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    25 March 2024, Volume 33 Issue 3
    Theory Analysis and Methodology Study
    Optimization Methods for Multi-phase Equipment Maintenance Material Supply Considering Lateral Transshipment
    ZHANG Chuang, CAO Junhai, LI Yantong, GUO Yiming
    2024, 33(3):  1-7.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0070
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    Equipment maintenance material is important resource for conducting equipment maintenance and support tasks in wartime, and maintaining the combat effectiveness of the army. The supply of wartime equipment maintenance material has the features of multi-subjects, multi-ways, multi-phases, and multi-optimization problems. Multi-subject represents the demand side (the army), transportation side, and supply side including the rear and field warehouses. Multi mode means that the supply of equipment maintenance material can be fulfilled by multiples ways, such as direct supply from the rear warehouses, supply from the field warehouses, and lateral transshipment. Multi-phase means the supply task usually has multiple phases since the military operation generally includes more than one phase. Multi-optimization problem means that a complete equipment maintenance material supply plan needs to solve various typical optimization problems such as field warehouse location selection, demand allocation, supply mode selection, warehouse inventory control, transportation vehicle route planning, etc.
       Therefore, the paper describes the above-mentioned equipment maintenance material supply problem from the overall perspective and define it as a combinatorial location-inventory-routing problem that simultaneously make decisions on field warehouse location selection, demand allocation, inventory control, and vehicle route planning. A multi-stage and multi-level material supply mode was built considering direct supply from the rare warehouse, hierarchical supply from field warehouses, and lateral transshipment between troops. A mixed integer linear programming model with the goal of minimizing the total supply cost is then formulated. Specifically, the total cost includes four parts, i.e., the of ordering cost of material from the rear warehouse, the opening cost of field warehouses, inventory costs, and transportation costs. The model considers lateral transshipment under limited transportation capacity between troops and will evaluate its impact on the objective function value in the numerical experiment.
       In terms of algorithm design, the problem studied in the paper is NP-hard, which has high complexity and difficulty in solving, and requires the development of efficient heuristic algorithms. Therefore, the paper introduces the simulated annealing into the logic-based Benders decomposition algorithm to form an efficient heuristic algorithm. The basic principle is to decompose the original problem into a main problem and a subproblem and solve them iteratively. The main problem is to determine the location selection of field warehouses, demand allocation, and inventory control. The solution obtained after solving the main problem is used as the lower bound of the original problem, and the solution of the relevant variables is transmitted to the subproblem, so that the subproblem can be described as a series of classical traveling salesman problems. The simulated annealing method is used to quickly solve the subproblem, and the complete solution of the original problem is obtained as the upper bound of the original problem. The optimality Benders cuts based on the upper bound value are then generated and returned to the main problem for the next iteration. As the number of iterations increases, the difference between the upper and lower bounds gradually decreases. When the upper and lower bounds are equal or other predetermined termination conditions are reached, the iteration process stops and the final solution to the problem is obtained.
       In order to verify the effectiveness of the algorithm proposed in the paper, numerical experiments were conducted using sample data. The experimental results showed that: 1)The LBBD algorithm proposed in this paper can effectively reduce problem complexity and improve solution quality. The total cost of the supply solution obtained by the LBBD algorithm is 41.62% lower than that obtained by the CPLEX solver. 2)Considering lateral transshipment can effectively reduce total cost by 6.24%, and can improve the flexibility of the supply system.
    Multi-objective Optimization of Adaptive MEWMA Chart Base on Weibull Distribution Function
    WANG Haiyu
    2024, 33(3):  8-14.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0071
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    Control chart is a common statistical quality control method widely used in quality management activities of various production and service processes. For the monitoring of two or more interrelated quality characteristics, the method of multivariate control charts is usually used. With the increasing complexity of production and service processes, multivariate control charts have received increasing attention in the field of quality control. In recent years, there have been many studies on improving and optimizing their monitoring efficiency. The exponential weighted moving average method can fully utilize current and historical sampling detection data to identify trends in process changes. Therefore, MEWMA chart constructed by combining EWMA and commonly used multivariate Hotelling statistics can still be regarded as an effective multivariate quality monitoring method.
       In practical applications, the various control chart parameters of MEWMA remain unchanged, making it simple to apply but there is still room for further improvement in its monitoring efficiency. Therefore, this article adopts the Weibull cumulative distribution function to construct an adaptive MEWMA chart that can dynamically adjust the EWMA smoothing coefficient based on sampling data. The statistical and economic performance evaluation indicators of the control chart are relatively accurate average product length (APL) and unit product average quality cost. The calculation method of these two indicators is studied, and an adaptive MEWMA chart economic-statistical multi-objective optimization design model for a specific shift is constructed with both as objective functions. In practical applications, abnormal shifts that may occur during the process are often difficult to determine in advance, and only the approximate range of shift degree can be known. Therefore, constructing a monitoring plan for a specific shift range rather than a specific shift is more in line with practical application needs. In a certain shift range, this article first selects multiple representative specific shift values, and uses multi-objective optimization design models to calculate multiple non-inferior solutions for each specific shift value. Then, the technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) is used to compare and rank these non-inferior solutions, thereby selecting the optimal design solution that is relatively effective for the entire shift range. The calculation steps of this optimization design method are explained through a specific example and compared with the other two adaptive multivariate control charts and existing MEWMA economic statistical design methods. The results indicate that the optimized design in this article has significant advantages in both statistical and economic performance.
        In this study, only adaptive adjustments are made to the smoothing coefficient, while other parameters such as sample size, sampling interval, and control limits remained fixed. The monitoring performance of MEWMA chart is significantly improved, but there is still room for further improvement. Subsequent research will consider adaptive adjustments to these control chart parameters to achieve more comprehensive adaptive dynamic optimization.
    Optimal Insurance with Net Loss Constraint in the High-loss Range of the Insured
    MA Benjiang, JIANG Xuehai
    2024, 33(3):  15-21.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0072
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    Optimal insurance design has always been a hot and difficult issue in insurance theory research. The Arrow model, as a classical model to study the insured’s optimal insurance problem, has been widely used in theoretical and practical circles. Since the Arrow model was put forward, the improvement and optimization around it have never stopped. The improvement and optimization does not mean the utility improvement in information economics, but the design of a more realistic and reasonable insurance model to fully reflect the actual needs of the insured, so as to improve their enthusiasm for purchasing insurance. However, the existing research rarely pays attention to the need of the insured’s risk constraint, and cannot guarantee the expected compensation level of the insured. In the case of incomplete insurance, the insured usually hopes to get enough compensation from the insurance company after loss occurs, so that their actual loss can be controlled within the expected acceptable range, which will be more in line with their original intention of insurance purchase for risk transfer and the types of risk avoidance of most insured. Therefore, this paper intends to set the insured’s risk constraint conditions on the basis of the Arrow model, and study the optimal insurance problem with net loss constraint in the high loss interval of the insured. The designed insurance contract can effectively meet the needs of the insured’s risk constraint and deepen the social management function of insurance transfer risk. Therefore, this study is of far-reaching significance not only for the theoretical expansion of the Arrow model, but also for the long-term development of the insurance market.
       Firstly, the model is solved from fixed premium to general premium. It is pointed out that if the solution of the Arrow model satisfies the net loss constraint of the insured, the solution of this model is the same as that of the Arrow model, and the optimal policy is a partial insurance contract with only one deductible. Otherwise, the model will have a special solution, and the optimal policy is a partial insurance contract with two deductibles. For the special solution of this model, we use an intermediate value to prove a sufficient condition that the excess premium is strictly positive, and thus obtain the key quantitative characteristics among the relevant variables of the optimal insurance contract. Because the intermediate variable has significant economic meaning (that is, the change of deductible at this point will cause the reverse equal change of premium), the above proof method is universal and can be popularized. Then, comparing the special solution of this model with the solution of the Arrow model, we find that when the insured utility is optimal, the compensation level provided by this model is always not lower than that of the Arrow model when dealing with high losses, while the compensation level provided by this model for IARA (/DARA/CARA) insured is lower than (/higher than/equal to) the Arrow model in turn when dealing with low losses. In addition, when the solution of Arrow model is the solution of this model, the utility of the insured will be optimal. Moreover, the expected utility of the insured will gradually increase with the increase in the specific value of loss and the upper limit of net loss. The difference is that the solution of the Arrow model is the solution of this model until the former is close to positive infinity, while the latter only needs to be increased to a certain extent so that the solution of the Arrow model satisfies this constraint, the solution of the Arrow model is the solution of this model, and then the utility of the insured is optimal and no longer increases.
       Finally, it should be pointed out that the introduction of the net loss constraint of the insured into the Arrow model may face the moral hazard problem of the insured. The Arrow model describes deductible insurance. Obviously, introducing this constraint into proportional compensation insurance will have more research value, and there will be no moral hazard problem of the insured, so this is an important direction of future research. Considering that the Arrow model plays an important role in the research of insurance theory, the next research can also consider introducing the upper limit of the expected net loss of the insured into the Arrow model. On the one hand, it can guarantee the expected compensation level of the insured as well as this model, and on the other hand, there is no moral hazard problem of the insured, so this is also an important direction of future research.
    Adaptive Optimization Model of Highway Bridge Dynamic Maintenance Strategy Based on Measured Data
    WANG Chongjiao, YAO Changrong, ZHAO Siguang, ZHAO Shida, QIANG Bin, LI Yadong
    2024, 33(3):  22-27.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0073
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    With the rapid development of highway transportation industry of China, the number of highway bridges is also increasing, and bridge maintenance work is becoming increasingly important. Existing bridges have different degrees of aging, damage, and other issues that require timely repair and maintenance to ensure their safety and reliability. During the formulation of highway bridge maintenance strategies, it is necessary for management departments to effectively utilize limited resources during the operation period to ensure the service safety of existing bridges. Therefore, formulating scientific maintenance strategies is of great significance for the reasonable arrangement of bridge maintenance work and the reasonable allocation of maintenance resources.
       To construct an optimization model for the maintenance strategy of highway bridges, the performance detection data of 208 highway bridges in coastal area and 176 highway bridges in inland area with historical maintenance work are analyzed from 1996 to 2020. Based on the distribution type test and maximum likelihood estimation of these long-term performance detection data, a probabilistic model of the training gain coefficient considering the length of service and the frequency of training is established. Based on the improved inverse Gaussian process, an evaluation method for the remaining service life of the bridge and the reliability of the next detection time is proposed, and the maintenance decision vector and decision rule are established according to the evaluation results. The dynamic maintenance strategy model of bridge is established by embedding Markov chain in the improved inverse Gaussian deterioration process and combining Bayesian update method, and the prediction performance of the model is evaluated by using a large number of measured data. The results show that the average relative error of the model prediction is 11.1%, which can meet the needs of the project to a certain extent. The improved gray wolf algorithm is used to adaptively optimize the decision vector in the dynamic maintenance strategy model. The improved grey wolf algorithm is used to adaptively optimize the decision vector in the dynamic maintenance strategy model to find the decision vector with the lowest remaining life cumulative cost. The existence of the optimal solution of the decision vector and the effectiveness of the adaptive optimization model are verified by an actual bridge optimization example.
       Through the evaluation of model performance with a large number of measured data, the results show that when no data classification is performed, the prediction accuracy of the dynamic maintenance strategy model is relatively low. After classification by service region, the average relative error decreases by 50.9%, and the prediction performance is significantly improved. After further subdivision of the data by bridge size, the average relative error increases by 17.6%, especially for extra-large bridges, which increases by 33.2%. After evaluation, when the service region is divided, the total average relative error of prediction using the dynamic maintenance strategy model for 8 datasets is 11.1%, which is the lowest prediction error after exhaustive search. It can meet engineering needs to a certain extent. Finally, the improved gray wolf algorithm is used to adaptively optimize the decision vector in the dynamic maintenance strategy model, and find the decision vector that minimizes the cumulative cost of remaining life. An actual coastal small bridge is selected as an optimization example to confirm the existence of the optimal solution of decision vector.
    Reduced Order Backtracking Algorithm for Minimum Connected Vertex Covering Problem
    ZENG bin, NING Aibing, FU Zhenxing, LI Zhiqiao, ZHANG Huizhen
    2024, 33(3):  28-34.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0074
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    The NP-hard problem in combinatorial optimization has a strong practical engineering application background in many fields such as operations research and management science, and has attracted many scholars to study. The research results have remarkable effects in practical applications, but there are still some areas worth improving. For NP-hard problems in combinatorial optimization, although it is relatively simple in mathematical expression, the difficulty with solving will become extremely difficult with the scale of the problem. Using the traditional exact algorithm to solve the problem, although the optimal solution of the problem can be solved, the solving time is generally intolerable for large-scale problems. Heuristic algorithms are often used to solve large-scale NP-hard problems. However, although heuristic algorithms are fast, they can not obtain the optimal solution of the problem in general, and can only obtain a feasible solution with good quality through many large-scale experiments. However, in general, only an approximate solution can be provided, and the exact solution is required by practical engineering. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the mathematical properties and exact algorithms with low time complexity for such problems, which can not only overcome the shortcomings of existing algorithms, but also provide basic mathematical properties and new research ideas for designing other algorithms.Therefore, starting from the algorithm for the minimum connected vertex cover problem, this paper proposes a reduced-order backtracking algorithm based on the mathematical properties of the problem. By designing the exact algorithm based on the mathematical properties of the problem, it can not only overcome the shortcoming that the heuristic algorithm can not obtain the optimal solution in general cases, but also improve the shortcomings of the traditional exact algorithm for this problem, which has high worst time complexity.
