
Table of Content

    25 June 2022, Volume 31 Issue 6
    Theory Analysis and Methodology Study
    Optimization on Car Sequencing Problem in Automotive Paint Shops with Heuristic Q-learning
    JIN Chun, LENG Jin-ling, HU Pan
    2022, 31(6):  1-8.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0175
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    Aiming at the optimization of job scheduling in automotive paint shops, an optimization algorithm based on heuristic Q learning is proposed. For starters, a multi-objective integer programming model is established with the purpose of keeping painting sequence consistent with the production sequence of the assembly shop and minimizing the number of color switches. The optimization problem of painting job is abstracted into a Markov process, and a solution method based on heuristic Q algorithm is established. Through the specific cases, the advantages and disadvantages of heuristic Q learning, Q learning and genetic algorithm are compared and analyzed. The results show that the heuristic Q learning algorithm has the advantages of higher efficiency and better effect, which are more pronounced in large-scale issues. This study proposes a new idea for the application of machine learning algorithms in the optimization of job scheduling in automotive paint shops.
    Taking-out and Placing-in Shunting of Non-through Wagon Flow with Capacity Limited on Hybrid Siding
    LI Bing, XU Guan-glan, XUAN Hua
    2022, 31(6):  9-16.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0176
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    Aiming at the local freight trains transship system in railway terminal, the taking-out and placing-in shunting of non-through wagon flow with handling capacity limited on hybrid siding is presented. The problem is formulated as a mathematical programming model which makes minimization of shunting engine cost and wagons detention time cost as the objective function and the handling station capacity, the engine's traction number, siding section capacity, engine daily running time as constraints. As an NP problem, using traditional method for solving the model is difficult and inefficient. A novel three-stage integrated optimization procedure is proposed. Firstly generating placing-in and taking-out wagons scheme with three phase approach for operation coding, sequence modification, and batch division (TPA) as initial solution of problem are presented. And then the four phase updating approach (FPUA) to update the initial solution is developed. Finally the engine assignment approach considering batch time, leisure principle, and engine running (EAA) is provided to allocate engines. The experimental scenarios are given to test the proposed algorithm. And the proposed algorithm is compared with some other algorithms and the performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated by some different sized cases.
    Dynamic Scheduling of Resource-constrained Project with Stochastic Activity Duration to Maximize Expected Net Present Value
    CHEN Zhi, GUO Yun-tao, BAI Si-jun
    2022, 31(6):  17-24.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0177
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    This study considers the scheduling of resource-constrained project with stochastic activity duration to maximize expected net present value. We first define the problem, and develop the corresponding optimization model. Then we design a stochastic dynamic programming algorithm for this problem according to its characteristics. Through analyzing the project network structure and relationship between optimal values of different states, we refine the state generation procedure and state optimal value calculation process. This accelerates the dynamic programming. We use 540 simulated instances to validate our algorithm and analyze the impact of network features on the performance of the algorithm. The experimental results show that the order strength of the project has an important impact on the efficiency of the algorithm: when the order strength is low, there are more states thus needs more time to figure out the optimal expected net present value.
    Optimization and Selection of Contracts under Carbon Emission Reduction Outsourcing
    LIU Zhen, SONG Han, DAI Ying, YANG Shang-huan
    2022, 31(6):  25-31.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0178
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    The paper is aimed at the issue of carbon emission reduction outsourcing in cooperation between manufacturer and low-carbon service provider under the background of government carbon quotas, carbon trading market mechanism and consumers' low-carbon preference. Technology transaction contract and cooperative sharing contract are optimized, the optimal decision and contract feasible conditions under the two contracts are obtained respectively, and the preferences of manufacturer and low-carbon service provider for the two contracts are further analyzed. Finally, we use transfer payment to coordinate the conflict of contract preferences. The research results show that both unit cost of emission reduction and unit market price of carbon emission right are the key factors that affect the feasibility of technology transaction contract and cooperative sharing contract. When unit minimum carbon emissions, unit emission reduction costs and unit market price of carbon emission right meet certain conditions at the same time, the two contracts can be simultaneously feasible. Manufacturer always prefer technology transaction contract, but low-carbon service provider's preference for contract are not certain. The use of transfer payment coordination can resolve the conflict of contract preference between the two parties and enable the two parties to reach a technical transaction contract. Finally, the rationality and effectiveness of the model is verified with examples.
