buffer. Based on the data of 14 commercial banks in China from 2007 to 2017, the statistical analysis results show that there is a complex correlation between network structure and systemic risk of banks and the capital buffer has a significant negative correlation with the systemic risk of banks. Network structure is the decisive factor to induce systemic risk fluctuation and capital buffer plays a vital role in reducing systemic risk during the financial crisis. In addition, state-owned commercial banks have closer debt relationships with other banks, and they make a greater contribution to systemic financial risks. Bank of China (BOC) is in an important position in the network structure, and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) and China Construction Bank(CCB)are in a secondary one. The results have theoretical basis for capital supervision and macro-prudential policies.
    Method of Multi-index Risk Estimation and Control Strategy of the Banking Industry under the Complex Environment ——Based on the Provincial Level Panel Data of China
    MA Zhan-xin, ZHANG Lei
    2022, 31(12):  150-156.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0400
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    For the current complex financial environment in the whole world, it will be helpful to prevent andresolve the financial crisis and build a national financial security to effectively identify the financial risk and its changing trends. Especially in the time that the big data finance is developing rapidly, it is more important to monitor the situation and trend of financial risk by using data information. Therefore, this paper is based on the previous experience data and gives a method of calculating the maximum risk surface and the minimum risk surface. Then, the method to calculate the comprehensive risk index and projection of decision-making unit are given by using above maximum risk surface. At the same time, the degree and strategy of risk reduction are estimated by using the minimum risk surface. Finally, this paper analyzes the risk situation and improvement strategy of banking industry in 31 provinces of China from 2013 to 2017.
    Research on Dynamic Dependence Structure among the Stock Prices of New Energy, Fossil Energy, and High-technology Companies
    DU Zi-ping, SUN Ruize-ze
    2022, 31(12):  157-164.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0401
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    This paper puts new energy, high-technology and fossil energy industry in the same framework, investigating dynamic dependence structure of their stock prices through causality tests, time-varying copula and rolling window R-vine copula, and the main results are: highest co-movement is observed between new energy and high-technology, which surpasses that within energy industry, indicating that investors view new energy as an industry with significant high-tech character; the dependence between new energy and high-technology shows an downward trend, while that between new energy and fossil energy is upward; the tail dependence between new energy and high-technology fluctuate wildly, which may suggest high sensitivity of new energyindustry’s high-technology character to policy change; instead of supporting the traditional view that the success of new energy companies depends on theapplication of specific technology, the empirical results pointtoanalternativemechanism.
    Evaluation of Ecotourism Satisfaction Based on Online Text Mining
    SUN Bao-sheng, AO Chang-lin, WANG Jing-xia, ZHAO Ming-yang
    2022, 31(12):  165-172.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0402
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    Scientific evaluation of tourist satisfaction could contribute to the sustainable development of ecotourism. With the development of Web 2.0 technology, online travel reviews have become important sources of studies on tourist satisfaction of tourism destination. This paper constructs tourist satisfaction evaluation index system and evaluation model based on online travel reviews and online text mining to evaluate tourist satisfaction of ecotourism destination quantitatively by taking Zhalong national nature reserve as an example. The results suggest that total satisfaction is 0.614, at the fundamentally satisfied level. This research not only provides a new perspective of an accurate assessment of the tourist satisfaction of ecotourism destination, but also provides references for formulating ecotourism policy.
    Study of Coordination for Online Channel based on Spillover Effect
    WANG Tao, YAN Bo
    2022, 31(12):  173-178.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0403
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    Considering the reality of limited audience for manufacturer-owned channels, the spillover effect that can increase the audience of manufacturer-owned channel of E-business platform was introduced into an online channel model which is constituted by a manufacturer and an E-business platform which sales its own products. The problems of optimal decision making were analyzed in three scenarios. The first scenario is that the manufacturer does not enter E-business platform, the second one is that the manufacturer enters this platform and establishes its own online channel, the last one is that the manufacturer enters this platform but does not establish its own online channel. The results show that the realization of manufacturer’s optimal profit will be effected by consumers’ preference on the products selling on manufacturer’s own channel. And, if the manufacturer enters the platform, centralized decision will get more whole channel profit than decentralized decision whether manufacturer establishes its own online channel or not. But the channel will get more whole profit when the manufacturer does not enter the platform than enters the platform if the spillover effect of E-business platform is relatively high and the consumers’ preference on the product of manufacturer’s own channel is relatively small. At last, different coordination mechanisms are designed for different online channel structures according to the referral fee rate of E-business platform, which makes the online channel achieves Pareto improvement.