       In addition, studying the general mathematical properties of NP-hard problems and applying the mathematical properties of specific problems to the actual algorithm design can not only provide a strong mathematical basis for the design of lower complexity exact algorithms, but also play a positive role in the design of heuristic algorithms and approximation algorithms with lower time complexity.
       The Minmum Connected Vertex Cover (MCVC) problem is derived from the Minmum Vertex Cover (MVC) problem. The MCVC problem on general graphs is NP-hard. This problem has important application value in the design of wireless network, the arrangement of communication fiber, and the laying of floor electrical lines. To a certain extent, it can not only reduce the resource waste of network line laying and electrical line laying, but also reduce the waste of power resources, and play a role in reducing power loss and improving the utilization efficiency of power resources. The MCVC problem was first proposed by M.R.Garey and D.S.Johnson when they studied the NP-hard problem of rectilinear Steiner tree, which is to find a connected vertex cover set with the minimum number of vertices in a given undirected graph.
       Firstly, this paper studies the mathematical properties of the problem. Some of the mathematical properties can determine whether some vertices are in or not in the minimum connected vertex covering set in batches, so as to reduce the scale of the problem and improve the speed of the accurate algorithm. Secondly, on the basis of mathematical properties, the upper and lower bound sub algorithm, reduced order sub algorithm and backtracking sub algorithm are designed to solve the optimal solution of the problem. Finally, time complexity analysis and examples of wireless network design show that the algorithm can not only obtain the optimal solution of the problem, but also has lower time complexity than the general accurate algorithm.
    Two-sided Matching Decision Method Based on TODIM in the Pythagorean Fuzzy Environment
    HU Wen, YUE Qi
    2024, 33(3):  35-40.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0075
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    There are various types of two-sided matching problems in people’s social work and economic life. With the continuous development of two-sided matching theory and the deepening of research on two-sided matching methods, in the actual two-sided matching decision-making process, decision-makers are easily affected by their own cognitive limitations and the complex external environment, resulting in an increase in the ambiguity and uncertainty of their preference information expression. In addition, in the decision-making process, decision-makers often rely on intuitive judgments and lack sufficiently rational decision-making habits, which are often reflected in the final matching results. In response to this decision-making situation, this article proposes a two-sided matching decision-making method that targets multiple decision-making psychology of decision-makers.
       First, the two-sided matching problem based on Pythagorean fuzzy information is elaborated to depict the complex decision-making environment faced by decision-makers in the decision-making process as much as possible and avoid data loss and distortion in the evaluation information collection process. Second, based on the TODIM (Tomada de Deciso Interativa Multicritério) idea, the overall dominance of two-sided subjects compared with the matching subjects on the other side is obtained, and then a two-sided matching satisfaction matrix is constructed. Then, considering the one-to-one quantity matching constraint of two-sided subjects, a multi-objective two-sided matching decision model is established to maximize the satisfaction of two-sided subjects. Finally, it is further transformed into a single objective two-sided matching model by the linear weighting method, and the optimal two-sided matching scheme is obtained by model solution. The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method is verified through a transaction matching example in actual supply chain management system software.
       The research results indicate that in the complex decision-making environment, the method proposed in this paper takes into account the psychological behaviors of reference dependence and loss avoidance that may occur in the decision-making process of matching subjects, as well as the hesitation information of the Pythagorean fuzzy set, and therefore, it is more feasible to solve two-sided matching problems in the Pythagorean fuzzy environment. This study enriches the application of Pythagorean fuzzy sets in the field of two-sided matching decision-making, but further exploration is needed to explore psychological behaviors of subjects such as regret and disappointment behaviors that may occur, as well as the two-sided matching decision-making methods under various forms of preference information expression.
    Evolutionary Game Analysis of Construction Labor Information Sharing
    SHENG Da, LUO Hanbin, CHEN Ke
    2024, 33(3):  41-48.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0076
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    Construction workers in China are confronted with a series of challenges including imbalanced age structure, disordered labor mobility, low levels of professional skills, inadequate protection of rights and interests, and a lack of a unified market. They are unable to meet the needs of high-quality development in China’s construction industry, necessitating a transition towards an industrialized workforce. Against the backdrop of information technology driving high-quality development across various sectors, the construction industry is actively exploring the use of information technology to manage construction workers and enhance their professionalism. Existing studies have delved into various aspects of the industrialization of construction workers. Some studies have recognized the importance of sharing information about construction workers and have proposed recommendations for integrating and sharing construction worker information through a unified platform. However, overall, there is limited research exploring the impact of information sharing on the industrialization of construction workers. As a result, there is a lack of theoretical support to accelerate the promotion of information management, a crucial measure for cultivating a new era workforce in the construction industry. This restriction, in turn, hampers the industrialization process of construction workers.
       Evolutionary game theory overcomes the human rational hypothesis, and is applicable to various research problems under conditions of incomplete information. It has been widely used to study the formation process of social norms, and institutions or systems. To bridge the research gap of the industrialization of construction workers in China, this paper constructs an evolutionary game model among construction workers, construction labor subcontractors, and construction contractors, and analyzes the evolutionary stable equilibrium points of the model, stability judgments and stability conditions of each equilibrium point based on the second method of Liapunov. Furthermore, four representative game scenarios are simulated using numerical simulation methods. From the evolution path of the simulation model, the impact of information sharing on the behavior of players such as construction workers, construction labor subcontractors and construction contractors are further clarified.
       The research findings demonstrate that information sharing plays a decisive role in the industrialization process of construction workers. In the absence of information sharing, neither the group of construction labor subcontractors nor the group of construction workers evolves autonomously into stable states of specialized enterprises and professionalized workers. Only with information sharing, under specific initial conditions, does the system stabilize into an equilibrium state. Here, construction contractors choose to share information, construction labor subcontractors opt for specialized development, and construction workers pursue professional development. Additionally, based on the analysis of key influencing factors, the stability of the system is also influenced by factors such as the information sharing costs of construction contractors, the quality benefits of construction contractors, and income disparities among construction labor subcontractors. Specifically, reducing the cost of information sharing for construction contractors, increasing their quality benefits, and raising income disparities among construction labor subcontractors can reduce the restrictions on the initial conditions and accelerate the rate of evolution.
       Based on the research conclusions, the paper also puts forward policy suggestions to promote the development of the construction industrialization workforce, such as reducing information sharing costs, establishing quality-based incentive mechanisms, building construction contractor alliances, and establishing incentive mechanisms based on the level of construction operations.
    Evolutionary Game Analysis of Three Groups in Digital Transformation of Small and Medium-sized Manufacturing Enterprises from the Perspective of Collaboration
    LU Shichang, YI Xuantong, LI Dan
    2024, 33(3):  49-55.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0077
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    Digital technology brings opportunities for the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industries. It is particularly important to promote the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry. However, most enterprises in China are on the primary level of transformation and are severely polarized. Small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises are facing the dilemma of digital transformation due to high transformation costs, financial pressure, and weak digitalization foundations. How to promote the digital transformation of small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises, and promote the construction of manufacturing digital industrial system is of great significance.
       Industrial Internet platforms provide digital empowerment scenarios for small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises. This paper constructs an evolutionary game model with the government, platform and enterprises as the main players from a synergistic point of view to explore the key factors that promote the digital transformation of enterprises in depth. At the same time, it analyzes the role of financial institutions’ financial inclusion factors in influencing the strategic choices of the main body of the game. And Matlab is used to numerically simulate the key influencing factors and analyze the strategy selection of each game party and the stability of the equilibrium point of the system.
       The results show that: Firstly, the willingness of enterprises and platforms to participate in digital transformation is directly proportional to the intensity of government tax incentives. Tax incentives can effectively enhance the digital transformation enthusiasm of small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises. When the tax rebate ratio is within a certain interval, government departments’ increase in the intensity of tax rebates can effectively promote the transformation and upgrading of enterprises. Secondly, compared with other influencing factors, the proportion of value-added services charged by the cloud platform has a more significant impact on enterprise strategy selection. When the proportion of platform service fees charged is less than the critical value, the rate of in-depth digital transformation of enterprises is inversely proportional to the proportion of value-added services. When the coefficient is greater than the critical value, enterprise and platform strategies keep changing and influencing each other, and the overall system cannot reach a stable state. Thirdly, changes in the intensity of government subsidies to the platform have different impacts on the three parties of the system. When the intensity of government subsidies to the platform is less than the critical value, the increase in the intensity of subsidies has a good incentive effect on the platform and enterprises. In addition, the increase in the probability of loans from financial institutions to enterprises can effectively improve the evolution rate of cloud platforms and enterprises tending to stabilize, and the rate at which the government chooses to actively promote the platform is inversely proportional to the probability of successful loans, and the implementation of inclusive finance can alleviate the pressure on the government’s subsidy costs.
       This paper provides some heuristic suggestions for promoting the digital transformation of manufacturing enterprises: the government can intervene in the market at the initial stage of the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry by means of tax incentives and other means. The subsidies for industrial Internet platforms will be controlled within a certain range, so that the platform relies on its own business to realize long-term profitability and promote industrial transformation to reach the expected level. At the same time, financial institutions should actively explore inclusive financial projects that can effectively empower the digitalization of enterprises.
    Modeling of AGV Assignment Considering Charging Factors at Automated Container Terminals
    ZENG Qingcheng, LI Mingze, YUN Xiao
    2024, 33(3):  56-62.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0078
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    In automated container terminals, the horizontal transportation system plays a crucial role, connecting the berth and yard, two complex subsystems, and is considered one of the key factors affecting the efficiency of the entire container terminal. The horizontal transportation system is responsible for scheduling a limited number of Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV), which transport import and export containers repeatedly between the berth and yard, completing vessel loading and unloading tasks. With the continuous enlargement of container ship sizes, the number of containers to be loaded and unloaded upon vessel berthing also significantly increases. However, due to the confined operational area, the simultaneous operation of a large number of AGV can lead to considerable conflicts and congestion, and simply increasing the number of AGV operations cannot alleviate the operational pressure on the horizontal transportation system. Failure to allocate tasks to AGV reasonably and generate operational sequences will result in decreased efficiency, increased operational costs, and may even affect the overall operational efficiency of the automated terminal. On the other hand, currently, all AGV in large-scale automated container terminals are powered solely by electricity. However, constrained by existing battery technology, their battery capacity is limited, restricting their maximum travel distance after a single full charge. Therefore, this study aims to allocate operational tasks to AGV while selecting appropriate charging times, effectively reducing the operational costs of the horizontal transportation system, improving operational reliability, and ensuring the operational efficiency of automated container terminals.
       To address these issues, this study constructs a spatio-temporal network graph based on the operational process and charging characteristics of AGV, depicting both transportation tasks and charging processes. By combining the traditional AGV task allocation problem with the charging problem and transforming them into graph problems, this study effectively reduces the complexity of the model. Based on the constructed network graph, we aim to minimize the transportation costs of AGV fixed, transportation, and charging systems, and build a model for task allocation optimization and charging time selection to decide AGV task allocation, operational sequences, and charging times. We employ the Dantzig-Wolfe principle to decompose the model into a main problem of path-based set partitioning and a shortest path sub-problem with constraints such as battery capacity, placing different nature constraints in the main problem and sub-problem separately to reduce the complexity of model solving. For the decomposed main problem and sub-problem, we design a solution framework based on the branch-and-price algorithm. This framework generates initial solutions using a greedy algorithm, continuously solves the main problem using commercial solvers, and designs a label correction algorithm to solve the sub-problem to obtain fractional solutions of the model. Finally, based on the arc branching strategy, we obtain integer solutions, construct the AGV task operation sequence with the lowest cost, and select charging times for each AGV.
       Finally, this study generates experimental data based on the fully automated Phase IV terminal of Shanghai Yangshan Port Area in China, and conducts simulation experiments on cases of different scales to test the performance of the proposed model algorithm. The results of small-scale experiments demonstrate that the proposed model and algorithm can obtain accurate solutions in a short time, consistent with the results of directly solving the original model after linearization, obtaining AGV task sequences including charging tasks, greatly improving solution efficiency. Large-scale experiment results indicate that the proposed model and algorithm can effectively apply to practical scheduling operations of terminal AGV, optimize AGV task allocation and operational sequences, select reasonable charging times, and effectively reduce the operational costs of the horizontal transportation system. Sensitivity analysis of scheduling schemes reveals that the more tasks and complex terminal layouts, the more AGV are required to complete loading and unloading tasks, leading to higher operational costs. An sensitivity analysis of battery capacity shows that with the decrease in battery capacity, the method proposed in this study will prioritize increasing the number of charging times for AGV to reuse them. When the maximum distance decreases to a certain extent, relying solely on increasing charging times cannot complete the operational tasks, and further increasing the number of AGV operations will be necessary to ensure the completion of container loading and unloading tasks.