    Multi-objective Optimal Dispatch Management of Integrated Energy System Considering Uncertainty of Demand Response
    WANG Li-ying, DONG Hou-qi, SONG Mei-qin, LIN Jia-lin, ZENG Ming
    2022, 31(6):  32-39.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0179
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    As an important regulation means of power system, demand response can significantly improve system flexibility and economy. Based on the time-of-use electricity price mechanism, the demand response model including price and incentive measures is constructed by using the price elasticity matrix, and on this basis, the uncertainty of demand response is considered, and the multi-objective optimization scheduling model of the integrated energy system is constructed by taking the economy and environmental protection of the integrated energy system as the optimization objectives. The constraint method is used to transform the multi-objective optimization model into the single-objective optimization model, Pareto optimal solution set is obtained, and the fuzzy decision method is used to select the optimal scheme. Based on the actual case, the calculation results show that the combination of price and incentive demand response means can achieve peak load cutting and effectively reduce the operating cost and carbon emissions of the system.
    Evolution of Green Technology Innovation Based on the Tripartite Game
    SU Yi, WEI Shi-peng
    2022, 31(6):  40-47.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0180
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    The tripartite game model of government, enterprise and public in the process of green technology innovation evolution is constructed based on the bounded rationality assumption. The influence of different parameters on promoting the evolution of green technology innovation is discussed by using the simulation research of MATLAB software. The results show that the final decision-marking of the government, enterprise and public are directly affected by multiple parameters, including the government obtained benefits from supporting green technology innovation, the level of rewards and fines given by the government to enterprises, the cost of public participation in supervision, and the negative feedback degree from the public to the government. The final strategic choice of the government, enterprise and public are not affected by the change of own initial intention and the initial intention level of the other two parties. From the three dimensions of the government, enterprise and public, the relevant suggestions of promoting the green technology innovation evolution are put forward based on the simulation research results.
    Evolutionary Game Analysis of Fresh Supermarket under “New Retail”
    ZHENG wen-jun, WANG Yong
    2022, 31(6):  48-55.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0181
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    This paper focuses on the current phenomenon of the exquisite for fresh supermarket under the background of “new retail”. With the aid of the research tool of evolutionary game, an evolutionary game model that fresh supermarkets competetogether is built based on the economic principles. By the model analysis, the evolutionary logic in the evolution process is discussed, and the evolutionary laws and its key influencing factors are explored. This research shows that,at the beginning,when e-commerce platforms try togo to offline to set up their own fresh supermarkets, they can trulychoose the exquisite strategy to perform differentiated competition with traditional fresh supermarkets; but with the continuous evolution of the game process, whether or not the equilibrium state of differentiated competition can be achieved is under the constraints of various competition conditions; more than that,under certain market conditions, the exquisite strategy even may not be the best choice for fresh supermarkets too.
    Complex Dynamics Analysis of a Quantum Bertrand Duopoly Model with Heterogeneous Expectations
    ZHANG Xin-li, TIAN Ying-nan, WANG Jia-qi
    2022, 31(6):  56-60.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0182
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    In order to discuss the chaotic phenomenon of Bertrand duopoly game in economic system, based on the bounded rationality and naive expectation, the paper sets up a dynamic model of quantum Bertrand duopoly game by applying quantum game theory. We analyze the effect of quantum entanglement degree on stability of the equilibrium points and complex dynamics behaviors. The result shows that the quantum entanglement degree can enhance the stability of the system. The price adjustment speeds of the two firms can lead to complex chaotic characteristics of the system, the quantum entanglement degree can control the system's chaos. Numerical simulations demonstrate the correction of the theory via bifurcation, largest Lyapunov exponent, strange attractors, sensitivity to initial conditions and fractal dimensions.
    AdvertisingDecisions and Distribution Modes in the Supply Chain Based on E-commerce Platform
    WANG Chen-yu, SUN Jing-chun
    2022, 31(6):  61-66.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0183
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    We formulate a sequential game theory model with one manufacturer and one platform to discuss the effects of distribution modes on the supply chain members' advertising decisions and profits. There are two distribution modesinthe platform: in the wholesale mode, the manufacturer provides its products to the platform and the platform then resell the products; in the platform mode, the manufacturer sells directly to the consumer via the platform. On the other hand, both the manufacturer and the platformfirstdecide whether to engage in advertising activities and then determine their respective advertising efforts. The results are as follows. The supply chain members should engage in advertising activities under both distribution modes, and compared with the wholesale mode, the manufacturer advertises more and the platform advertises less under the platform mode. The increase in the commission rate always decreases the manufacturer's profit, but increases the platform's profit only when the manufacturer's advertising effectiveness or the commission rate is low. The total profit of the supply chain under both distribution modes is smaller than the total profit of the vertically integrated supply chain. When the commission rate is moderate, the manufacturer's choice of the platform modewill lead to Pareto improvement.