    Simulation Research on Conflicts of Matching Persons and Posts in High-risk Construction Based on Prospect Theory
    ZHANG Yu, LI Si-hao, LIU Hong-yong
    2022, 31(12):  179-184.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0404
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    To study the risk decision-making characteristics of construction workers who choose high-risk posts, a cellular automata model for construction workers’ choosing risky construction posts is built based on the value function of prospect theory for a simulation experiment, then hierarchy regression analysis is carried out on the experiment data acquired. The results show that persons who choose high-risk posts generally have the psychological traits of overestimating returns, underestimating accident losses and probability, and low loss aversion, which is contrary to the post requirements, namely, “person-post matching paradox”. This means that in reality, those who choose to work in high-risk positions are not only prone to overestimate the benefits, but also tend to underestimate the accident probability and loss. However, high-risk jobs require workers to have a stronger sense of risk and a more stable style of behavior to avoid safety risks. The increase of basic salaries may lead more workers, especially workers with diminishing utility with low returns, to choose high-risk posts; and high accident losses, diminishing returns with low loss, loss aversion and sensitization of high probability will prompt workers to choose low-risk posts. Regarding workers’ high-risk post choosing behaviors, there is a complementary effect between loss aversion and probability sensitization, but an substitution effect among loss diminishing and loss aversion and probability sensitization.
    Rural Households’ Access Willingness and Continuous Use Behavior of Gas ——Empirical Analysis Based on ATUAT Model Case of Shaanxi Province
    LIU Jun-feng
    2022, 31(12):  185-192.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0405
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    Gas into the household is an important part of the clean and green energy revolution.in China’s vast rural areas. This paper has researched on the rural households’ access willingness and Continuous use behavior by means of data of Shaanxi Province and Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology / UTAUT. The results show that perceived risk, convenience condition, performance expectation and community influence have a significantly positive impact on the access willingness of rural households. Access willingness has a positive impact on continuous use behavior, while convenience condition can not directly affect continuous use behavior. Age and family per capita annual income have significant moderating effects on the impact of performance expectation on access intention, and the higher the per capita annual income, the higher the expectation of natural gas and its use, while farmers aged 40~60 are more willing to access natural gas and use it; usage experience has a moderating effect on perceived risk and community influence on access intention. Thus, it is suggested that the government should strengthen the guiding role, and timely issue a systematic and complete package of rural gas promotion policies; gas enterprises should organize gas sources in many ways to ensure gas supply, strengthen cost accounting and provide qualified gas services and technical support; farmers should actively increase their income, change their consumption senses, learn and master the knowledge of safe gas use, furthermore encourage farmers with gas usage experience to use natural gas first, and drive neighbors, relatives and friends to accept natural gas energy usage.
    Study on the Dynamic Industrial Upgrading Effect of Green Technology Innovation in China ——Adjustment Based on Heterogeneous Environmental Regulations
    HAN Xian-feng, LI Jia-jia, DONG Ming-fang
    2022, 31(12):  193-199.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0406
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    This paper uses provincial panel data from 2004 to 2017 and the threshold regression technique, and makes an empirical analysis of the heterogeneous dynamic adjustment effect of three types of environmental regulations on the industrial upgrading promoted by green technology innovation. The three types of environmental regulations include command-based regulation, economic-based regulation and voluntary regulation. The result indicates that green technology significantly promotes domestic industrial upgrading, and the promoting effect is featured by dynamic inverted “U” style. Environmental regulation functions as a “regulator” in the process of industrial upgrading promoted by green technology innovation, and it can not only reverse adverse effect of green technology innovation on industrial upgrading, but also help to promote the industrial upgrading effect of green technology innovation. Environmental regulations significantly regulate the dynamic effect of green technology innovation on industrial upgrading, showing the character of positive “U” style under the adjustment of command-based and economic-based environmental regulation, and positive inverted “U” style under the voluntary environmental regulation. Different types of environmental regulations have different adjustment effects, from the perspective of adjustment methods, the command-based environmental regulation is the most effective, the economic-based environmental regulation takes the second place, and the voluntary environmental regulation is the weakest. From the perspective of spatial difference, the eastern region is the most significant, the central region takes the second place, and the western region is worse.
    Research on Platform Pricing Considering the Benefits of Idle Capacity Sharing Participants
    HAO Jia-qin, ZHAO Dao-zhi, HAN Hong-shuai
    2022, 31(12):  200-206.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0407
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    With the rapid development of information technology, the sharing of idle capacity has graduallybecome an important capacity utilization mode in the production field. In order to study the optimal pricing of platform when idle capacity is shared, under the condition that the platform collects transaction fees from suppliers and does not charge the demanders, the basic models of commercial platform and public welfare platform are established and compared. The pricing model of platform X with certain weight considering the benefits of other participants is built on the basis of the basic model to discuss the influence of weight on the optimal transaction cost, the quantity of both the supplier and the supplier and the optimal profit of the platform. Finally, the important theorems and the influence of weight on the utility of both parties are verified by the numerical example. The results show that: (1)the optimal transaction fee and the optimal profit obtained by commercial platform are higher than that of public welfare platform; (2)the optimal transaction fee and optimal profit obtained by the platform X considering the benefits of other participants, the quantity and utility of demander increase with the increase of weight, while the quantity and utility of the supplier decrease with the weight. This paper provides theoretical reference for the behavior decision of platform operators and enterprises.
