
Table of Content

    25 May 2017, Volume 26 Issue 5
    Theory Analysis and Methodology Study
    Attribution Reduction Algorithm Based on Information Entropy of Vague Rough Set
    LI Yu-chao, XU Jin-hua
    2017, 26(5):  1-5.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2017.0101
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    In order to solve data information redundancy in complex system analysis, an attribution reduction algorithm based on information entropy of vague rough set is proposed. Firstly, the concerned concepts of vague rough set are expanded, then the extended information entropy and generalized information entropy are defined. Secondly, the attribution importance measure and attribution reduction principle based on information entropy are studied, and then an attribution reduction algorithm based on generalized information entropy is put forward. Finally, the algorithm quality is verified by applying to the chosen UCI database, and the calculation result has shown the validity and feasibility.
    Optimal Pricing Mechanisms for Mobile Service Providers Under Duopoly Competition
    ZHANG Xue-feng, LIANG Yong, MA Xiao-yu
    2017, 26(5):  6-13.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2017.0102
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    Due to competition in the wireless communication market, the pricing mechanisms of mobile service providers determine their profit. In this paper, we use mechanism design to analyze the optimal pricing strategies for service providers towards heterogeneous consumers under duopoly competition. The major findings are threefold: (1)the majority of the profit of service providers comes from low type consumers, and there exist usage distortion of low type consumers roots from the information rent that service providers give to high type consumers. Therefore, service providers should lower the preferential margins to high type consumers to stimulate the consumption of low type consumers; (2)the optimal pricing menu offered by a service provider is positively correlated with that of her competitor; and (3)the optimal pricing menu of a service provider is positively correlated with her service level, and negatively correlated with the service level of her competitor. In other words, besides offering competitive pricing, service providers should constantly improve their service level in order to create higher profit.
    Coordination Contract Design for Hotel and Promoter Under Asymmetric Promotion Cost Information
    ZHOU Yong-wu, HU Shu-an
    2017, 26(5):  14-20.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2017.0103
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    To cope with the increasing competition of hotels and strengthen the control of sales channels,there is an urgent need for hotels to improve the demand in their own sales website. Based on asymmetric promotion cost information,we develop a game model on demand promotion cooperation between a dominant hotel and a promoter,analyse the promoter's incentive of misreporting and point out the necessity of contract design. We propose a contract menu which can maximize profit of hotel and make the promoter choose the contract that is designed for his type. Finally we validate the effectiveness of this contract and show the sensitivity analysis of parameters through numerical examples.
    DEA Game Cross Efficiency Method for Dynamic Change of Competitive and Cooperative between Decision Making Units
    ZHANG Sheng-zong, GONG Zai-wu
    2017, 26(5):  21-27.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2017.0104
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    Using DEA to evaluate relative efficiency, DMUs (decision making units) often needs to consider multiple objectives. The competitive and cooperative relationships between DMUs will also change with the change of objectives. Although the traditional competitive and cooperative model considers the situation that competition and cooperation between DMUs occur simultaneously, it ignores the dynamic change of competition and cooperation. Regarding the competitive and cooperative strategy as the breakthrough point, we introduce the priorities of multi-objective programming into the traditional game cross efficiency model, developing a multi-objective DEA game cross efficiency model, that is the DEA game cross efficiency model for dynamic change of competitive and cooperative relationships between decision making units. This model fully reflects the dynamic change of competition and cooperation between DMUs. Its focus is to find the optimal cross efficiency score directly rather than improve the problem of multiple optimal weights. Using this model, we evaluate the input-output efficiency of manufacturing in Yangtze River Delta region in 2014 under the constraints of environmental pollution. The analysis indicates that the DEA game cross efficiency model for dynamic change of competitive and cooperative converges more quickly than the traditional DEA game cross efficiency model, and its cross efficiency scores converge to a unique Nash equilibrium. Our model implicitly incorporates the relative importance of different objectives without the need for specifying the exact assurance regions.