    Research into Investment Decision Mechanical of Supply Chain Anti-Counterfeiting System Base on Reliability
    ZHANG Zi-jian, HE Qing
    2022, 31(6):  67-73.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0184
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    Taking OACT anti-counterfeiting system as a research object, the anti-counterfeiting investment decision-making mechanism of brand manufacturers and retailers in the supply chain has been studied. Three anti-counterfeiting technology investment decision-making game model, including non-cooperation, cooperation and supply chain integration are established. The equilibrium of anti-counterfeiting credibility, anti-counterfeiting investment threshold and profit are obtained and compared. In the end, The HSN contract coordination mechanism of supply chain anti-counterfeiting investment is established. The result shows that the reliability of anti-counterfeiting increases with the market penetration rate of counterfeit product and decreases with the cost coefficient of investment. Meanwhile, the reliability of anti-counterfeiting is the lowest under the condition of noncooperation, lower under the condition of cooperation and the highest under the condition of supply chain integration, whereas the anti-counterfeiting investment threshold is the highest under the condition of noncooperation, higher under the condition of cooperation and the lowest under the condition of supply chain integration.
    Optimal Decision of Dual Channel Supply Chain with Consumer's Quality and Price Preference
    CHENG Ming-bao, WANG Ying, ZOU Mei-ping, HOU Rui
    2022, 31(6):  74-81.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0185
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    Price and quality of products are the constant focus of consumers. Although multi-channel brings convenience to consumers, the difference of product's quality and price in channels makes consumers face a coordinated selection of channel during their purchasing products. This paper studies a dual-channel profit decision problem with consumers' preference for product's price and quality, and discusses the optimal strategy under decentralized decision and centralized decision with the manufacturer as the leader. We also compare the influence of consumers' quality preference and product quality level on supply chain, and by designing a revenue sharing contract mechanism we realizechannels coordination and prove their effectiveness. The results show that the manufacturer and retailer can obtain the maximum profit when the product quality is in a certain range. The profits of manufacturer and retailer decrease with the improvement of quality when consumers' preference for quality increases, and manufacturer and retailer can eliminate the double marginal effect through coordinating sales prices to achieve the supply chain coordination. Finally, an example is used to analyze the effect of consumers' quality and price preference on total profit and give corresponding management implications.
    Dynamic Pricing Strategy of Shared Supply Chain Based on Matching Efforts of Bilateral Platform
    XU Qi, YANG Yu-ying
    2022, 31(6):  82-90.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0186
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    This paper considers the dynamic pricing problem of the shared supply chain, which is composed of a bilateral platform, a manufacturer and a retailer. Among them, the manufacturer shares its surplus capacity through the platform, in order to dynamically match the supply and demand resources of the manufacturer and the retailer, the platform makes matching efforts to change its service level, thus affecting the transaction cost of the sharing platform, the wholesale price of the manufacturer and the retail price of the retailer. With HJB equation to construct differential game model, the optimal platform matching effort and the dynamic pricing strategy of each member in the centralized and decentralized shared supply chain are studied respectively, the dynamic pricing trajectory in different situations is obtained, and the influence of production cost on the pricing strategy is analyzed. The results show that platform matching efforts have a positive impact on the optimal / equilibrium solution by affecting the service level, and the pricing strategy of each member of the supply chain depends on the relationship between the initial and the stable service level of the platform.
    Pricing Strategies of Fresh Products' Supply Chain Considering Online Product Reviews
    LU Chao, XING Yao-yao
    2022, 31(6):  91-97.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0187
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    With the popularity of online shopping, online product reviews are playing a more and more important role in consumer purchasing decisions, which can be employed by retailers and manufacturers to adjust and optimize their production processes. Based on consumer utility theory, this paper constructs a supply chain online sales model composed of a retailer and a manufacturer, and explores the differences of retail prices, profits and fresh-keeping efforts of fresh products under different decision-making modes. The research findings are as follows: there are the lowest optimal retail price and the highest profit for fresh products under the decentralized decision-making model; with the increase of transportation time, the level of fresh-keeping efforts and freshness show a downward trend; and when the cost-sharing coefficient is high, the optimal level of fresh-keeping efforts under the decentralized decision-making model is higher than that under the centralized decision-making model.