    Model of Cooperative Games with Coalition Structures on the Cost Sharing Scheme of Installing Elevators for Existing Multi-storey Residential Buildings and Its Axiomatization
    SHAN Erfang, YU Zhiqiang, LYU Wenrong, NIE Shanshan
    2024, 33(3):  63-68.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0079
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    A cooperative game with transferable utility(TU-game) assumes that all players can communicate with one another and focus on how to rationalize the distribution of group benefits. TU-game assumes that all possible coalitions are feasible in the classical TU-game. In practice, however, many collaborations do not really happen due to geographical, communication technology or organizational influences.We therefore need to place limits on cooperation, and there are two main types of constraint structures in cooperative games. Myerson (1977) introduced restrictions to the communication among players through a graph, and claimed that players can cooperate only when there is a link between them. Aumann (1974)constructed a cooperative game with coalition structures, and declared that only players belong to a same priori union can they communicate. Usually, we call the allocation in a cooperative game the value. The Shapley value (Shapley, 1953) is the most famous value in TU-game, claiming that benefits should be distributed according to marginal utility. However, the equal division value divides the benefits equally, and believes that equal distribution makes cooperation possible.
       China built a large number of multi-storey buildings from the 1970s to 1980s, and due to technical and financial pressures, most of them were not fitted with elevators. In order to improve the quality of life of the residents and solve thetravel difficulties of the elderly, governments accelerate the process of installing elevators in existing multi-storey residential buildings. There are many factors that affect the installation work, and the most controversial one is the cost sharing scheme. Because the residents on different floors have different demands for elevators, the residents on lower floors often do not agree to install elevators or share a lot of costs, which has seriously delayed the progress of installing elevators. Therefore, this paper proposes a weight system to describe this demand difference, or named allocation difference. Considering the cooperative game with coalition structures, as residents on the same floor often have the same interests, we take the residents on the same floor as a priori union. In this way, the problem with installing elevators in existing multi-storey residential buildings can be reduced to a weighted cooperative game model with coalition structures.
       Based on this model, this paper proposes an allocation method called “weighted division value”. We use the four properties of additivity, weighted symmetry within unions, weighted symmetry among unions and nullifying player property to characterize this value. Then we apply this value to the cost sharing scheme of installing elevators in existing multi-storey residential buildings in Shanghai. When the appropriate weights are taken, the allocation rule implies the guiding standard for cost sharing of owners in existing multi-storey residential buildings in most cities of China, which provides an accurate theoretical basis for the perfection, promotion and implementation of this standard. The results show that residents on lower floors will share less under a staggered entry and those on higher floors will share less under a flat entry, which explains the reason for disputes among residents over different methods of installation. And if we only use floorage as the basis for determining weights, there will also be a large cost difference between residents on the same floor, which is likely to undermine the original union structure. Finally, the “weighted distribution value” proposed in this paper can also be used in the allocation of enterprise performance bonus, stock dividend and other construction costs of facilities (wells, monitoring, fitness equipment).
    Research on Emergency Material Scheduling Considering Disaster-difference and Multiple Material Satisfaction
    WANG Baiyu, YU Wuyang
    2024, 33(3):  69-75.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0080
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    The issue of post disaster material assistance, as the most important part of disaster relief, deserves widespread attention. At the same time, the methods of post disaster rescue also greatly affect the satisfaction of disaster victims. The satisfaction of the disaster victims directly reflects the problems that exist during the rescue process, and can also provide a certain reference for the next rescue activity. The most common problems in the process of material rescue are delayed arrival, shortage, and unfair distribution of materials. Therefore, these three indicators are determined as the important criteria for measuring the satisfaction of disaster victims.
       Considering the varying degrees of disaster suffered by disaster victims in different regions, the demand for these three indicators also varies. Therefore, the disaster victims in the disaster area are divided into three parts: heavy disaster area, medium disaster area, and light disaster area. In order to have a more accurate understanding of the needs of different disaster areas, a questionnaire survey is used to obtain different satisfaction standards for rescue efficiency and fairness for different types of people. At the same time, considering that different types of disaster victims may have different levels of satisfaction with different types of materials, multi material rescue is adopted. Three different types of materials are considered, namely food, medicine, and daily necessities. And we determine the priority of treating different types of materials based on on-site research,and quantify it as a satisfaction value and combine it with the previously determined satisfaction function to further improve a more practical satisfaction model.
       The established model aims to maximize the satisfaction of disaster victims, with limited supplies and vehicle loads as constraints. We simultaneously consider the corresponding genetic algorithm as the solution algorithm for the model,and slightly improve the algorithm by introducing a virtual distribution center, transforming the multi vehicle distribution problem into a single center vehicle routing problem. Taking Typhoon “Lichma” in 2019 as a case scenario, a case analysis is conducted to compare and analyze the rescue plans and corresponding satisfaction levels of each disaster site, with and without distinguishing satisfaction measurement standards.
       Through comparison, it can be concluded that under the condition of distinguishing satisfaction measurement standards, higher overall satisfaction can be achieved on the basis of the original satisfaction. The total delivery time is shorter, the total demand unmet rate is reduced, the total difference rate is reduced, and fair satisfaction is improved. The overall delivery plan is more efficient and targeted. It has been proven that dividing disaster areas into different satisfaction measurement standards and prioritizing materials is effective. Based on the traditional single standard satisfaction measurement standard, the model is more realistic, resulting in a more reasonable allocation of limited resources, prioritizing aid to severely affected areas, and fully utilizing corresponding different types of materials to avoid situations where material types and needs do not match. Future research can consider utilizing big data technology to timely collect, summarize, and update the needs of disaster victims, so as to improve the satisfaction model of disaster victims. At the same time, it is also possible to consider the psychological factors of disaster victims and quantify their psychology, which can better reflect the principles of humanitarian rescue.
    Continuous Time IS-LM Model Controllability and Simulation
    WANG Xiangbing
    2024, 33(3):  76-81.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0081
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    Adjustments and fluctuations in various economic variables profoundly impact the dynamic evolution of the product market and currency market in a real-world economic system, causing constant fluctuations, oscillations, imbalances, and other non-equilibrium states. Due to the imbalance and fluctuations in the product market and currency market, the macro-economy is affected with a significant negative impact, while stabilizing the product market and currency market fundamentally promotes the stable and rapid development of the macro-economy. To this end, this study establishes a continuous-time IS-LM dynamic model under the standard assumptions of contemporary economics, studies the dynamic structural characteristics of the continuous-time IS-LM model, designs its control law analysis, conducts simulation analysis, and then obtains the following meaningful conclusion:
       First, the continuous-time IS-LM model dynamic system has reachability and controllability. This proposition describes the relationship between the input variables and state variables of the continuous-time IS-LM dynamic system, indicating that there is always a control variable that enables the initial state of the continuous-time IS-LM dynamic system to be transferred to the required state within a limited time. That is, through policy regulation, the operating state of the continuous-time IS-LM dynamic system can be changed so that it can achieve the economic operating situation desired by the decision-maker.
       Second, the observability index of the continuous-time IS-LM dynamic system is 2, which means it has complete observability. This proposition describes the relationship between the output variables and state variables of the continuous-time IS-LM dynamic system, indicating that the initial state of the continuous-time IS-LM dynamic system can be uniquely determined by the system output in a limited time period, which is the continuous-time IS-LM dynamic system. The system can determine the operating status of the system by observing its output variables.
        Third, for the continuous-time IS-LM dynamic system, a pure gain feedback controller is designed through this study to make the closed-loop system asymptotically stable and achieve output regulation. This proposition shows that by designing an appropriate controller, the continuous-time IS-LM dynamic system can be made asymptotically stable, and the system can have the expected dynamic performance, thereby achieving the control objectives of the continuous-time IS-LM dynamic system. The simulation analysis shows that the feedback control law designed in this study is effective in controlling the continuous-time IS-LM model dynamic system.
        Fourth, IS-LM is a vital framework tool in modern economic theory to describe the movement of real economic systems. Under the standard assumptions of modern economics, the controllability of the IS-LM model has been rigorously proven for the first time. This proposition shows that the authorities can design corresponding fiscal and monetary policies based on the macroeconomic development trend to achieve effective adjustment and control of the evolutionary state of the IS-LM system, that is, the macroeconomic system is controllable. This provides theoretical support for the government to use fiscal and monetary policies to implement macro-control to smooth out the negative impact of economic fluctuations and imbalances on economic development.
    Design of the Nonparametric Adaptive EWMA SR Control Chart with Variable Sampling Intervals
    TANG Anan, HU Xuelong, XIE Fupeng, SUN Jinsheng
    2024, 33(3):  82-88.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0082
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    Traditional control charts like the Shewhart control chart only utilize the current sample information, while the exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) control chart combines current and historical data through a smoothing constant for improved shift detection ability. However, the performance of these parametric control charts relies heavily on the assumption that the process data follows a specific probability distribution, typically the normal distribution. When this parametric assumption is violated, the control charts can suffer from low detection power and frequent false alarms. This paper will introduce a new nonparametric adaptive exponentially weighted moving average (AEWMA) control chart based on the Wilcoxon signed-rank (SR) statistic to monitor process median shifts when the underlying data distribution is unknown or non-normal. The proposed AEWMA SR control chart leverages the robust properties of nonparametric statistics while inheriting the overall superior shift detection capabilities of adaptive schemes. The smoothing constant of the proposed adaptive exponentially weighted updating schemeis adjustable based on the magnitude of the monitoring statistic through a discrete error transmission function. This allows the AEWMA SR control chart to automatically emphasize recent or past observations to optimally detect different levels of shifts. To further enhance its detection rapidity, the authors study the properties of the AEWMA SR control chart under a variable sampling interval (VSI) strategy. Two sampling intervals are utilized: a shorter interval when the statistic falls in a warning zone around the center line to quickly detect any potential shifts, and a longer interval in the safety zone to reduce sampling costs. The exact run-length performance measures including the average run length (ARL) and the average time to signal (ATS) are derived using the Markov chain approach. An optimization procedure is developed to determine the optimal set of chart parameters (smoothing constants, error transmission function coefficients, control limits, and sampling intervals) that minimizes the out-of-control ARL over a range of shifts while constraining the in-control ARL. Extensive comparisons are made between various fixed and variable sampling interval configurations of AEWMA SR and EWMA SR control charts. The results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed VSI AEWMA SR control chart in providing robust and balanced shift detection performance across different magnitudes of shifts. Unlike individual EWMA control charts tuned for specific shifts, the AEWMA adaptation allows general sensitivity to a range of shifts. Furthermore, the VSI feature leads to substantially faster signaling times (lower out-of-control ATS values) compared to fixed-sampling charts. The paper also presents approaches to recursively calculate the probability mass functions of the run length under both in-control and out-of-control conditions. A case study on vibration acceleration monitoring data is provided, highlighting the rapidity of the VSI AEWMA SR control chart in detecting a shift compared to its fixed-sampling counterpart. In summary, this research introduces an effective nonparametric AEWMA control charting technique that offers robust median monitoring performance when data distributions are unknown, combines the advantages of adaptation and variable sampling intervals, and provides a comprehensive optimization and evaluation framework. The VSI AEWMA SR control chart is a valuable scheme for various applications where parametric assumptions may not hold and flexible, efficient shift detection is critical.
    New Method of Weighting Based on Timing Gain Excitation and Application
    ZHANG Xiaoming, LIU Jun, YI Pingtao, LI Weiwei, DONG Qiankun
    2024, 33(3):  89-95.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0083
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    As a research branch of comprehensive evaluation, incentive evaluation can influence individual decision-making through information transfer and behavioural induction. Existing incentive evaluation methods mainly focus on the evaluation information of the evaluated object in different time periods to achieve the incentive of the evaluated object, and there are still three problems worth noting: (1)The pertinence of the incentive is not obvious. (2)The evaluated object is a passive recipient of the incentive results and has no influence on the incentive process. (3)The specific purpose of motivation is neglected. Aiming at the above three problems, this paper takes the motivation problem in dynamic comprehensive evaluation as the background, and transfers the motivation perspective from the evaluation results to the index weights, so that the decision-makers can make clear the development status of the evaluated objects under different attributes. Decision makers can accurately deliver incentive information to the evaluated objects, and the evaluated objects can also be clear about the incentive orientation and understand their own specific strengths and weaknesses. In addition, the incentive is given at the indicator level, from which the final incentive amount is obtained. It is the linear increment of the observed value of each evaluated object, which is the same for each evaluated object, without losing fairness.