    Evolutionary Game Model and Simulation Analysis of Terrorist Incidents Considering Defense Topological Characteristics
    CHAI Rui-rui, LIU De-hai, CHEN Jing-feng, SUN Kang
    2017, 26(5):  28-36.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2017.0105
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    The terrorists intend to avoid government agencies, airports and other key facilities of the tight defense, and attack the morning fair, the book office in the train station and other crowded places, which are not yet effectively guarded. Considering topological characteristics of the government's defense, that is to say the topological relation between the scope of government control and the range of terrorist attacks, we construct the evolution game model of terrorist attacks and analyze the equilibrium stability of different situation. Moreover, we simulate theory results of various scenarios under the Netlogo platform. The results show that the simulation equilibrium strategies of government and terrorists are related to the range of government control, the range of terrorist attacks, the cost of government control and government prevention income and other factors. And with the increase of effective control of the government, the possibility of terrorist attacks will continue to decrease until a non attack strategy is adopted.
    Study of Impacts of Countervailing Power on Upstream Firm's Pricing Form Decisions ——Based on Bargaining Game Analysis
    LI Kai, LI Wei, AN Gang
    2017, 26(5):  37-44.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2017.0106
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    Based on a vertical market structure consisting of a monopoly in the upstream and duopoly in the downstream, this paper builds a model of optimal pricing form decision of upstream supplier in two different situations—neither retailer has countervailing power, and a single retailer has countervailing power—in the framework of the bargaining game to analyze the impact of countervailing power on pricing form decision of supplier. The study finds: from the perspective of supplier's profits, when neither retailer has countervailing power, two-part tariff and RPM(resale price maintenance)are equivalent, and both are superior to linear pricing. However, when a single retailer has countervailing power, RPM is superior to two-part tariff, also superior to linear pricing. But the relationship between the two-part tariff and linear pricing is not clear. Based on those conclusions, the paper also discusses supplier's optimal choice of pricing form when government takes different regulation policies on RPM.
    Asymmetrical Evolutionary Game Model of Haze Governance Alliance in Beijing and Hebei Province
    MA Xiang, ZHANG Guo-xing
    2017, 26(5):  45-52.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2017.0107
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    Currently, haze has become the primary environmental problem restricting the development of economy and society in Beijing. Based on the perspective of ecological compensation and ecological claim, this paper constructs the asymmetrical evolutionary game model of haze governance alliance in Beijing and Hebei province, analyzes the stability of this alliance and finally gets the optimal strategy combination. The results show that without the administrative intervention, enterprises will not choose energy conservation and emission reduction for the cost and weak ecological claim of local government. Reasonable ecological claim standard is crucial for enterprises taking energy conservation and emission reduction strategy. If the total value of ecological claim in these two cities is lower than the cost of energy conservation and emission reduction, enterprises will not prefer energy conservation and emission reduction, and they will prefer claim rather than govern pollution when ecological claim is too high. Only when the total value of ecological claim in these two cities is higher than the cost of energy conservation and emission reduction, will they choose energy conservation and emission reduction strategy, and this strategy will not be affected by the amount of ecological claim.
    Government Emergency Supplies Procurement Model Based on Flexible Contract
    ZHANG Lin, TIAN Jun, FENG Geng-zhong
    2017, 26(5):  53-61.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2017.0108
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    In reality, physical reserves cannot meet the huge emergency demands caused by sudden-onset disasters. For emergency supplies with short production time, productivity reserves can reduce the pressure. This paper constructs an emergency supplies procurement model when the supplier can provide both physical reserves and productivity reserves. Optimal decisions of government's payment and supplier's reserves quantity are analyzed under the condition that the supplier can choose production mode (regular production and urgent production). The derived results show that the production capacity constraint and government's payment determine the cooperation form. Numerical analyses test the effectiveness of the proposed model and advantages of the contractual cooperation. Influences of some important exogenous parameters on the optimal decisions are also discussed.
    Method of Multiple Attribute Group Decision Making Based on Intuitive Pure Linguistic Aggregation Operators
    PENG Bo, YE Chun-ming, DU Xue-qiao
    2017, 26(5):  62-68.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2017.0109
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    Intuitive pure linguistic set, as well as its operational laws, expected values and accuracy function are defined. Some new intuitive pure linguistic operators based on the intuitive pure linguistic evaluation scale and the operational laws are developed. Also, a method for aggregating intuitive pure linguistic information, in which all expert weights, attribute weights, attribute values take the form of linguistic labels is proposed. Moreover, the method is applied to the multiple attribute group decision making. And finally, the feasibility and effectiveness of the method are shown by an illustrative example.
    Recognition Method for Uncertain Multi-value Intuitive Fuzzy Decision Making
    JIANG Yong
    2017, 26(5):  69-73.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2017.0110
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    The notion of uncertain multi-value intuitive fuzzy set based on fuzzy environment is given, and the definition of intersection, union, inclusion are extended to such sets. The eight new formulae of similarity degree are presented after the similarity between sets is described. Finally, a practical example of pattern recognition is illustrated to show the availability and validity of the developed formulae.