    Supply Chain Structure Selection Strategy of OEM/ODM Considering Innovation Investment
    LIU Jia-guo, ZHAO Ai-xiang, CUI Jin
    2022, 31(6):  98-104.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0188
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    In a supply chain system composed of raw material suppliers, OEM brands, and manufacturers, this paper constructs three foundry structures, Agent, Consignment, and ODM, and analyzes OEM brands and manufacturer's optimal foundry strategy. This paper focuses on the impact of corporate innovation investment, and manufacturers not only cooperate with OEM brands in the upstream, but also compete with OEM brands in the downstream market. The research results show that: in view of different market competition levels and innovation investment efficiency, the OEM brands will strategically adjust the foundry structure and chooses among Consignment, and ODM. Manufacturers also have their preferred foundry structure, but only in extreme cases, they tend to choose the ODM, which reflects the manufacturer's lack of motivation for product design innovation. In addition, when the innovation investment efficiency is moderate, they will make consistent decisions, but with the increase of market competition, this range will gradually decrease.
    Joint Replenishment and Pricing Policy with Customer Returns and Fixed Costs
    ZHAO Ling, LIU Zhi-xue
    2022, 31(6):  105-110.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0189
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    To attract more customers, many e-commerce retailers allow their customers return goods within the specified time, which significantly reduces their profits. Meanwhile, the replenishment of goods incurs not only the variable cost depending on the replenishment quantity, but also the fixed cost independent of the replenishment quantity. Based on this, to maximize the e-commerce retailer's profit, a joint replenishment and pricing model with customer returns and fixed costs is built, where the quantity of returns is proportional to satisfied demand. In the general demand case, the optimal policy is partially characterized for the multi-period problem. And in the special demand case,the optimal policy isan(s,S,p)policy for the single-period problem, anda strong characterization of the optimal policy is made for the multi-period problem. Based on the characterization, a heuristic policy is proposed. Numerical results show that the heuristic is close to optimal; andwhen the initial inventory level is low/high enough, both the optimal replenishment level andprice vary monotonically with the fixed cost and return rate.
    Evaluating of Importance Measures for K-terminal Network with the Probability Distribution of Failed Edges
    DU Yong-jun, HUI Shu-peng, CAI Zhi-qiang, MENG Xue-yu
    2022, 31(6):  111-116.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0190
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    In this paper, we consider a K-terminal network consisting of edges and nodes. Suppose that the nodes are absolutely reliable while the edges are subject to failure. The reliability of the K-terminal network is the probability that all nodes in some specified set K of nodes are connected each other by some operational edges. Importance measures (IMs) can quantify the importance of edge in contributing to network reliability in order to identify network weakness. From different standpoints, many researchers have presented various importance measures, including Bayesian, Birnbaum, criticality reliability importance, criticality failure importance, reliability achievement worth, and reliability reduction worth. Traditionally, these IMs are evaluated under the conditions that edge failures are independent and the reliability of each edge is available. However, due to the testing time and budget constraints, the reliability for each edge is not easy to obtain in practice. In addition, in the K-terminal network the edge failures can lose their independence because of cascading failures. To overcome these problems, we have proposed a method for evaluating importance of edge based on the knowledge of the probability distribution of the number of failed edges, and provide a numerical example to demonstrate how to use this method in the K-terminal network. The numerical results show that the proposed method can efficiently evaluate importance of edge and identify the K-terminal network weakness.
    Reservation Control Policy for Shared Parking with Stay-over Customer
    ZHANG Li-feng, MU Yin-ping, JING Fu-ying
    2022, 31(6):  117-124.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0191
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    The delayed departure of shared users keeps parking time in conflict. Based on this, the random dynamic programming has been constructed. In this paper, the reservation control policy has been studied, and two algorithms have been designed to solve the problem of whether the stay-over requests can be rejected or not. Finally, the effectiveness of algorithms has been verified by numerical simulation. The conclusions are as follows: (1)As the reservation period increases, the marginal revenue of the platform will increase and then decrease, so there is an optimal value of the reservation period;(2)If the platform can decide whether the stay-over requests is accepted or not, then the opportunity cost will decrease with the increase of the stay-over probability, and the service rate of the platform and the utilization ratio of the parking capacity will increase; (3)If the platform can only passively accept the stay-over requests, then the service rate of the platform will decrease with the increase of the stay-over probability, and the opportunity cost and the utilization ratio of the parking capacity will increase.