       In this paper, for the dynamic comprehensive evaluation problem with incentive characteristics, on the basis of hierarchical rules and incentive orientation, we propose a time series gain incentive assignment method with identification function. Firstly, according to the trend and state of the overall gain speed of each evaluated object in each index, the evaluation indexes are identified and stratified in accordance with the stratification rule; then the trend and state of the overall gain speed are “cumulatively” assembled to get the corresponding incentive quantity, and the weights of the indexes are determined according to the incentive orientation in the form of combination assignment. Finally, the application process of the method is illustrated through the empirical analysis of the level of science and technology development in 31 provinces in China. Taken together, the incentive empowerment method (positive or negative incentive) shows the effectiveness of the method compared with the existing empowerment (G1method) method: the change of the evaluation value causes the change of the ranking under the effect of incentive. With the increase of incentive-oriented coefficient, the final assessed value of each province and region increases (or decreases) towards the incentive trend, and its ranking change is enhanced by the trend, and the number of provinces and regions with ranking changes is also increasing. Under positive incentive orientation, the 31 provincial domains are guided to make full use of their strengths as a whole and to perform more strongly on benign indicators. Under the counter-incentive orientation, the 31 provinces are guided to pay attention to the prevention of risky indicators and emphasise coordinated development to avoid “losing sight of the other”. Taking the incentive-oriented coefficient as an example, we analyse the scientific and technological development level of the 31 provinces and regions, and find that: the scientific and technological development level of the 31 provinces and regions varies greatly, and the scientific and technological development of the 31 provinces and regions is relatively unbalanced; the scientific and technological transformation of the 31 provinces and regions is relatively weak, but it still has the potential to rise; and the “quantity” of the 31 provinces and regions’ investment in R&D personnel is greater than the “quantity” of R&D personnel. The “quantity” of R&D personnel investment in China’s 31 provinces and regions is greater than the “quantity”, and the ratio tends to be unbalanced.
       Compared with the research on incentives for evaluating values, this method pays more attention to the development trend of the evaluated objects in each evaluation index, and incentivises each evaluated object according to the unified incentive rules and incentive orientation, which not only promotes the precise guidance of decision makers to the evaluated objects, but also achieves the fair evaluation of each evaluated object. In addition, compared with the dynamic comprehensive evaluation method that does not consider the development trend, the method of this paper takes into account the overall development trend of the indicators while taking into account the differences in the development potential of different indicators, which reflects the gap of each evaluated object in a more in-depth manner and is reflected in the change of the evaluation value and ordinal value of each evaluated object, and ultimately achieves the purpose of incentives and penalties. From the perspective of incentives, this empowerment method fully takes into account the development trend and development potential of the evaluated targets in each indicator, according to which the evaluated targets can judge their own advantages and shortcomings, and the decision makers can grasp the overall development of the evaluated targets in a comprehensive manner, so as to achieve precise guidance, overall balance and fair incentives.
    Pricing Strategy for Non-profit Ride-hailing Platforms: Static Pricing vs.Surge Pricing
    JIN Kangning, LIN Xiaogang, LIN Qiang, ZHOU Yongwu
    2024, 33(3):  96-103.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0084
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    In recent years, the sharing economy has emerged increasingly, and the most representative business model is the ride-hailing platform. Due to the continued losses of profit maximization platform and the government’s concern about the development of social welfare in the ride-hailing field, the non-profit ride-hailing platform led by the government will gradually emerge in the future. Different from the traditional sharing economy research which considers the profit maximization as the goal of the ride-hailing platform, the non-profit ride-hailing platform which takes the social welfare maximization as the goal has also attracted wide attention. However, the non-profit ride-hailing platform that dispatches drivers under demand uncertainty faces the problem of how to formulate pricing strategies to improve social welfare.
       This paper constructs a decision-making model for a non-profit ride-hailing platform under two pricing strategies: static pricing and surge pricing, and comparatively analyzes the impact of different pricing strategies on the platform’s optimal price, social welfare, consumer surplus, and labor welfare. On this basis, the paper further will analyze the differential performance when the ride-hailing platform adopts surge pricing under social welfare maximization and profit maximization.
       The study finds that: (1)When there is uncertainty in service demand, the profit-maximizing ride-hailing platform choosing surge pricing will not be inferior to static pricing. (2)The social welfare of static pricing is always close to the social welfare of surge pricing in most cases. Only when demand fluctuates greatly, will online ride-hailing platforms need to consider surge pricing to better maximize social welfare. Considering the operational convenience of static pricing strategy and its easier understanding and acceptance by consumers, static pricing is a better pricing strategy choice for the non-profit ride-hailing platform. (3)The profit maximization platform’s use of surge pricing may cause supply shortages, while the social welfare maximization platform’s use of surge pricing can always match supply and demand and lead to the growth of consumer surplus. This conclusion has important guiding significance for the government to guide the pricing of urban ride-hailing services. Therefore, if the surge pricing strategy aimed at maximizing profit causes a supply shortage, it will not be conducive to realizing the basic functions of public transportation services. Moreover, although the surge pricing strategy with the goal of maximizing social welfare can promote a balanced supply and demand matching on the platform, it will also lead to a reduction in the surplus of service providers (drivers) on the ride-hailing platform, forcing the platform to increase the commission rate to “compensate” for drivers. (4)By analyzing and comparing the differences between static pricing strategies under social welfare maximization and profit maximization, the results show that the two have the same pricing when the probability of low demand is moderately low or high. When the market is always in high demand or has a moderate probability of low demand, a platform that maximizes social welfare can better match demand or improve the utility of individual consumers’ access to services, thereby increasing consumer surplus but reducing driver welfare.
       The above conclusions can provide important theoretical support and decision-making reference for governments to formulate service policy plan for the the ride-hailing platforms. For the government, the basic function of ride-hailing service is to ensure that urban residents can obtain basic commuting services at the lowest cost. Therefore, realizing the basic functional services of public transportation for online ride-hailing is often the first priority for government decision-makers. The research conclusion points out, short-term surge pricing strategy can also be adopted when facing special circumstances that cause large fluctuations in demand (such as the occurrence of large-scale events). However, when daily life needs are relatively stable, static pricing is still the preferred pricing strategy for the non-profit ride-hailing platform, both from the perspective of maximizing social welfare and the simple operation of pricing.
    Reliability Modeling and Calculation of Balanced Systems with Multiple Failures
    DONG Qinglai, WANG Weiwei
    2024, 33(3):  104-110.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0085
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    The reliability theory originated in the 1930s, and the reliability problem was emphasized before and after the Second World War. With the development of society, the performance of military equipment has been greatly enhanced, but the increase in complexity has also increased the failure rate. Driven by actual demand, since the 1950s, the application of reliability has gradually expanded from the field of military technology to many fields such as national economy and people’s livelihood. In the fields of new energy storage, aerospace, machinery manufacturing, etc., balance characteristics are the basic requirements for the normal operation of many key systems, and based on the system perspective, such systems are usually called balanced systems. If they have performance imbalance or failure, it will accelerate system degradation or directly lead to system damage, resulting in serious consequences. The study of system reliability can effectively prevent or reduce the occurrence of system failures and accidents. Reliability modeling and related index calculation of equilibrium system is one of the research hot spots in reliability theory and engineering field.
       For the series balance system composed of multiple components, it is assumed that each component gradually degrades under the environmental impact and presents multiple states. The performance balance of the system depends on the state of the components and their arrangement position, that is, when the parts of the system whose degradation degree exceeds a certain threshold are distributed in a certain area, the system will lose the performance balance. Considering single component failure leading to system failure and three types of system performance imbalance leading to system failure and four types of failure behaviors, when the number of continuous components with sparse dl that are greater than or equal to a certain state threshold is greater than or equal to bl, the system will lose performance balance. When the number of continuous components that are greater than or equal to a certain status threshold is greater than or equal to bt, the system will lose performance balance. When the cumulative number of components greater than or equal to a certain state threshold is greater than or equal to bw, the system will lose performance balance, so a balanced system reliability model considering multiple failure behaviors is constructed. Through the two-step finite Markov chain embedding method, the survival probability of the component in any state is obtained first, and then the reliability of the performance balance system is obtained according to the survival probability analytic formula of the single component.
       Hydraulic support is an important part of fully mechanized coal mining equipment, widely used in coal seam mining face roof support, and the running state of hydraulic support is an important indicator of the safety of the whole face operation. After the impact of the hydraulic support system, because each component is damaged to different degrees, according to the different placement of the damaged parts, the system is at different levels of operation. If one of the brackets fails, the entire system will fail. Therefore, it is very important to study the reliability of the engineering equipment. The research object of this paper is the system composed of multi-state components, which is composed of multiple components. If the arrangement position of the components exceeding the threshold value is concentrated on a certain range or the failure of a single component leads to the failure of the system, the reliability model will be constructed and the reliability of the system solved. The research shows that the greater the value in an impact environment, the stronger the bearing capacity of the components, and the higher the reliability of the system. The effectiveness of the proposed model and method is verified.
    Application Research
    Research on the Passenger Screening Cost of the Dual Device System of Airport Security Screening
    ZHAO Zhenwu, WANG Junjie, ZHENG Wenyue
    2024, 33(3):  111-117.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0086
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    Civil aviation security check is an important part of air defense security, and it is the last line of defense to prevent passengers and their carry-on luggage from carrying prohibited items into the aircraft. TheInternational Air Transport Association (IATA) proposed“future security checkpoint”, through a series of security inspection equipment alone or in combination, combined with the passenger information for risk assessment, and allocated differentiated security channel for passengers with different risk levels. At present, most airports in the United States have begun to use the double equipment combination of walk-through metal detector and millimeter wave human body imaging equipment, where walk-through metal detector is the first stage of inspection, and millimeter wave human body imaging equipment is the second stage of inspection. This paper intends to study this double equipment system.
       In the process of passenger personal inspection, two types of errors will occur when the security inspection equipment is running: false alarm and false clear. The false clear leads to passengers carrying contraband into the aircraft, and the false alarm takes up the security inspection resources. The two types of errors affect the security of the system and cause waste of security costs. Because the two types of errors generated by the security inspection system can’t be eliminated, it is of great significance to optimize the security cost within the acceptable range of the two types of errors in the system. This paper studies a dual-device system based on walk-through metal detector and millimeter wave body imaging device, and optimizes the security cost on the premise of ensuring system security. Personal security equipment produces the two types of errors: false alarm and false release when checking passengers. The response of the security equipment is simulated by normal distribution, and the probability of the two types of errors is controlled by the equipment alarm threshold. After all passengers pass through the first-stage walk through metal door, the second-stage millimeter wave body imaging device is checked according to the alarm of the walk-through metal detector. The combined alarm of the two devices determines the system alarm and system clear. Security rule 1: all the first-stage and second-stage equipment alarms lead to the security system alarm; the security system release refers to the situation where the first-stage equipment does not raise the alarm, or the first-stage equipment sounds the alarm but the second-stage equipment does not sound the alarm. Security rule 2: the first-stage equipment raises the alarm, or the first-stage equipment does not raise the alarm but the second-stage equipment sounds the alarm; the security system clear refers to the situation where the first-stage and second-stage equipment do not raise the alarm. The security of the two security rules is analyzed within the acceptable range of the two types of errors, and the best security rules for strict and common security channels are determined. Aiming at the two kinds of security rules, the nonlinear programming models of security cost are established respectively with the two kinds of system errors as the constraints, and finally solved by Monte Carlo simulation method.
       Compared with the existing research, the innovation in this paper is mainly reflected in the following: this paper simulates the response of security equipment as a normal distribution, and considers the variability of the two kinds of error probabilities of the equipment with the threshold; it analyzes the security and applicability of the two kinds of security rules. By comparing their respective advantages, the best security rules are assigned to the common and strict security channels. The results show that security rule 1 is suitable for the common security channel, and security rule 2 is suitable for the strict security channel. The minimum security cost of the two rules is similar, and the per capita security cost of security rule 1 is lower than that of security rule 2.
    Analysis of Try-Before-You-Buy Based on the Double Entry Mental Account under Consumer Returns
    LI Tingting, WU Xinyi
    2024, 33(3):  118-124.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0087
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    With the rapid development of science and technology and the continuous progress of e-commerce, the retail industry has ushered in new development opportunities. In order to meet the development needs of thedigital economy era, more and more enterprises begin to transform. They open online sales channels on the basis of traditional sales channels and implement diversified sales methods. While online operations bring dividends to the development of enterprises, they also bring new challenges. For example, consumers have higher requirements for the delivery speed of goods, the service level of merchants, and after-sales service, etc., which affect consumers’ purchasing behavior.More importantly, because consumers cannot perceive and experience the product, they cannot accurately evaluate the value of the product to themselves, and may choose to return the product after receiving it. Returning product brings hassle cost to consumers, such as time cost and transportation cost, which further deepens consumers’ pre-purchase concerns. In order to alleviate consumers’ concerns about online purchases and improve their shopping experience, major e-commerce platforms have successively launched a new purchase method, which is try-before-you-buy. Under the try-before-you-buy purchase mode, consumers can experience the product for free and pay after the trial period, which greatly improves customer satisfaction. However, some consumers abuse the lenient return policies provided by retailers. They buy products with the intention of short-term borrowing rather than long-term consumption, which is called opportunistic consumers in this paper. They bring losses to the retailers, which is inevitable. So they have attracted the attention of the retailers, and are also the research hotspot of scholars in the field of consumer returns. Therefore, the opportunistic behavior of consumers has become the key issue that retailers need to pay attention to when deciding whether to provide the try-before-you-buy purchase mode.