    Research into O2O Sales Strategy of Uniform Price Online and Offline Based on Chain-to-Chain Competition
    WANG Cong, YANG De-li
    2017, 26(5):  74-80.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2017.0111
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    This article analyzes the influence of O2O sales strategy of uniform price online and offline adopted by retailers on the operations and profits of all the supply chain members from the perspective of chain-to-chain competition. The chain-to-chain competition Stackelberg game models are established based on two different competition modes and the equilibrium profit results are obtained. The results show that when the unit walking-cost is greater than a certain threshold with respect to the electronic channel perception coefficient, the rational retailer will adopt the O2O strategy to increase the profits. It is more important that the retailer's strategy will also increase the profits of the manufacturers both in their supply chain and competitive supply chain. And what is more, when the unit walking-cost with respect to the electronic channel perception coefficient further increases to a bigger threshold, all members in both supply chain will get the benefits. But the O2O sales strategy will raise the sale prices and decrease the consumer surplus.
    Research on Supply Chains Co-opetition Strategy Based on Decision-maker's Risk Preference
    YE Fei, LIN Qiang, ZHENG Yin-fen
    2017, 26(5):  81-88.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2017.0112
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    In the context of competition between two supply chains, this paper studies how the decision-maker's risk preference(risk-averse, risk-neutral or risk-prone)influences co-opetition strategies and optimal pricing decisions of all supply chain members, by the mean-standard deviation criteria. The results show that, the optimal pricing decisions are closely related to the risk preference and product substitutability. Moreover, the co-opetition strategy of supply chain is determined by the risk preference and product substitutability. In addition, the utility of the supply chain does not always decrease with the reduction of the member's risk sensitivity when the supply chain chooses different co-opetition strategies. Finally, a numerical analysis verifies the above conclusions.
    Study on the Quality Input Decision-making Mechanism in Pork Supply Chain Based on the Evolutionary Game
    SUN Shi-min, ZHANG Yuan-yuan
    2017, 26(5):  89-94.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2017.0113
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    Breeding and slaughter processing are the two key links to determine pork quality and safety condition. In this paper the quality input decision-making mechanism of pork supply chains is analyzed with the bi-group evolutionary strategy optimization grey model. The results prove that, the choices of pig farms and slaughter processing enterprises on quality input strategy are closely related to the return. The government should provide subsidies to inspire pig farms or slaughter processing enterprises to carry on quality input in case that the unilateral yield of quality input is lower. The “free rider” appears on the pig farms and slaughter processing enterprises in case that the unilateral yield of quality input is higher and the bilateral yield of quality input is lower. The punitive measures should be taken to force the pig farms or slaughter processing enterprises to carry on quality input.
    The Research on Cooperative Coverage Modeling Based on the Effectiveness of the Location
    LIU Hui, YANG Chao, ZHANG Zong-xiang
    2017, 26(5):  95-101.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2017.0114
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    The maximal coverage model has two assumptions: ‘all or nothing coverage' and ‘individual coverage'. Each demand point within the coverage radius of a facility is completely covered, otherwise, not covered at all. The demand point can be covered by only one facility, namely the closest one. It is not hard to think of settings where the two assumptions may be unrealistic. This research relaxes the two assumptions and studies the gradual coverage and the cooperative coverage. Firstly, we propose a cooperative coverage model to maximum the effectiveness of the location, on the condition that every demand can receive the given lowest service level. The objective function contains a fraction. The nonlinear programming is transformed to an equivalent linear programming by introducing some auxiliary variables. Finally, a numerical example is used to illustrate the effects of the lowest service level on the optimal facility location scheme. Moreover, we obtain how the location cost, total service level and the service level per cost change with the lowest service level. In addition, the sensitivity analyses with the important parameters that influence the model are also analyzed.