    Application Research
    Optimal Investment Strategy for a DC Pension with Incomplete Information and Ambiguity Aversion
    WANG Pei, LI Zhong-fei, ZHANG Ling
    2022, 31(6):  125-132.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0192
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    In a financial market where information is partially observable, a DC pension member can invest in a risk-free asset, a rolling bond, and a stock whose expected return rate is predicted by a predictor that follows a mean-reversion process. The member is ambiguity-averse, and she can only observe the stock price and interest rate, but not the predictor. By virtue of the filtering technique and dynamic programming approach, the analytic expression of the optimal investment strategy for the DC pension with incomplete information and ambiguity aversion is obtained. The sensitivity analysis and comparative static analysis are used to compare the optimal investment strategies in three cases of considering only incomplete information, considering only ambiguity aversion, and considering both incomplete information and ambiguity aversion. The results show that the optimal investment strategy with incomplete information and ambiguity aversion is the most conservative, and the optimal investment strategy with incomplete information is the most sensitive to the change of risk aversion coefficient.
    The Allocation of Control Rights for PPP Projects Based on the Risk Preference of Private Sector
    LI Rui, ZHANG Yun-hua
    2022, 31(6):  133-138.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0193
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    To effectively motivate or regulate the cooperative behavior of private sector, this study considers the risk preference of private sector when analyzing the issue of the control rights allocation for PPP projects, and then establishes the expected utility function of bounded rationality to propose the dynamic adjustment principle of control rights for private sector under the portfolios of different risk preference. The results indicate that in the case of the risk-neutral government, when the private sector is risk aversion, there is the minimum motivation threshold for the control right share, which is negatively related to the risk-averse degree. The findings illustrate the achievement of the regulation effect for control rights under the premise of motivation. When the private sector is risk-seeking, there is a maximum regulation threshold for the control right share, which is positively related to the risk-seeking degree. The findings elucidate the realization of the motivation effect for control rights under the premise of regulation. Besides, the outputs of the government are negatively associated with the risk-averse degree and the control right share of private sector, but positively associated with the risk-seeking degree of private sector. Finally, based on the different risk preference portfolios, this research further applies the numerical analysis to demonstrate the incentive and regulatory effects of private sector's control right share on their cooperative behavior, and the impacts on the outputs of the government.
    Why does the Background Difference of the Decision-maker Affect the Investment Orientation of Enterprise Technology Innovation? Adjustment Effect Test of Ownership Structure
    FENG Wan-juan, JIA Tao
    2022, 31(6):  139-146.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0194
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    This paper takes 313 listed companies on the Gem from 2013 to 2017 of Shenzhen Stock Exchange as samples to empirically analyze the impact of background differences among decision makers on technological innovation investment orientation of enterprises and the moderating effect of ownership structure (ownership concentration degree and ownership balance degree). The research shows that the three sub-dimensions of the background difference of decision makers (the educational level of decision makers, the rich level of industry experience and the technical level of job experience) have a significant positive impact on the investment orientation of technological innovation. The degree of ownership concentration has a significant negative impact on the level of industry experience and the level of technical experience. The ownership concentration has a negative regulating effect between the background difference of decision-making level and the investment orientation of technological innovation. The balance of ownership has a positive moderating effect between the background difference of decision-making level and the investment orientation of technological innovation. The conclusion of this study has positive reference significance and enlightenment for enterprises in equity structure optimization, decision-making level construction and technology innovation investment-oriented design.
    Feature Identification for Credit Risk Based on Multi-Objective Evolutionary Clustering
    LIU Chao, LI Yuan-rui, XIE Jing
    2022, 31(6):  147-153.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0195
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    In credit risk identification, clustering algorithm is often used to identify the feature of risk, by distinguishing samples from different inner structure. However, credit risk data has high-dimensional characteristics. When dealing with credit risk data, there often exist flaws in conventional clustering methods, such as trapping in local optimum, being deteriorated by redundant features and poor robustness. Therefore, we look into the credit risk assessment problem, by establishing a tri-objective optimization model and then designing a decomposition-based multi-objective subspace clustering algorithm to solve it. A comprehensive experiment is also conducted to demonstrate the advantages of our proposed method. Then we summarize the key factors for the risk assessment.