    Management Science
    Research on the Efficiency of Energy Services Listed Companies in China Based on Three-stage SBM Model
    LIU Hui-min, TAO Jun-peng, WANG Shan-shan, HE Hui
    2022, 31(12):  207-213.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0408
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    The efficiency of energy services companies is of great significance to promoting the development of the energy services industry and ensuring the realization of the national “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals”. Using a three-stage SBM model, an empirical study is conducted to examine the technical efficiency of 60 Chinese energy services listed companies in 2020, and analyze the factors affecting the technical efficiency. The results show that the level of economic development has a dual impact on technical efficiency; suitable industrial structure and high return on invested capital contribute to the improvement of technical efficiency, while government subsidies and company survival time restrict the improvement of technical efficiency. After eliminating the influence of environmental factors and random errors, the technical efficiency of most companies decreases, and the overall technical efficiency is low. The scale efficiency is the key to improving technical efficiency, and most companies are in the state of increasing returns to scale. Finally, the research proposes several feasible suggestions for further improving the technical efficiency of energy services companies, including innovating the way of subsidy, establishing a company certification system, carrying out comprehensive energy services, and promoting mergers and acquisitions among energy services companies.
    Intelligent House Management System for Medical Consumables Based on the Internet of Things
    HUANG Guo-xing, YANG Zhi-peng, CHEN Liang-hong, RUAN Shu-jie, HUANG Kang, YANG Qin, MENG Guan-jun, DING Shu-guang
    2022, 31(12):  214-219.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0409
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    In order to reduce labor costs and improve the intelligent management level of medical high-value consumables, there are many types of medical high-value consumables and difficult management. This paper proposes a management system for the smart house of high-value medical consumables based on the Internet of Things, and introduces the overall architecture, system functions, core business and process design of the smart house. The large module includes four major businesses: user management, inbound and outbound management, inventory inventory, and expiration date warning. Through the GM(1,1)model, the monthly consumption of high-value medical consumables in 2022 is predicted and analyzed, and the inspection results are obtained. The accuracy level of the prediction model is level 1, and the model prediction effect is very good, which can provide a reference for hospital procurement personnel to purchase, and avoid the waste of consumables caused by excessive subjective estimation. The system can effectively improve the hospital’s management level of high-value medical consumables, reduce the consumption of manpower, material resources and financial resources, and provide more high-quality medical services for the majority of patients. The intelligent house management system of high-value medical consumables proposed in this paper solves many problems in the management of traditional high-value medical consumables.
    Research of Ambidextrous Learning,Industry and Liability of Foreignness
    CAI Ling-sha, DU Xiao-jun, YANG Hui-fang, ZHANG Zhong-liang
    2022, 31(12):  220-226.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0410
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    Liability of foreignness is an important factor affecting the foreign direct investment of multinational corporations. Multinational corporations need to consider the problem of overcoming liability of foreignness in the early stage of OFDI. Existing theories have gaps in exploring strategies to overcome liability of foreignness, and pay less attention to the relationship between learning modes to liability of foreignness. Selecting 181 Chinese listed companies,1051 foreign direct investment events as samples, this paper analyzes the impact of ambidextrous learning on liability of foreignness, and the moderating effect of industry knowledge intensity. The results show that the balanced learning has a significant negative relationship with liability of foreignness; industry knowledge intensity can moderate the relationship between the balanced learning and liability of foreignness. From the aspects of reasonable layout the overseas strategy and focus on the industry characteristics, the results provide practical implications to weaken the liability of foreignness for multinational corporations.
    Manufacturer’s Strategies on Per-Use Rental Adoption and Product Line
    LIU Jian, WAN Mi-yu, ZHOU Hui, JIANG Wei-fan
    2022, 31(12):  227-233.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0411
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    Considering the existence of self-owned and third-party rental platform, with automobile quality divided into functional quality and environmental quality, a mathematical model for product line strategy are established under the selling model, per-use rental model and the hybrid model, the interaction between product line strategy and business model choice is investigated. The research shows that cannibalization effect and pooling effect are key factors which determine the influence of car-sharing scheme on product line. When cannibalization or pooling effect is increasing, the manufacturer has incentive to adopt vehicles with higher functional quality and lower environmental quality. Car-sharing scheme is able to improve both profit and product environmental performance. But in a certain condition, when consumers have low price-sensitivity, high-level usage cost and low-level pooling effect are essential to improve both profit and product environmental performance at the same time. When consumers have high price-sensitivity, it is the condition to realize an overall improvement that usage cost and pooling effect are both at low level.
    A Review of Supervised Learning Methods Based on Complex Networks
    YUAN Yuan, GUO Jin-li
    2022, 31(12):  234-239.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0412
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    Complex networks have become a general method for complex system analysis. With the wide rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning, more and more scholars are beginning to pay attention to machine learning on complex networks. As an important part of machine learning, supervised learning is studied and summarized in this paper. Firstly, starting from the theoretical basis of complex networks and supervised learning, this paper clarifies the concepts and measurement methods of similarity function and anisotropy function, systematically sorts out the construction methods of complex networks, and expounds the concept of supervised learning and its position in machine learning. Secondly, it introduces several commonly used algorithms of supervised learning and sorts out the research status of various algorithms. Then, the future direction of supervised learning based on complex networks is proposed. Finally, the limitations of supervised learning methods based on complex networks are explained, which provides references for relevant scholars.
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