       Against the background of a single retailer selling products through online channels, this paper takes the psychological account and opportunistic behavior of consumers as the perspective. Based on the double-entry mental accounting theory and expected utility theory of consumers, we consider the impact of the try-before-you-buy purchase mode on consumers’ purchase psychology, and investigate the impact of opportunistic consumers in the market on whether the retailer should provide the try-before-you-buy purchase mode. According to different purchase modes that can be provided by the retailer and different types of consumers in the market, this paper examines four cases in which the normal purchase mode and try-before-you-buy purchase mode are combined with regular consumers and opportunistic consumers, obtains the optimal selling strategy of the retailer in each case, and the results of the four cases are compared and analyzed with numerical analysis.
       The research results show that the try-before-you-buy purchase mode can improve the market demand, and the retailer is more inclined to provide this service when the return hassle cost of the consumers is low. When the retailer only provides the normal purchase mode, opportunistic consumers will decrease the selling price and the profit of the retailer. When there are both regular consumers and opportunistic consumers and the discount factor is small, the retailer can charge a higher selling price and obtain a higher profit by providing try-before-you-buy service.The results of this paper not only enrich the related research on the try-before-you-buy purchase mode and opportunistic consumers, but also have certain guiding significance for retailers to decide sales strategies.
    Study on the Model of “Agricultural Super-docking” Considering Green Technology Investment
    CAO Yu, DUAN Ruishan, DAI Zeyu, XUN Jingya, DU Zhiwei
    2024, 33(3):  125-132.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0088
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    The “agricultural super-docking” model has become one of the new sales models for farmers and agricultural enterprises to sell agricultural products due to its advantages of reducing circulation links, reducing transaction costs, and ensuring the quality of agricultural products. However, supermarkets are always dominant in the supply chain of agricultural supermarkets, so supermarkets can maximize their profits by making ordering and pricing decisions, which will reduce farmers’ motivation to engage in green production and not be conducive to the sustainable development of supermarkets in the long run. Based on this, how to design a cooperation strategy for the “agricultural super-docking” model to motivate farmers to provide greener agricultural products and enable both farmers and supermarkets to achieve Pareto improvement is a problem worth studying. Some scholars have considered the advantages of the “agricultural super-docking” model and the contract design issues between farmers and supermarkets in existing research on the “agricultural super-docking” model, but have not considered the disadvantaged position of farmers in the model and the sales of green agricultural products in supermarkets. Only a few mathematicians have considered the role of farmers’ cooperatives. Farmers’ cooperatives are usually established through government promotion. On the one hand, they are more binding on farmers, and on the other hand, when supermarkets sign contracts with cooperatives, they have the advantage of lower accountability costs in case of default compared to signing contracts with individual farmers. Therefore, it is necessary to study the “agricultural super-docking” supply chain composed of farmers, cooperatives, and supermarkets. In addition, research on the supply chain of green agricultural products mainly focuses on using empirical research methods to explore the main factors affecting farmers’ green investment, including farmers’ own characteristics, consumer preferences, etc. There is a lack of research on the sales of green agricultural products in the “agricultural super-docking” model, and there is a lack of research on the relevant decisions of green agricultural products from the perspective of supply chain operation optimization.
       This article introduces the level of green investment into the “agricultural super-docking”, while considering the planting risks of agricultural products. Based on the advantages of strong binding force on farmers and low cost of supermarket accountability, farmers’ cooperatives are introduced into the “agricultural super-docking” to study the green investment decision-making problem of farmers and the optimal decision-making problem of supermarkets under two different supply chain models: “farmers+supermarkets” and “farmers+ farmers’ cooperatives+supermarkets”. Specifically, the optimal green investment and wholesale price decisions of farmers in three models: the “farmer+supermarket” model, the “farmer+farmer’ cooperative+supermarket” model based on gross profit commission contracts, and the “farmer+supermarket” model based on net profit commission contracts, analyze the impact of factors such as unit cost, sensitivity of demand to greenness, and cost coefficient of green technology investment on the optimal decision-making of supply chain entities, and vertically compare the expected utility of supermarkets under different modes.
       The research has found that farmers have the highest level of green technology investment under a centralized supply chain, followed by the “farmers+farmers’ cooperatives+supermarkets” model based on net income commission contracts. The higher the sensitivity of consumers to green degree, the higher the expected utility of farmers and the level of green technology investment. The higher the unit cost of agricultural products, the cost coefficient of green technology investment, and the degree of risk aversion of farmers, the lower the level of green technology investment of farmers. The higher the proportion of variable commission, the lower the level of investment in green technology and the expected utility of farmers under the “farmers+farmers’ cooperatives+supermarkets” model based on gross profit commission contracts. When the cost coefficient of green technology investment, fixed commission, and variable commission ratio are less than a certain value, the expected utility of farmers under the “farmers+farmers’ cooperatives+supermarkets” model based on net income commission contracts will be the highest, and farmers will have the greatest enthusiasm for joining this contract. In addition, under various modes, farmers’ risk aversion will to some extent reduce their optimal green technology investment and optimal wholesale prices, while the expected utility of farmers and supermarkets will also decrease.
    Probabilistic Selling Strategy Considering Consumers’ Information Update
    DAI Rui, WU Mingxia
    2024, 33(3):  133-139.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0089
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    Currently, the emerging consumption model of probabilistic sales has penetrated widely into various mass consumer industries such as clothing, food, tourism and accommodation, car rentals, beauty products, cultural and creative goods, etc., with the industry experiencing rapid development. Unlike conventional products, probabilistic products (also known as blind boxes) refer to goods whose specific styles or other information consumers cannot know beforehand, and thus they possess random attributes. The method of selling probabilistic products is referred to as probabilistic selling. One major characteristic of probabilistic selling lies in the fact that sellers always have information advantages related to the products, while consumers are often at an information disadvantage. Specifically, due to the high uncertainty of blind boxes, the probability information regarding their extraction is usually the seller’s private information, and is often undisclosed to consumers.
       In business practice, sellers hold different views on whether to disclose information: some choose to proactively disclose the probability value of their probabilistic products, while others choose not to disclose it. If under an undisclosed case, consumers will update their estimations of the extraction probability by collecting online product reviews and other means, thereby engaging in information updating behavior. Besides, under probabilistic selling, consumers who are dissatisfied with the purchased products often act to resell them to second-hand markets. Therefore, consumer satisfaction rate is also a key factor that cannot be ignored in probabilistic selling. The interactive influence between the operational strategies of relevant sellers and consumer behavior is an urgent management problem which is open and needed to be addressed, and it is also the main research objective of this paper. Contributions of this study mainly include the following aspects: Firstly, on the basis of existing researches, this paper considers consumer information updating behavior, making the study more aligned with real observations, and hence expanding the scope of related research. Secondly, by capturing consumer resale behavior, this paper introduces consumer resale into research context, aiming to conclude from the perspective of consumers about the impacts of the uncertainty of probabilistic selling.
       In summary, this paper describes the probabilistic sales scenario based on the Hotelling model, characterizes consumer information updating behavior via the Bayesian updating model, and comprehensively considers consumer product resale behavior. It constructs optimization models for seller’s pricing strategies under scenarios with and without information disclosure, solves and compares product prices and seller’s profits under different scenarios. Accordingly, this paper summarizes the impacts of key factors such as information accuracy on sell’s pricing, information disclosure strategy selection and profit when consumers update information. The main conclusions are as follows: (1)In scenarios where information is not disclosed, product prices are lower than in scenarios where information is disclosed. Besides, under information updating, as information accuracy improves, product price in scenarios with undisclosed information also increases. This is because if a company discloses information, the uncertainty of information about the product decreases, enhancing consumer willingness to purchase, and thus enabling the seller to set a relatively higher product price. (2)The impact of information accuracy on the seller’s profit is non-monotonic. This is because enhanced information accuracy has two effects: first, it improves consumers’ accuracy in valuing probabilistic products; second, it leads to an increase in the price of probabilistic product. The former benefits consumers by increasing the utility, while the latter decreases consumer utility. Therefore, the overall impact of information accuracy on the seller’s profit mainly depends on the comparative strength of these two effects. (3)When information accuracy is low, and consumer satisfaction rate is low, or the resale price is high, the seller’s profit will be higher in scenarios where information is not disclosed than in scenarios with disclosed information. Therefore, the seller should choose not to disclose information related to the extraction probabilities of products. However, if the opposite conditions prevail, the seller should implement an information transparency strategy by disclosing relevant information. (4)When consumer satisfaction is low and the resale price of probabilistic products is high, sellers will benefit from the existence of the second-hand market. This is because if consumers are aware that the probability of obtaining unsatisfied product is low, their willingness to pay will increase correspondingly. Additionally, once consumers can obtain certain compensation at a higher resale price from the second-hand market, the product sales will be stimulated. When both conditions are met, sales of probabilistic products will always see significant improvement, thereby increasing the seller’s profit.
    Control Right Allocation Model of EPC Project Based on Heterogeneity Characteristics of Consortium Parties
    WANG Ting, FENG Jingchun, CHEN Yongzhan, YAN Huadong
    2024, 33(3):  140-147.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0090
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    As far as the current situation in China is concerned, there are very few enterprises with both design and construction qualifications and truly capable of undertaking EPC projects alone. In order to meet the requirements for the “Measures for the Management of General Contracting of Housing Construction and Municipal Infrastructure Projects” jointly issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the National Development and Reform Commission, the consortium formed by the designer and construction party has become the main form of undertaking EPC projects. In the consortium, the designer and construction party are two types of enterprises with heterogeneous dependence on different production factors. Among them, the designer belongs to the technology-intensive enterprise and the construction party belongs to the capital-intensive enterprise. When these two kinds of enterprises with heterogeneous characteristics get involved in the special organization form of association, they will inevitably have different interests due to the incompleteness of the contract and the asymmetry of information. Therefore, it has become an urgent issue for the academic community and the construction industry to explore how to realize the reasonable allocation of the control rights of EPC projects based on the heterogeneity of the two parties of the consortium, and then realize the effective unification of the interests of the consortium members, the consortium and the project in EPC projects.
       The method adopted in this study is to construct the allocation model of specific control rights and residual control rights of EPC projects on the basis of considering the heterogeneity characteristics of both parties in the consortium, and carry out theoretical derivation and hypothesis testing of the model. The details are as follows: (1)On the basis of dividing the right of control allocation of EPC projects in the whole life cycle into five stages, namely, heterogeneous feature collection stage, specific right of control allocation stage, resource investment stage Ⅰ, residual right of control allocation stage, resource investment stage Ⅱ and benefit realization stage, the control right allocation model of EPC project under the consortium formed by private sector is constructed. (2)After integrating the specific right control and residual right control into the right control allocation model, the influence of the change of its allocation interval on resource input is discussed respectively. (3)According to the solution results of the control right allocation model, structural equation model is used to further explore the strength and significance of the positive and negative correlation and positive and negative adjustment effects of the scope and heterogeneity of control right allocation on self-interest and project input.
       The results show that the identity of the leader of the alliance can restrain the self-interested investment behavior effectively; higher degree of decision preference can induce self-interested investment behavior; the increase in the allocation interval of specific control rights and the remaining control rights will stimulate the project investment of both sides of the consortium; increasing the risk tolerance and decreasing the risk preference are beneficial to reducing the self-interested investment of design units; the residual control rights of the party with higher preference should be properly controlled, but the proportion of residual control rights is still higher than that of the party with lower preference; the allocation of specific control rights and residual control rights should be adopted to minimize the self-serving input behavior of both parties, and the optimal balance between self-serving and project-oriented input should be found. The research results provide countermeasures for the rational allocation of control rights among the members of a consortium with heterogeneous characteristics.
       Considering that the Chinese scenario allows to strengthen or weaken the owner’s overall control over the project according to the characteristics of the project, future research can incorporate the influence of the owner’s strong or weak control on the control allocation of the designer and the construction party into the model. At the same time, how to effectively use the implicit incentive means of the right of control in the actual project construction and find a feasible optimal allocation of the right of control is also a problem that needs to be considered in the future research.
    Research on Energy Environmental Efficiency Evaluation and Environmental Strategy Selection in Eastern China ——Based on the Dynamic Cross-efficiency Model of Natural Disposability and Management Disposability
    XIANG Xiaodong, XIANG Wei
    2024, 33(3):  148-154.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0091
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    In recent years, with the continuous increase in global energy consumption, the resource and environmental pressures faced by China’s sustained economic growth due to environmental pollution, climate change, and other impacts have become a focus of attention for the government and various sectors of society. How to improve energy utilization efficiency has gradually become an important issue that urgently needs to be solved in China’s economic development. The eastern region is a leading one for China’s reform and opening up, and its energy-saving and emission reduction experience and measures can provide reference for other regions to a certain extent. Therefore, using scientific quantitative methods to evaluate the energy and environmental efficiency of the eastern region is of great significance for improving the energy utilization efficiency of the eastern region and comprehensively establishing a two-type society of “resource conservation and environmental friendliness”.