    Research on Characteristic Factors and Multiple Promotion Paths of China's Industrial Green Total Factor Productivity Based on fsQCA
    QU Xiao-yu, ZHAO Zi-xuan
    2022, 31(6):  154-160.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0196
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    Taking 30 provinces and municipalities in China as case samples, this paper discusses the multiple concurrency characteristic factors that affect China's regional industrial green total factor productivity, and makes a comparative analysis of the antecedent paths to increase industrial green total factor productivity by fsQCA. It finds that market-oriented environmental regulation and informatization degree are the key factors for improving industrial green total factor productivity, while factor structure and administrative environmental regulation have no obvious effect on industrial green total factor productivity. Economically developed regions can increase R&D investment of industrial enterprises to improve industrial green total factor productivity, while underdeveloped regions can strengthen the collection of sewage charges to achieve the improvement of industrial green total factor productivity.
    Research on the Performance of Industrial Carbon Emission in the Yangtze River Economic Belt Based on Three-stage SM-DEA-Malmquist
    LI Gen-zhong, ZHU hong-liang
    2022, 31(6):  161-167.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0197
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    For recent years, the issue of carbon emission has been concerned about by scholars from all walks of life. In order to evaluate the regional carbon emission performance in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, this paper combines the three-stage SBM-DEA model of unexpected output with Malmquist index to calculate and analyze the carbon emission efficiency of 11 provinces and cities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt from 2011 to 2019. The model excludes the impact of environmental factors and random variables, making the calculation results more consistent with the actual situation. The results show that the carbon emission performance of the Yangtze River Economic Belt shows an overall upward trend, and there is a differentiation characteristic of eastern>central>western regions. Internal management has a significant positive effect on the improvement of carbon emission efficiency, and increasing talent introduction and technology exchange frequency in the eastern, central and western regions is conducive to improving carbon emission efficiency.
    An Experimental Research on the Influence of Gender Difference on R&D Investment Decision
    WU Zu-guang, WAN Di-fang, WANG Wen-hu
    2022, 31(6):  168-175.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0198
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    This paper explores the differences between male and female in R&D intensity and R&D effort based on the Z-Tree experimental platform and R&D investment natural game experiment. The research shows that risk aversion tends to cause females' R&D intensity to be lower than that of males and females are willing to invest more R&D efforts than males do. Our further research shows that males' R&D efforts have declined significantly over time, but females' R&D efforts have risen. Both males and females show a mental account effect in decision-making, and females are more willing to increase their performance through input efforts. Males more reflect the idea of options during investment, while females are more likely to show risk aversion and sustained efforts under long-term tendencies. This paper reveals the internal mechanism of gender diversity of boards, staggered boards, and deferred compensation. The findings can provide empirical reference for the gender allocation of business positions, staggered boards and incentive contract design.
    Coordination Mechanism Research of Contract Agriculture Quality Classification Model under Weather and Output Impact
    WEN Kun, YU Xing
    2022, 31(6):  176-181.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0199
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    It is assumed that the company takes the costs of seed, fertilizer and pesticide, and then tries to establish the profit maximization decision model of the company with participation constraints of the farmers, considering the influence of truncated normal distribution natural condition on the actual output of agriculture. In the model, farmers voluntarily provide the land and labor force under the constraint of participation, and then carry out the production according to the technical guidance of the company. The influence of different natural conditions on the optimal purchase price and corporate profit for the company is discussed, and the difference between concentrated sale model and quality grading sale model is analyzed. It is found in this study that when the strength of the losses under adverse weather is harder than the that of the yield on favorable weather conditions, and with the increase of weather risk, contract price will be increased and company's profit will be declined. On the contrary, the order price will be decreased with the increase of natural risk, and the company's profit will be increased. So since quality grading sale is more profitable than centralized sale, it is recommended that the company should purchase at a flat price and then sell with quality classification model.
    Research on Dynamic Allocation Mechanism of Mainstream and Newstream Innovation Resources Based on ABMS
    OU Wei-qiang, ZHU Bin
    2022, 31(6):  182-188.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0200
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    It is generally believed that leaders need to balance the resource allocation between mainstream andnewstream in the process of dual innovation, but there are few researches focusing on specific resource balance mechanism. It has become an important and urgent issue to explore the dynamic resources allocation with constraints. In this paper, the Agent Based Modeling and Simulation(ABMS) method is used to build a dynamic resource allocation mechanism of dual innovation included leadership style and resource flexibility. The simulation is carried out considering risk and uncertainty. The results show that innovation performance is positively correlated with transformational leadership style tendency, and negatively correlated with transactional leadership style tendency. Innovation performance of transformational leadership style increases with resource flexibility, while transactional leadership style is the opposite. There is a match between leadership style and resource flexibility: transformational leadership and high resource flexibility are positive for promoting innovation performance, while transactional leadership and low resource flexibility are more conducive to achieving high performance. There is an inverted U-shaped relationship between innovation performance and innovation risk. This research expands the theory of leadership and theory of dual innovation. Also it builds the basis of decision-making for leaders to adapt to risk, adjust leadership style, change resource flexibility and carry out dual innovation.