    Fuzzy Optimal Combination Forecasting Model Based on TFWPA Operator and Its Application
    ZHU Jia-ming, CHEN Hua-you, ZHOU Li-gang, LIU Jin-pei
    2017, 26(5):  102-109.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2017.0115
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    The prediction results are always real numbers or interval numbers in traditional combination forecasting methods. In fact, triangular fuzzy numbers can depict the characteristics of complicated things better under uncertain surroundings. Therefore, this paper proposes a new method in which the prediction information is expressed by triangular fuzzy numbers. The relative error between triangular fuzzy numbers is defined in this paper, and meanwhile, in order to embody the interactions of primitive forecasting data, the triangular fuzzy weighted power averaging(TFWPA)operator is introduced, and the fuzzy optimal combination forecasting model is developed based on TFWPA operator, triangular fuzzy weighted power geometric(TFWPG)operator and max-min criterion. The concepts of non-inferior combination forecasting and superior combination forecasting are presented, and it is proved that the proposed model is with non-inferior property. An example is also illustrated to show that the effectiveness of the proposed method is guaranteed, and sensitivity analysis is given to some parameters.
    Method for Integrated Optimizing of Rehandling and Retrieving Sequence for Inbound Containers in Container Terminals
    FENG Yuan-jun, ZENG Qing-cheng, LI Hou-yuan, YANG Zhong-zhen
    2017, 26(5):  110-118.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2017.0116
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    During the operation of retrieving containers in container terminals, the retrieving sequence of inbound containers is not matched with the location of the target containers, which results in huge amounts of rehandling. In order to address this problem, an integrated optimizing model of rehandling and retrieving sequence for inbound containers is developed to optimize the retrieving sequence, yard crane assignment and rehandling scheme. The objective is to minimize the operation cost of container terminals and the lateness cost of external trucks. To solve the model, a dynamic programing-based heuristic is designed. Numerical experiments are provided to illustrate the validity of the proposed model and algorithms. The results indicate that the integrated optimizing of retrieving sequence, rehandling scheme and yard crane assignment can decrease the rehandling ratio and the moving cost of yard cranes, and thus can save the total cost of retrieving operation.
    Optimal Periodic Preventive Maintenance Policy for Leased Equipment Based on History Failure Data
    DONG Ke, LV Wen-yuan
    2017, 26(5):  119-124.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2017.0117
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    Aiming at particularity of leased equipment, we present a period preventive maintenance strategy. This policy considers the influence of the equipment's current maintenance period, preventive maintenance, minimal repairs and punishment mechanism on maintenance cost. From the current maintenance cycle of equipment, we construct the distribution of the failure rate function. By utilizing history failure data, and using maximum likelihood estimation analytical method to estimate the failure rate distribution function parameters, we aim to establish a model to minimize the leasing company's expected cost. Finally, numerical examples illustrate that the proposed maintenance strategy is practical and it can provide effective decision support for leasing companies.
    Single Vehicle Scheduling Problems with Cluster and Release Time Constraints on a Line
    BAO Xiao-guang, LIU Zhao-hui, YU Wei
    2017, 26(5):  125-129.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2017.0118
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    We consider the single vehicle scheduling problem in which some customers with release and service time requirements, are located at the vertices of a line, and a vehicle, initially waiting at some vertex, has to serve all the customers. The customers are partitioned into several consecutive clusters, and the customers in each cluster must be served consecutively. The objective is to minimize the makespan. In the tour-version the makespan means the time when the vehicle returns to its initial location after serving all customers. While in the path-version the makespan refers to the maximum completion time of all customers. In the case where the service time of each customer is zero, we show that both versions can be solved in O(n2)time. In the case where the service time of each customer is given arbitrarily, we present a 16/9-approximation algorithm for the tour-version and a 13/7-approximation algorithm for the path-version.
    Ordered Expression of Trapezoidal Fuzzy Number and the Center Average Ranking Method
    WANG Qin, LI Gui-chun
    2017, 26(5):  130-136.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2017.0119
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    The ranking of fuzzy numbers occupies a very important position in the problems of decision analysis and optimization, and a fuzzy number can be approximately decomposed into several small shard trapezoidal form of superposition. Therefore, the ranking problem of trapezoidal fuzzy number is very important. In this paper, a trapezoidal fuzzy number can be implemented in a vertical lengthways segmentation along the axis-y through introducing the method of equidistant subdivision, and an ordered expression of the trapezoidal fuzzy number may be obtained. Secondly, according to the center weighted average rule the horizontal and vertical center formula of a trapezoidal fuzzy number is improved, and a new index ranking criterion is put forward. Finally, we verify the effectiveness of the new ranking method through an example analysis.