       In the study of energy and environmental efficiency evaluation, scholars mainly use Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methods, but existing research still have shortcomings: (1)Existing research mainly focuses on self-evaluation systems, and rarely evaluates efficiency from mutual-evaluation systems, leading to incomplete evaluation results. (2)Regarding unexpected outputs in energy and environmental systems, previous studies have mostly established DEA models by distinguishing between weak disposability and strong disposability. Weak disposability assumes that all decision-making units adopt the same emission reduction strategy, while strong disposability assumes that unexpected outputs can be arbitrarily reduced, which is inconsistent with the actual production process of decision-making units. (3)Previous studies have mostly evaluated the energy and environmental efficiency of decision-making units, with little research on their environmental strategy choices in response to environmental regulations.
       In response to the above shortcomings, the paper combines the aggressive cross-efficiency model with the dynamic DEA model considering transfer activities to establish a new dynamic cross efficiency model for natural disposability and management disposability, and an environmental strategy selection model is established based on the efficiency ratio of decision units in the two models. Based on the relevant data from the China Statistical Yearbook (2016-2020) and the China Energy Statistical Yearbook (2016-2020), the total energy consumption and employment are selected as conventional input indicators, capital stock is selected as unconventional input indicators, and is used as a transfer variable between consecutive periods. Regional GDP is used as the expected output indicator, while sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide emissions are used as unexpected output indicators. An empirical study is conducted on the energy and environmental efficiency and environmental strategy choices in the eastern region of China from 2015 to 2019. In the empirical analysis section, the efficiency of the eastern region is compared under two models, and their environmental strategy choices are analyzed. Finally, suggestions for energy and environmental improvement are proposed. The results indicate that during the period of 2015-2019, most provinces and cities had higher energy and environmental efficiency under natural disposability, while under management disposability, most provinces and cities had lower energy and environmental efficiency, indicating significant potential for energy conservation and emission reduction. From the perspective of the entire research period, provinces and cities outside Tianjin adopting natural disposability strategies are more effective in improving energy and environmental efficiency, while Tianjin adopting management disposability strategies is more helpful in improving efficiency. Therefore, Tianjin should carry out technological innovation through capital accumulation, and the country needs to increase its financial support. Provinces and cities outside Tianjin need to limit the blind expansion of their high energy consuming industries, accelerate the upgrading of industrial structure, and transfer or eliminate related backward enterprises. At the same time, other provinces and cities should strengthen technological exchanges with Tianjin, share Tianjin’s technological innovation achievements, and promote the improvement of energy and environmental efficiency in the entire eastern region.
    Dynamic Evolutionary Stability Control of Rent-seeking and Supervision in Sustainable Public Procurement
    ZHOU Xiongyong, XU Zhiduan, XI Yongqin
    2024, 33(3):  155-161.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0092
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    Sustainable public procurement (SPP) refers to the requirement for government procurement activities to achieve the fundamental economic function of “value for money” while fully leveraging the sustainable policy function of guiding environmental protection and fulfilling social responsibilities. With the increasing scale of SPP, covert operations in the supply of sustainable products become more frequent. Issues such as the inadequacy of sustainable labeling systems, the absence of product standards, and the falsification of product certificates become more pronounced. The problem with “sustainable corruption” wherein procurement personnel and suppliers collude, shield each other, and conspire for rent-seeking, continues to hinder the rational operation of the public sector procurement chain.
       Existing research has explored the causes, harms, and necessity of regulatory measures in rent-seeking corruption within SPP. However, there is a scarcity of research at the mathematical level examining the mechanisms of rent-seeking and regulation, with a notable gap in the study of decision-making behavior in SPP. In light of this, this paper aims to analyze the dynamic evolution mechanisms of rent-seeking and regulatory behavior among regulatory authorities, procurement personnel, and suppliers in SPP. By constructing an asymmetric tripartite dynamic evolutionary game model, the paper discusses the evolutionary strategies and conditions of rent-seeking and regulation generated by various stakeholders in the purchase of sustainable products. The stability of equilibrium points is verified using a system dynamics model. To obtain the optimal solution for the model and optimize its stability, a dynamic reward-penalty mechanism is introduced to enhance the model, ultimately yielding the optimal evolutionary stable strategy.
       The research results indicate that, on the one hand, government regulatory costs, procurement personnel psychological expectations, rent-seeking profit space, and reward-penalty thresholds are critical factors influencing the evolution of the tripartite game. Reducing regulatory costs, raising psychological expectations of procurement personnel, and expanding the bidding scope contribute to lowering rent-seeking risks. On the other hand, by introducing a reward-penalty mechanism to stabilize the model, considering both rent-seeking probability and corruption level in the dynamic mechanism, the strategy combination of “government not to regulate, procurement personnel not to rent-seek, and suppliers to provide sustainable products” is the ultimately obtained evolutionary stable strategy, confirming the results deduced from the initial model.
       The research findings can provide the theoretical basis for optimizing the procurement decisions, procedures, and regulatory mechanisms of SPP sectors. Based on the analysis and conclusions above, this paper suggests establishing a tripartite network autonomy model involving regulatory authorities, procurement personnel, and suppliers for sustainable procurement in government. Before the formation of this mode, firstly, it is necessary to improve the reward and punishment mechanism to guide self-restraint and incentives for both buyers and suppliers. Secondly, there is a need to strengthen the education on integrity and professionalism of procurement personnel and improve government procurement regulatory systems. Thirdly, it is essential to broaden the scope of tendering and eliminate single-source bidding for non-specific products, thereby reducing the rent-seeking space for a few individual suppliers and lowering the possibility of collusion between both parties for rent-seeking.
    Pricing and Empirical Research on European Option under 4/2-CIR Model
    GUO Jingjun, MA Aiqin, ZHANG Cuiyun
    2024, 33(3):  162-168.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0093
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    With the increasing number of endogenous and exogenous shocks, the financial market has entered an unprecedented period of instability, which increases the financial market risk. As an important financial derivative product, option can effectively hedge the market risk, and the key to using option to hedge the market risk is to price it reasonably. The core of the research on option pricing is to construct a model that fits in with the dynamic change characteristics of the underlying asset. The uncertainty of the future of the financial market keeps the price of financial assets appreciated or depreciated, that is, the volatility of the underlying asset price of the option is not a definite constant but has a certain degree of volatility. Therefore, in order to ensure the reliability of the option pricing results, in the process of constructing the pricing model we must take into account the stochastic volatility characteristics of the underlying asset price. In addition, with the continuous change in national economic policies and financial market conditions, the market interest rate is no longer a constant. An accurate description of the stochastic characteristics of market interest rates is conducive to improving the pricing accuracy of financial derivatives. Therefore, how to accurately describe the dynamic process of financial asset prices and the stochastic fluctuation characteristics of interest rates is an urgent problem to be solved.
       In this paper, we fully consider the dynamic change characteristics of financial asset prices and the impact of interest rate stochasticity on the pricing results of the option pricing model, and explore the option pricing problem under the 4/2 stochastic volatility model with stochastic interest rate under the assumption that the volatility obeys the mean-reverting process. Firstly, based on the dynamic characteristics of financial asset prices and the randomness of interest rates, the 4/2-CIR stochastic hybrid model is constructed, and the characteristic function of the underlying log asset price and the European option pricing formula based on the 4/2-CIR model are obtained using It’s formula and fast Fourier transform methods. Secondly, a numerical analysis is conducted based on the 4/2-CIR stochastic hybrid model to explore the impact of interest rate stochasticity on the model pricing results, and a sensitivity analysis is conducted on the main parameters in the 4/2-CIR stochastic hybrid model to study the impact of model parameters on the option pricing results. Finally, based on the SSE 50 ETF options market data, the particle swarm optimization algorithm is used to estimate the unknown parameters in the model, and the pricing accuracy and error of the model are analyzed based on the model parameter estimation.
       The results show that: the larger the maturity period, the more obvious the impact of interest rate stochastic characteristics on the pricing results of the model, that is, under the stochastic volatility model, to consider the impact of the interest rate factor on the pricing of options is of great practical significance. The speed of mean reversion in volatility and interest rates, as well as changes in the level of mean reversion, moves in the opposite direction of option price movements. The volatility of volatility has a positive effect on option prices. The volatility of interest rates has a non-significant effect on option prices. In conclusion, the stochastic interest rate has a significant effect on the model pricing results. The option price is insensitive to the volatility parameter of interest rate, while it is more sensitive to all other parameters. In addition, the 4/2-CIR stochastic hybrid model has smaller absolute error, mean square error and average absolute percentage error and more accurate pricing results than the classical B-S model and the 4/2 stochastic volatility model.
    Traditional Bank Lending, Fintech, and SME Financing
    JIN Bo, NIU Huawei
    2024, 33(3):  169-176.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0094
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    The difficulty with financing and high cost of financing of small and median enterprises(SME), which have their significant characteristics of cash flow uncertainty and information asymmetry, is a serious challenge. However, the information asymmetry between the lending party and borrowing party always persists. Whatever the firm gets the funding through different lending methods, it essentially still falls under the debt financing way based on the principal-agent relationship. Prior studies show that new technologies such as big data and financial technology can help mitigate adverse selection and moral hazard issues resulting from information asymmetry to some extent. However, even with access to funding, the economic uncertainty could exacerbate the cash flow uncertainty of SME, leading to bankruptcy. Consequently, the refinancing behavior of SME may also be hindered. Therefore, exploring innovative lending methods and loan products through the development of financial technology to address issues such as insufficient collateral assets, high default risk, and severe information asymmetry faced by SME in financing, to meet their financing needs, remains a significant topic of continuous concern for scholars both domestically and internationally.
       This paper establishes a dynamic financial model based on the continuous-time contract theory, quantitatively studies the optimal loan contract that can mitigate the dynamic moral hazard faced by entrepreneurs and discusses the impact of the two lending methods on debt financing for SME and the difference between them. Specifically, the dynamic moral hazard refers to the situation where, after each period’s loan contract is signed and executed, due to the unverifiable and unobservable of the information about whether the entrepreneur exerts his effort, the entrepreneur may shirk to seek private gains. Moral hazard reduces the success probability of the invested project, leading to loan defaults. In case of default, the entrepreneur loses expected returns, and default loss is borne by the creditors. Consequently, if entrepreneurs wish to obtain loans in the long term, they will trade of the expected returns from the investment project by exerting efforts and the private benefit obtained from shirking in each period’s loan contract. Therefore, the optimal loan contract is the equilibrium result of the dynamic game between the borrowing party and lending party. Based on this, the paper discusses the impacts of various factors on the optimal loan rate and the firm value, and compares and analyzes the differences in the optimal loan rates under the two lending methods, as well as the fundamental differences in the impact of the two lending methods on SME financing.
       The results derived by our proposed model reveal that the optimal loan contacts do exist and they are the trade-offs between the lender’s private benefit and the entrepreneur’s expected profit of getting consecutive loans, regardless of one financing way or the other. The optimal loan contract can enhance the firm value compared with the market loan contract, and the higher the volatility of firm cash flow, the higher the optimal loan rate and the lower the firm value. There is no substantial difference between the optimal loan interest rates of the two financing ways. Fintech would not reduce the default risk premium of firm loans, but it can reduce the marginal cost of financing. Moreover, Fintech can use the endogenous asset, i.e., the credit cost of default, as a mortgage-like asset to effectively lower the threshold of obtaining loans for SME and to improve financial inclusion. In addition, the entrepreneurs should be exposed to appropriate market risk to motivate them to exert efforts so that both of the expected profits of SME and the lenders would be increased.
        Based on the theoretical results, this paper provides a systematic analysis and comparison of the optimal loan contracts under the two lending methods, helping us understand the potential advantages of internet finance compared to traditional bank lending in SME financing. This study offers a theoretical framework to explain the financing dilemma faced by SME, and provides the scientific basis and the policy inspiration for promoting the standardized development of financing business models based on financial technology and big data.
    Research on Financial Asymmetric Log-GARCH Model with Zero Return
    PEI Haotian, CHE Xuemeng, YANG Aijun, LIN Jinguan
    2024, 33(3):  177-183.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0095
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    Financial asset volatility models can be divided into two broad categories: generalised autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) models and stochastic volatility (SV) models. Currently, GARCH-type models are unique in terms of both the depth of theoretical research and the breadth of empirical application, and have been widely used in financial market analysis. However, the non-exponential form of GARCH models used in the existing research is constrained by the positive conditional variance and does not consider the presence of zero return. The log-form log-ARCH class of models ensures the positivity of the fitted conditional variance, but the logarithmic operations of this class of models cannot occur at zero values and are meaningless if the return is equal to zero. Therefore the model is not able to fully utilise the sample data, which in turn results in a lack of accuracy in explaining the problem. There are two general cases where zero return occurs. In the first case, the probability that the actual return is equal to zero is zero, but zero may still occur in the observed return calculation due to issues such as missing trades, discrete approximation errors (rounding errors), missing values and other data. In the second case, the probability that the actual rate of return is zero is not equal to zero, and market conditions affect the probability that the rate of return is zero.