    Research on Low Carbon Operation of Tourism Supply Chain under Corporate Social Responsibility
    ZHANG Lu, MA De-qing, HU Jin-song
    2022, 31(6):  189-195.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0201
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    A low-carbon tourism supply chain consisting of a low-carbon scenic spot and a travel agency, and the influence of corporate social responsibility behavior on supply chain dynamic equilibrium is considered. The differential game model of low carbon tourism supply chain under corporate social responsibility behavior is constructed. Optimal decision-making, reputation of scenic spot and member and system utility are solved under four decision-making modes: Nash non-cooperation, service cost sharing, publicity cost sharing and centralization. It is found that tourism enterprises should improve the low-carbon decision-making level while consumers' low-carbon preference increases; The formulation of cost-sharing contracts needs to meet certain conditions, only under certain conditions, the increase of corporate social responsibility in supply chain would increase the proportion of cost sharing, and the increase in consumers' low-carbon preferences reduces the cost-sharing ratio; Under cost-sharing model, the corporate social responsibility of the leader directly improves its own decision-making level, indirectly promots the decision-making level of the follower, and increases cost-sharing ratio. Corporate social responsibility preference does not change the effectiveness of cost-sharing contracts.
    Evaluation of Emergency Logistics Suppliers Based on the Improved TODIM Method Based on Probabilistic Linguistic Term Sets
    GUO Zi-xue, YANG Ya-xu, HE Ze-fang
    2022, 31(6):  196-203.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0202
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    The scientific and reasonable evaluation of emergency logistics suppliers is of great significance to the establishment and improvement of disaster relief material reserve system and emergency material guarantee system. In this paper,aiming at the characteristics of emergency logistics, an evaluation model of emergency logistics supplier is constructed by combining probabilistic linguistic term sets with improved TODIM method. It includes five indicators: the fast response time, material quality, cost control, enterprise services and enterprise internal and external conditions. The evaluation model of emergency logistics suppliers is established to sort and select the best alternative suppliers, which fully reflects the preference of experts and evaluating information, improves the effectiveness of the emergency logistics decision. Finally, an example is given to verify the effectiveness of the method.
    Comparative Analysis of Financing Efficiency between State-Owned and Private Enterprises in PPPProjects
    GAO Ruo-lan, HU Jia, LIU Ji-cai
    2022, 31(6):  204-210.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0203
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    Nowadays, PPP (public-private partnerships) schemes have been applied worldwide, but the financing efficiency of investors is generally low. That doesseriously undermine the performance and restrict the sustainable development of PPP schemes. Based on 51 listed state-owned and private enterprises in PPP projects, this paper illustrates the comparative analysis of financing efficiency between the two different enterprise typesfrom the perspective of three project types and two regions using DEA model. The results show that main business cost and equity concentration are staple factors for low efficiency in PPP projects, and the low return on net assets is one of the main reasons for investorsnot unwilling to actively participate in PPP projects. For state-owned enterprises, optimizing the scale efficiency of PPP projects is the key to improving financing efficiency, while for private enterprises, reasonable shareholding structure plays an important role in the internal performance and investment strategy. Private enterprises should focus on optimizing and reducing the debt ratio, and rationally and equitably distribute equity. Thus, enterprises with scale efficiency and pure technical efficiency can participate in PPP projects through the formation of consortiums so as to complement each other's advantages, thereby improving the overall efficiency of the project company. Furthermore, in view of the characteristics of PPP projects in different fields and regions, it is necessary to give full play of the state-owned enterprises with strong capital strength and the private enterprises with technical advantages when purchasing investors, providing a reference for the improvement of the financing efficiency and helping the sustainable development of PPP schemes.