    Application Research
    Bounding the Inefficiency of Stochastic User Equilibrium under ATIS and Road Pricing
    ZHANG Jun-ting, ZHOU Jing, CHEN Xing-guang, JU Peng
    2017, 26(5):  137-141.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2017.0120
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    In a transportation network under the Advanced Traveler Information Systems(ATIS), users are heterogeneous in terms of different traffic information received. Users equipped with ATIS do not always follow the ATIS advice, and therefore, based on the information compliance rate, all users are divided into three groups: users with ATIS and in compliance with ATIS advice, users with ATIS but without compliance with ATIS advice, and users without ATIS, all of which follow the stochastic user equilibrium(SUE)principle but with different perceptions of travel time. While road pricing exists simultaneously, users are heterogeneous in terms of different value of time(VOT). Based on the heterogeneities of the two aspects, all users are divided into reasonable classes. In this paper, a multiclass mixed SUE model under road pricing and its equivalent variational inequality are established. While tolls are not considered as part of total system costs, the multiclass system optimum(SO)models under time units and monetary units are presented. Then, the inefficiency of mixed SUE against the SO are investigated; a further analysis is made on the effects of the parameters influencing the upper bounds; the conclusion is meaningful for the manager in network design and optimal control from the perspective of the implementation of the road pricing and the improvement of the information system.
    Effectiveness of Green Development and Environmental Governance ——A Two-stage Non-radial Directional Distance Function Approach
    GE Hong, GUO Yu-wei, HAN Wei-yi
    2017, 26(5):  142-150.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2017.0121
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    Nowadays, China has become a green development oriented society. From the view of total factors, a new approach is provided to evaluate the effectiveness of green development and environmental governance. This method is mainly to take the economic development and environmental governance as an interrelated economic-environmental governance system, and the effectiveness of green development and environmental governance is defined and measured mathematically under the framework of the two-stage non-radial directional distance function. Following the principles of interpretability, analyzability and expressiveness, the total factor performance index and the total reduction index are used separately to measure the effectiveness of the green development and the environmental governance. It is found that the two-stage economic-environmental governance system is technically efficient if and only if the green development and environmental governance are both efficient. The evaluation results by this new approach for 30 regions in 2011 indicate that China's green development is at its early to intermediate stage and the environmental governance is only at its early stage. Therefore, there is a long way to go for us as for the green development and environmental governance in China.
    Dimensionless Methods Selection in the Process of Group Information Aggregation
    GONG Cheng-ju, GUO Ya-jun, LI Ling-yu, LI Wei-wei
    2017, 26(5):  151-157.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2017.0122
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    To analyze the problem of dimensionless methods' influence on aggregation results in group evaluation, this paper takes group information aggregation as the research background, and follows the guide of maximizing the difference among evaluation objects. It studies the choice approach of dimensionless methods in group evaluation and provides several conclusions and suggestions. Firstly, the evaluation situation is set and the research hypotheses are developed. Based on these, the differences between evaluation objects are analyzed according to the group aggregations obtained by different dimensionless methods. Secondly, we discuss the primary factors associated with the objects' difference. Some important conclusions are obtained by analyzing the above impact factors and comparing the objects' aggregations of initial data without being dimensionless. Furthermore, some suggestions about the selection of dimensionless methods in the process of group information aggregation are given. Finally, a numerical example is given to illustrate the validity of these conclusions.
    Research on Multi-objective Coordination and Control of Monetary Policy
    LIU Chao, LIN Xiao-le, Ma Yu-jie
    2017, 26(5):  158-169.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2017.0123
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    Multi-object of monetary policy is important to ensure the coordinated development of the economy running smoothly. The establishment of monetary policy control model multi-object system is based on the theories of economic control. By examining the control characteristics of monetary policy control model multi-target system such as observability,controllability and stability control characteristics,the results verify the effectiveness of China's monetary policy and the existence of Coordination among monetary policy ultimate goals, which provides theory foundation for the research on the multi-goals coordinated development strategy of monetary policy. Using simulink to establish the multi-goals of monetary policy coordination controlling model,the outcome shows that in order to ensure the coordinated development of the ultimate goal of monetary policy needs to be further drop must cut interest rates. The conclusion provides theoretical support for the scientific implementation of the current monetary policy.