       In order to estimate exchange rate volatility more accurately, this paper models the foreign exchange data containing zero return. The main work of this paper lies in, firstly, applying a log-GARCH model, which is not restricted by a positive conditional variance, to fit the exchange rate market yield data, and also using the ARMA model form to represent the log-GARCH model. Second, widely using treatment of replacing the zero return with the smallest non-zero absolute value yields biased estimates, this paper proposes a treatment framework for handling data containing zero returns, i.e., treating zero values as missing observations. Then, the log-GARCH model containing missing observations is estimated unbiased by combining the QMLE method of SUCARRAT et al.(2016) and the expectation maximisation (EM) algorithm. Finally, an empirical analysis is conducted to compare the differences in volatility estimation results under two different treatments of zero returns-the non-zero-value instead of zero-value approach and the treating-zero-value-as-missing-value approach.
       The sample selected for this paper includes data on the GBP-RMB exchange rate price, the JPY-RMB exchange rate price, the AUD-RMB exchange rate price, the USD-HKD exchange rate price, the USD-JPY exchange rate price, the AUD-USD exchange rate price, the GBP-USD exchange rate price, the GBP-JPY exchange rate price, and the GBP-AUD exchange rate price. The number of zeros in the sample data ranges from 2 observed zeros for the GBP-RMB exchange rate (0.1% of the sample size) and 1 observed zero for the AUD-RMB exchange rate (0.1% of its sample size) to 732 observed zeros for the USD-HKD exchange rate (20.2% of its sample size), with the number of zeros occurring in each set of exchange rate return data varying, and the reasons for the occurrence of each of these zeros varying.
       For yield series with more zeros, the difference in the estimates obtained under the different methods is larger; for yield series with fewer zeros, the difference in the estimates is smaller. The presence of zeros increases the sensitivity of the yield series to market changes. The effects of different treatments on the volatility estimation results are significant, and the estimation results obtained from the method of using non-zero values as missing values are closer to the real situation of the market.
    Short-term Volatility Prediction of Gold Futures Based on High-frequency Data and EN-LSTM
    QIU Dongyang, DING Ling, HE Yifu
    2024, 33(3):  184-190.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0096
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    In 2020, the sudden outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic triggered a profound integration of cutting-edge fields such as the internet, big data, and artificial intelligence into the financial markets. This integration has led to a transformation in trading, settlement, and information dissemination modes of futures, causing a noticeable increase in the instability and uncertainty of the gold futures market. Exploring the inherent patterns of gold futures price volatility under these new conditions is essential for providing warnings and preventing “black swan” risks for all participants in the gold futures market.
       The marginal contribution of this paper lies in two main areas: the model improvement section, where an EN-LSTM combination is employed to predict high-frequency volatility in gold futures based on characteristics extracted from high-frequency data, demonstrating that the predictive performance of the integrated model is significantly superior to using the LSTM model alone; and the empirical application section, which achieves real-time out-of-sample forecasting of high-frequency data, dynamically contracting the rolling time window and enhancing the practicality of financial time series forecasting.
       The paper integrates an Elastic Net (EN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model (referred to as EN-LSTM) for predicting high-frequency volatility in gold futures. Drawing inspiration from the contemporary practice of combining LASSO and LSTM models, a penalty term is introduced in the traditional linear regression model, with improvements made on the LASSO penalty, forming the EN model. The EN model is then used for variable shrinkage, primarily reducing overfitting through variable selection and regularization, resulting in a novel integrated prediction model, EN-LSTM.
       The chosen sample in this study is the standard continuous main contract of gold futures from the Shanghai Futures Exchange, with a sample period from January 2, 2019, to December 31, 2020. High-frequency raw data is sourced from the Tonghuashun database. The paper begins by scaling 20-dimensional input variables using the EN model, feeding the scaled selected variables into the LSTM prediction model for training, ultimately outputting the high-frequency returns of Shanghai gold futures. The differential absolute value of returns is employed as a proxy variable for short-term volatility changes in Shanghai gold futures.
       From the empirical results, the following conclusions can be drawn: Firstly, in terms of data frequency, the prediction accuracy is higher with high-frequency data. Secondly, considering the training time steps, the prediction performance is the most ideal with 15 training time steps. Furthermore, a comparison of returns before and after the impact of the pandemic confirms that the EN-LSTM prediction model accurately captures the changes brought about by the pandemic, reflecting the micro effects of macro environmental shifts in a timely manner.
       Additionally, further research is needed to determine the applicability of the EN model for the analysis and prediction of daily, monthly, and other data. The real-time dynamic contraction of the rolling time window also requires further development.
    Portfolio Model Considering Investors’ Process Experience Utility
    SHENG Jiliang, WU Zhiming, LIU Yuanxiu
    2024, 33(3):  191-197.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0097
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    The price fluctuation of risky assets brings not only the risk of investment loss, but also the opportunity of gain. Therefore, during the period of portfolio investment, every fluctuation of stock prices held by investors affects the nerves of investors, brings positive or negative utility, and impacts investors’ investment decisions. In fact, investors always look for profit opportunities from the price fluctuations of risk assets. So the price fluctuations of risk assets themselves can bring utility to investors, which is the process utility of investment. However, traditional portfolio models ignore this and only consider the utility of investment results.
       Investors can work to reduce investment uncertainty. Therefore, the process effectiveness of venture investors should be analyzed from two aspects. On the one hand, if investors grasp the ups and downs of risk assets through their own efforts, then the price fluctuation of risk assets is an opportunity for investors. Investors can timely enter and exit in the price fluctuation of risk assets, so as to make profits. Then the utility of investors is positive. The greater the volatility of asset prices there is, the greater the opportunity there is for investors to make profits, and the greater the process utility there is of their joy. On the other hand, if investors make mistakes in judgment, they will lose investment opportunities, or even suffer losses due to wrong investment. Asset price fluctuations are traps for investors, and the utility of investors is negative. The greater the price fluctuation there is, the deeper the trap there is, and the greater the dispiriting process of investors there is.
       The utility of the investor’s investment process is related to the volatility of the return rate of risk assets and the forecasting ability of the investor. If the investor correctly predicts the rise and fall of the price of risk assets, he will get the corresponding positive utility. Otherwise, if the investor makes a mistake in forecasting and fails to stop the loss in time, he will face the corresponding utility loss. The utility of investors to correctly predict the price rise of risk assets is positively correlated with the size of the price rise in risk assets. The disutility of investors to stop losses is positively related to their urgency to stop losses, and when they are closer to succeeding in stopping losses, it will be the most urgent for them to stop losses, and the disutility to stop losses will be the greatest.
       The classical prospect theory holds that people are risk averse in the face of “gain” and risk averse in the face of “loss”. However, for individual investors who use their own funds to make venture investments, they are fully responsible for the profit and loss of the investment. Due to their limited capital, energy , knowledge and experience, it is difficult for individual investors to collect enough information, and they are only followers and price takers of the risk market. All these factors make it difficult to have enough confidence to dare to take risks. Individual investors should be risk averse even in the loss stage. Therefore, this paper presents an outcome utility function representing both loss aversion and risk aversion of investors.
       This paper analyzes the influencing factors of investors’ process utility and designs the investment process utility function of venture investors. Assuming that the total utility function of investors is the linear combination of process utility function and result utility function, a portfolio model considering the process utility of investment behavior is constructed, and the solution of the model is analyzed numerically. The results show that the more the investors who are too sensitive to loss are affected by the process, the lower the proportion of funds they will invest in risk assets. The more the investors who are not sensitive to loss are affected by the process, the higher the proportion of funds they will invest in risk assets. Therefore, investors who are less sensitive to losses and more heavily affected by process utility are more likely to push up market risk. The results show that the portfolio model, which is greatly affected by the process utility of investors, performs better in the stage of continuous rise of the stock market, but worse in the stage of consolidation and continuous decline of the stock market. This shows that investors who are greatly affected by process utility will actively enter the market when the stock market continues to rise, and quickly withdraw from the market when the stock market continues to fall, thus aggravating the stock market volatility.
    Can the Rise of Minimum Wage Promote the Financialization of Listed Companies?
    CHEN Kejing, FAN Jingshu, KANG Yanling, LI Xiaolin
    2024, 33(3):  198-204.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0098
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    As Chinese economy enters the “new normal”, the phenomenon of “shifting from real to virtual” in the real economy has aroused extensive discussion in the academic circles. In the process of transformation and upgrading, listed companies are faced with the financing constraints brought about by the system and the decline in the demographic dividend. More and more listed companies increase their asset allocation in the virtual economy in pursuit of high profits. As an important means of government intervention in the labor market, minimum wage standard refers to the minimum labor remuneration that listed companies should pay to their employees according to the law, which is of great significance to guarantee the income and living standard of low-income people. However, it also increases the pressure of labor cost of companies, which in turn will have a certain impact on the investment strategy of firms. Do firms invest more funds into the virtual economy to seek high profit returns, or stimulate the competition to invest more assets into the development of the real economy? In this paper, the transmission mechanism of minimum wage system in micro level is understood from the perspective of virtual economy, and the analysis framework of minimum wage standard and financialization of listed companies is constructed.
       Based on the A-share listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen from 2007 to 2018, this paper adopts the multiple regression model to test the influence mechanism of minimum wage standard on the financialization of listed companies. The results show that the higher the regional minimum wage level, the higher the financialization level of listed companies. For the economic significance of the regression results, for every one standard deviation increase in the logarithmic value of the minimum wage standard, the financialization level of listed companies increases by 1.1%, which is equivalent to 25.7% of the sample average of the financialization level. Considering the possible time lag in the effect of the minimum wage standard on the financialization of listed companies, this paper examines the effect of lag one and lag two respectively. In order to alleviate the possible sample selection bias and endogeneity problems caused by the existence of bidirectional causality between the financialization of listed companies and the minimum wage standard, this paper conducts endogeneity tests of instrumental variables method, GMM estimation, and Heckman two-stage model. At the same time, in order to ensure the robustness of the results, this paper adopts the robustness test of replacing the dependent variable and excluding part of the sample, and the above conclusions still hold.
       Further, this paper conducts multiple regressions grouped from the perspectives of firms’ property rights nature, labor intensity, cost shifting ability, and financial market environment, respectively, to explore the heterogeneous characteristics of minimum wage standards affecting the financialization of listed companies. First, considering the different functional positioning of different property rights nature, compared to state-owned enterprises, private enterprises are subject to less policy control and can freely make financial investment from their own perspective. Second, the minimum wage standard aims to protect low-income laborers. The labor cost of labor-intensive listed companies is directly affected by the rise of minimum wage standard. Third, listed companies with strong cost-shifting ability can often shift cost pressures by adjusting product prices. Finally, a good financial market environment can provide more convenient conditions for the financialization of listed companies and enhance the promotion effect of rising minimum wage standard on the financialization of listed companies. In the samples from private enterprises, with high labor intensity, weak cost transfer ability and developed regional financial market environment, the minimum wage standard has a stronger promotion effect on the financialization behavior of enterprises.
       This paper expands the research framework in the field of “labor and finance” under the background of China’s economic transformation. From the perspective of financialization of listed companies, it explores the mechanism, theoretical logic and economic consequences of minimum wage of the virtual economy. It enriches the literature on the impact of minimum wage standards on the behavior of listed companies, which is of great significance for a comprehensive understanding of the implementation effect of minimum wage policy.
    Does Investor Attention Put Pressure on Firms to Innovate: Based on Perspective of Peer Effects
    CAO Shaopeng, WANG Chunfeng, FANG Zhenming, CHEN Yiran
    2024, 33(3):  205-210.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0099
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    Innovation stands as a crucial driver of competitive advantage for firms and a key force behind economic development. By engaging in innovative activities, firms can enhance production efficiency, invigorate market transactions, and ultimately propel economic progress. Nevertheless, innovation is frequently associated with substantial investment, high risk, and considerable uncertainty, posing significant challenges to firms in their decision-making processes. Consequently, the significance and complexity of corporate innovation activities have rendered this area a subject of widespread interest in academia and practice. While existing literature mainly explores the influencing factors of firms’ innovation under the assumption of independent decision-making, it pays limited attention to the interactions among the innovative activities of different firms. When firms make decisions, there is a phenomenon known as the peer effect, where they learn from other firms within the same industry, in the same region, or from other associated firms. The field of corporate finance is also increasingly delving into the peer effect as a significant social effect. For instance, Billett et al. (2017) observe that a firm’s decision to issue stocks is influenced by the recent equity refinancing behavior of peer firms. Many studies on peer effects in corporate decision-making have concentrated on learning behavior among firms within the same industry. And spillover theory suggests that firms can effectively learn from their peers. Managers often employ anchoring and adjustment, using peer firms’ decisions as a reference to reduce uncertainty and enhance profitability by observing the actions and effects of early movers. In addition, from the perspective of market competition, senior managers may be under the pressure of performance from peers to maintain the firm’s corresponding performance. And product innovation is an important means to maintain competitive advantage and market share. Therefore, corporate managers need to look to the innovation performance of other firms in the same industry for corresponding research and development. The industry peer effect of corporate innovation is formed when the innovation decisions of firms within an industry enter into the decision function of the firm. However, the analysis of the industry peer effect on corporate innovation not only offers a new external perspective for the correct understanding corporate innovation activities but also scrutinizes the microscopic formation process of corporate innovation decision-making. This study presents an in-depth exploration of firms’ innovation performance, focusing on the perspective of peer effects among firms.