    Management Science
    Government Tax Subsidy Mechanisms for a “Company+Farmer” Contract-Farming Supply Chain
    FENG Ying, GUO Hong-Ya, GAO Yan
    2022, 31(6):  211-219.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0204
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    Considering the contract price mode of “protection price” and the quantity loss in the circulation, this paper explores the impact of the government taxing the company and subsiding the tax revenue to the farmer on the decision-making and operation of a contract-farming supply chain based on “company+farmer” contract-farming background. We first consider the case that the coefficient of government subsidy to the farmer is exogenous. Taking taxation and non-subsidy as a benchmark, we compare and analyze the equilibrium results in two situations of non-subsidy and subsidy. The research shows the government's tax subsidy to the farmer canencourage the farmer to increase its production quantities and prompt the company to lower its protection price in deep-processing situation when the input tax rate is lower than the output tax rate. This in turn increases the expected revenues of both parties, i.e., the tax subsidy is the Pareto improvement of taxation and non-subsidy. However, the benefits of tax subsidy are all captured by the company due to its powerful position in primary-processing situation when the input tax rate is equal to the output tax rate. Therefore, it ishard to realize the purpose of increasing the farmer'sproduction and income simply by tax subsidy. Subsequently, the government subsidy coefficient is deemed as an endogenous variable. It is proved that there exists a unique optimal tax subsidy coefficient to maximize the government's social welfare in deep-processing situation, and the optimal tax subsidy coefficient has the upper and lower bounds with the variation of different parameters, whenthe input tax rate is lower than the output tax rate. Finally, a numerical example is introduced to verify the above conclusions. Meanwhile, we find that the optimal tax subsidy coefficient decreases with the increasing of circulation loss rate, and increases with the increasing of output tax rate and marginal profit rate of supply chain in deep-processing situation. Social welfare and the company's expected profit is more sensitive to changes in the circulation loss rate than the farmers' expected profit is.
    Quality Abnormal Recognition Model Based on Convolutional Neural Network
    WANG Ning, LI Pan-pan, ZHAO Zhe-yun, YANG Jian-feng
    2022, 31(6):  220-225.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0205
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    Aiming at the problems of limited diagnostic ability and low recognition accuracy of existing methods in the intelligent manufacturing process, a quality anomaly diagnosis model based on convolutional neural network is proposed to adapt to intelligent manufacturing process. Firstly, the process quality spectra based on real-time data are established to accurately express the operating status of the manufacturing process. Secondly, a convolutional neural network diagnosis model is constructed to identify quality spectra. Finally, the dynamic diagnosis of the current process running state is carried out by using the sliding window value method, and the effectiveness and practicability of the proposed method are verified by a ball milling process. The results show that the proposed method is superior to the traditional shallow model and can effectively identify and diagnose abnormal process states.
    Optional Services-oriented Product Service System Configuration
    ZHANG Zhi-ying, NIE Ying-chun, LIU Xin
    2022, 31(6):  226-232.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0206
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    After mandatory services, optional service is an effective way for manufacturing companies to obtain differentiated service competitive advantages. Similar to mandatory services, the design and selection of optional service module affect product efficiency and service cost. Fuzzy measures are used to explore the correlation between product modules and optional service modules. By taking the maximum customer satisfaction and the minimum enterprise cost as the optimization objectives, a multi-objective optimization model is established, which is applied to getting the scheme of optional service oriented product service system configuration under different correlation. Then an example of module configuration for slag vertical mill product and optional service is given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The results show that the scheme of product service system configuration is subject to the correlation between optional service modules and product modules. As the correlation increases, customers tend to care about the quality and function of modules with high importance. In addition, the higher the cost budget is, the higher the importance of optional service applied in product service system configuration. This paper can provide a reference to offer the configuration ofoptional service oriented product service systemfor manufacturing enterprises.
    “Cooperative” or “Parasitic”? A Research on the Symbiotic Mechanism of Makerspace Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Considering Government Regulation
    SHI Huan, LI Hong-bo
    2022, 31(6):  233-239.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2022.0207
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    The symbiotic mechanism is the key to the spiraling development of entrepreneurial ecosystem. The tripartite evolutionary game model of entrepreneurial ecosystem is established with start-ups, stakeholders and governments as the main bodies. The numerical simulation analysis is carried out to study the factors that influence the strategy choices of entrepreneurial ecosystem symbiosis. The result reveals that the influence degree among start-ups, stakeholders and governments' willingness is different. Compared with stakeholders, start-ups are more sensitive to governments' subsidy policies and penalties. A reasonable income distribution mechanism could promote the development of the system towards reciprocal symbiosis. Through the study of the symbiotic mechanism of the maker space entrepreneurial ecosystem, we could provide a reference for promoting the spiral development of the regional entrepreneurial ecosystem and help the government formulate targeted entrepreneurial policies.
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