    Secure and Economic Operating Model for Power System Considering Wind Power and Load Forecasting Errors
    XUE Song, OUYANG Shao-jie, ZENG Bo, CHEN Tian-qiong
    2017, 26(5):  170-175.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2017.0124
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    Considering wind power and load forecast uncertainties, the concept of net load has been brought forward, which takes error probability distributions of wind power forecast and load forecast in consideration comprehensively. Through scene probability research, secure and economic operating model is built, minimizing total operation cost which consists of deterministic cost and stochastic cost. The example has verified that the stochastic model is much more effective in reducing operation cost than the traditional deterministic operation planning model. It is also confirmed that installing wind power capacity, according to power system capacity and load demand responsiveness, is of great importance in reducing wind energy spillage and improving power supply reliability.
    Management Science
    Project Partner Selection Method Based on Resources Complementarity
    TONG Shi-qi, WANG Nuo, DANG Yan-zhong
    2017, 26(5):  176-183.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2017.0125
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    It is possible for the projects undertaken by different enterprises to take advantage of complementary resources when they are constructed simultaneously in the same region. If the possibility is rationally used by the enterprise, the project can obtain further optimization. Therefore, how to choose the best partners needs to be studied. This paper illustrates the formation mechanism of resources complementarity from the point of cooperative game theory and analyzes the decision-making characteristics of the partner selection problem. A partner selection model is established by using bi-level programming. A solution method based on expected profit constraint selection is applied to solve the model. A case study on the construction plan optimization of reclamation for a port industrial park is used to verify the model and its solution. The result shows that, by using this method, the time and cost of the reclamation can be effectively saved compared with the original plan.
    Research on Income Distribution of Research Team Members Based on the Research Commercialization Contribution
    WANG Chun-xi, YANG Shui-li
    2017, 26(5):  184-188.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2017.0126
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    Promoting the research commercialization is an important content of deepening the reform of science and technology system in China. It is the key link of science and technology to the real productive forces. And it is the fundamental requirements of implementing the innovation-driven development strategy. As research team members are the main part of scientific and technological innovation activities, they are allowed to participate the income distribution in the research commercialization to mobilize the enthusiasm in scientific and technological innovation and research commercialization. Based on the analysis of the relevant theory, we will design indexes, weight and scale to measure research team members' performance in research and development and research commercialization by the principal components analysis method and KPI method, and construct the income distribution in research commercialization of research team members. The conclusion will provide the theoretical basis for improving the stakeholders incentive mechanism in research commercialization.
    Research on the Form of the Utility Function of Enterprises and Market
    WANG Wen
    2017, 26(5):  189-193.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2017.0127
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    The operating utility of a company is a very important factor to formulate its strategic decision-making and development tactics, and therefore we study its basic utility types and the forms of corresponding functions, and put forward the measurement method of the overall comprehensive operating utility of a shipping market segmentation. The operating utility of enterprise is composed of the utility from two parts in a linear form, which are own operation and peer comparison. The utility variables are the weighted synthesis value of unit profitability indicators and the difference between unit earnings level of the enterprise and that average value of the industry in the same market. The utility functions pass through the original point and monotonous, so it is necessary to make coordinate transformation, rotation or symmetry of the logarithmic function, exponential function etc. corresponding to various types of utility in utility theory. The conservative and risk-oriented utility functions are concave and convex respectively in the definition of the domain, and there are 81 basic types of functions for 9 types of utility, and we analyze the meaning, operating characteristics and pricing tendency of each utility type. Taking market share as the weight of enterprise's operating utility, we construct the power-average utility model as the measurement of market overall operating utility.
    Product-Mix Strategy of Target Close Degree Based on Rough Set and Fuzzy Matter-element Theory
    GAO Xue-hong, YANG Yu-zhong, ZHANG Xiao-na
    2017, 26(5):  194-199.  DOI: 10.12005/orms.2017.0128
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    In the process of production, the product-mix strategy problem is one of the most critical aspects for resolving preliminary production plans, and it plays a key role in realizing the optimal objective of production. In order to tackle the problem efficiently, this paper proposed a model using the product-mix strategy of target close degree based on rough set and fuzzy matter-element theory. From the perspective of internal relations of products, fuzzy matter-element is used to calculate the membership degree firstly. Then, a model of product-mix strategy based on rough set and entropy weight was set up. Besides, the analytic hierarchy process is used to correct the target close degree. Finally, the model is used to study the close degree between each multiple product-mix strategy and find out the best way of product-mix strategy. The result shows that the model can find the internal relations of products effectively. Taking 2-products-mix for example, this model enables the enterprise to put forward a more optimal 2-product-mix strategy than other traditional methods, which indicates that the model is a better way to realize the optimal objective of production and decision-making reference.
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