       Using financial and innovation R&D data from China’s A-share market-listed firms and a fixed-effects model spanning 2004-2018, this study empirically investigates the industry peer effects on listed firms’ innovation performance. Additionally, it explores the influence of individual investor attention on these industry peer effects. Firms’ innovation performance is measured using the number of patent applications by firms during the year, while the number of patent citations is used to measure the quality of firms’ innovations. The empirical findings examine the presence of industry peer effects on innovation among listed firms. The results demonstrate the significant impact of industry peer effects on the innovation of listed firms in the Chinese market. In other words, the innovative activities of firms are notably influenced by the innovation endeavors of other firms within the same industry. Robustness tests are conducted by replacing industry classification criteria, performing placebo tests, and controlling co-investment opportunities. The aforementioned results remain consistent. Second, adopting an “information transmission” perspective, this study explores the impact of investor attention on the innovation peer effects of firms. The empirical results show that investor attention creates innovation pressure on firm management. The analysis of investor communication plays a pivotal role in information disclosure. Both factors encourage firms to glean insights from peer firms, thereby enhancing the industry peer effects of innovation. To address potential endogeneity issues, this study selects the net investor’s attention as the substitute variable to test, and finds that the conclusion is still significant.
       The policy implication of this study’s findings is that the increase in firms’ innovation levels is not only influenced by their independent decision-making or changes in external economic policies but also by the innovation decisions of peer firms. In other words, the peer effects of corporate innovation contribute significantly to the rising innovation levels of listed firms in China. The imitation and learning behavior among these listed firms can drive overall innovation and enhance capital allocation efficiency in the macro-economy, ultimately fostering stable growth in the real economy. Furthermore, investor attention significantly affects both corporate innovation performance and industry peer effects on innovation. Therefore, improving the financial literacy of investors becomes crucial in stimulating social innovation and creativity, establishing a good innovation environment, and enhancing independent innovation to support the healthy and sustainable development of the real economy. This study helps to clarify the relationship among investor attention, corporate innovation, and its peer effects, offering valuable insights into further initiatives to promote corporate innovation and implement innovative development strategies.
    Research on Fusion Media Network Information Push Based on the Perspective of Network Behavior Tracking of “Post-00s” College Students
    GAO Yuxuan, SUN Bingzhen
    2024, 33(3):  211-217.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0100
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    With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, fusion media, mainly represented by Weibo, Wechat, B station and Tiktok, have become the main means of communication in the era of information explosion. The matrix spread of fusion media is extremely rapid, and the network space constructed by them has the characteristics of circle segmentation, social negativity and extreme behavior. In the important period of the formation of their outlook on life, world outlook and values, college students are extremely vulnerable to the impact of multi-culture and social trends of thought. They have always been the outbreak point of contradictions of social transformation and ethos trends. As the youngest and most active group of Internet users, the network behavior of “post-00s” college students and its characteristics are worthy of our study in depth. The research on fusion media network information push based on the perspective of network behavior tracking of “post-00s”college students is of great significance for universities and government departments to understand, supervise and govern the ideological dynamics of college students scientifically and precisely.
       Aiming at the shortcomings of existing research methods to deal with the preference relationship, in this paper, the intelligent hybrid push model of fusion media information is constructed based on the internal relationship between the information browsing habits and preferences of “post-00s” college students. An integrated model combining DEMATEL and TOPSIS methods with intuitive fuzzy numbers (IFN) is presented. In different time periods, the information set that college students are most concerned about is effectively sifted from a large number of network information. The internal correlation degree of information is extracted through analyzing the interaction between indicators and considering the level of criteria. The types of network information that college students pay most attention to in different time periods are identified. Then, a personalized preference model of college students’ financial media network information push is designed. Finally, the validity and applicability of the proposed method are verified by empirical data simulation. The research results show that the fusion media information push model based on the perspective of online behavior tracking of “post-00s” college students can carry out detailed differentiation calculation and classification screening for big data. It can provide the reference for network supervision departments to obtain, judge and filter information. It is of great theoretical and practical significance for universities and government departments to grasp the ideological dynamics of college students and fully and deeply participate in ideological and political education of college students under the environment of integrating media. It provides scientific and effective technical support for promoting the right to speak in cyberspace and establishing a community of shared future in cyberspace.
       In the actual process of network information push, the amount of network information is very large, and the classification of network information is also very important. Especially, in the age of artificial intelligence, it is more and more urgent for intelligent algorithms to drive the modernization of network governance. How to build an intelligent push algorithm for cloud computing is the next direction of research. In addition, the weight refinement of secondary indicators and the differential treatment of indicators are also worthy of further study. Therefore, in the future, we hope to put forward a decision-making method that is as fair as possible to the differentiation index system of college students’ Internet users’ preferences.
    Management Science
    Research on the Evolution of Consumers Participation in Express Package Recycling under Different Government Rewards and Punishments
    CHENG Zaoping, CONG Peidong, MA Liang
    2024, 33(3):  218-225.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0101
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    Accompanied by the development of e-commerce, the express delivery industry has been growing rapidly, which directly drives the massive increase in the volume of express delivery business. Express packaging waste has become the main force of urban garbage increment, bringing great challenges to the ecological resources and environment. The whole society has become faced with accelerating the recovery and managing express packaging and urgently needs to solve the problem. The overall recovery rate of national express packaging waste is less than 20%. Multi-factors constrain the effectiveness of recycling, in which the consumer as a key participant in the recovery of express packaging, the implementer, which lacks the necessary incentives is an important factor in restricting the effectiveness of recycling. For consumers to participate in express packaging recycling behavior, that the government only guides the publicity is not enough, so the study of the government to develop what kind of incentives, rewards and punishments to improve consumer recycling enthusiasm is of practical significance.
       Most of the domestic and international scholars’ studies on consumers’ participation in express packaging recycling behavior have been carried out with experiments and statistical analyses. The research focuses on the government’s regulatory measures and the influencing factors that affect consumers’ recycling behavior. However, from a systematic perspective, the study of the interaction mechanism between consumer express packaging behavior and government regulatory policies is rarely involved. In the face of increasing express packaging waste and low consumer participation in express packaging recycling, in order to improve consumer participation in express packaging recycling, this paper constructs an evolutionary game model between government regulators and consumers under the government’s static and dynamic incentives and penalties, analyzes the stabilization strategies of the two sides of the game, and explores the impact of different government policies and measures on the consumer’s participation in express packaging recycling behavior. The study investigates the impact of different government policy measures on consumers’ participation in express packaging recycling behavior, and carries out simulation analysis. The research shows that the system has no equilibrium and stability point, and neither party has a stable strategy under the government’s static rewards and punishments; dynamic rewards and punishments can effectively promote consumers’ participation in express packaging recycling behavior, and both parties have reached an evolutionary stable state; dynamic rewards and static punishment measures have the best reward effect on consumer recycling behavior; the probability of consumers’ participation in express packaging recycling behavior is directly proportional to the government’s punishment, and inversely proportional to the upper limit of rewards, the cost of government regulation and the cost of participation in recycling.
       Therefore, based on the above conclusions, this paper puts forward three countermeasure suggestions, with a view to providing reference for the government to implement different policies in response to the realistic dilemmas and specific situations of consumers’ participation in express packaging recycling, so as to effectively promote the solution of the governance problem of express packaging recycling. First, the government should adopt dynamic reward and punishment policy measures. Second, the government should innovate regulatory methods, broaden regulatory channels and reduce regulatory costs. Third, the government should establish a perfect express packaging recycling system to reduce the cost of consumer participation in express packaging recycling.
    Research on Predictability of Stock Index Return Based on Northward Funds Movement
    FU Junhui, YU Zhouxiao, LIU Yufang
    2024, 33(3):  226-233.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0102
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    The Shanghai-Hong Kong and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect mechanisms were launched in November 2014 and December 2016, respectively. This marked a significant breakthrough in the liberalization process of China’s capital market, reducing the barriers for foreign investors to participate in the mainland stock market and attracting more and more foreign investors (that is, investors involved in northbound trading) to invest in the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets. The mature investment concept brought by these foreign investors not only helps to improve the structure of mainland investors, but also contributes to the full play of the stock market’s price discovery function and enhancing the overall market efficiency. The existing research mainly focuses on the influence of foreign investors on stock price pricing efficiency, stock price collapse and stock price volatility under the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect mechanisms, but does not investigate whether foreign investors can predict the return on stock market. In fact, compared with mainland investors, foreign investors involved in northbound trading have comparative advantages in information collection, information analysis and processing, and mine more information that has not been reflected in the stock market to obtain a higher return. Therefore, from the perspective of information, this paper studies the ability of foreign investors’ capital movements to predict stock market returns.
       This paper takes the Shanghai Composite Index (SHCI) and Shenzhen Composite Index (SZCI) during the period from November 17, 2015 to December 31, 2020 as the sample, adopts in-sample regression prediction models, out-of-sample R2 statistics and encompassing tests to investigate the ability of northbound fund movement (NCM) to forecast future excess returns of stock markets. The empirical results show that the movement of northbound funds can effectively predict excess returns of stock markets in next 2, 5, 10 and 20 trading days, and its predictive power is robust to Granger causality test, different funds movement measurement and different test samples. On this basis, this paper uses a combination of dividend discount model and VAR model to analyze the economic source of NCM’s forecasting ability. The results show that NCM’s forecasting ability mainly comes from foreign investors’ ability to analyze and process future cash flow information. Finally, using the predictive power of NCM, we construct a quantitative timing-strategy. It is found that NCM timing-strategy can have good investment performance in the holding period of next 2, 5, 10 and 20 trading days.
       Compared with previous studies, this paper mainly has the following contributions: First, different from the existing literature, this paper finds that northbound fund has excellent forecasting ability for future stock market returns, and finds out the economic source of NCM’s forecasting ability, which expands the existing research on the predictability of Chinese stock market returns. Second, the existing studies mainly focus on the impact of foreign investors on stock pricing efficiency, stock price crash and stock price volatility under the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect mechanisms. This paper starts from their information mining ability and finds that northbound fund contains additional predictive information that is not available to predictive variables such as margin financing and short selling, which can effectively predict the return of the stock index. Thus, it enriches the research on the economic consequences of foreign investors’ information mining ability. Third, this paper constructs quantitative timing strategies based on northbound funds movement, and finds that these investment strategies can have good investment performance in the holding period of 2, 5, 10 and 20 days, which can provide support for investors to construct quantitative strategies and manage stock market risk.
    Vertical Interlock and Firm Value: “Tunnel Effect” or “Supervision Effect”
    XU Handuo, CHEN Xiaohan
    2024, 33(3):  234-239.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0103
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    Vertical interlock refers to the senior executives of a listed company who have served as senior executives or had experience in senior management positions in controlling shareholder units. In existing literature, scholars have paid more attention to the impact of horizontal association behaviors of executives such as chain directors on companies, and have paid less attention to the common phenomenon of vertical association among executives in companies. Although at the policy level, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) proposed the requirements of “three separations” and “five separations” in 1999 and 2001, strictly controlling the appointment of executives in controlling shareholder units at the same time, due to the lack of specific punishment measures, the actual impact is limited. Therefore, the vertical interlock still exists in Chinese listed companies. In theory, on the one hand, controlling shareholders can alleviate the first type of agency conflict with management through vertical interlock, fully exerting their “supervisory effect” on executives and having a positive impact on corporate value. On the other hand, vertical interlock stimulates controlling shareholders to exert a “tunnel effect”, infringing on the interests of small and medium-sized shareholders and damaging the company’s value. Based on this, whether the vertical interlock exacerbates the encroachment of major shareholders on minority shareholders or enhances the supervision of management is an important issue in the direction of corporate governance. The article enriches the research results of vertical interlock and has important practical significance for improving the governance level of listed companies. This result also provides certain reference value for the introduction of a new governance mechanism of cumulative voting system and future dual equity by regulatory authorities in China.
       This article takes A-share listed companies in China’s Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets from 2004 to 2019 as samples, uses text analysis methods, and manually matches the resumes of executives published by CSMAR with the database of related companies to further calculate the proportion of vertical interlock in listed companies. Vertical interlock is further subdivided into direct and indirect associations, chairman vertical associations and general manager vertical associations, and the economic consequences of executive vertical associations are studied in depth. With Stata 15.0 software for analysis, this article uses a Two Way FE panel regression model that controls sectors and years, while eliminating endogeneity using the Heckman two-stage method and instrumental variable method.
       The research has found that there is a significant negative correlation between vertical interlock and corporate value. The mechanism test results indicate that the vertical interlock increases the likelihood of related party transactions and fund occupation behavior in listed companies, producing a “tunnel effect” by intensifying the tunneling of major shareholders. The further research shows that the negative correlation between vertical interlock and corporate value is more pronounced in non-state-owned enterprises, enterprises with low levels of information disclosure, and enterprises with poor legal environments in their respective regions. Moreover, companies with direct vertical interlock and vertical chairman interlock often exhibit lower corporate value.
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