About Journal

  • Operations Research and Management Science (ORMS) was launched in 1992 and is one of the two journals sponsored by the Operations Research Society of China (ORSC). Papers published in this journal convey both theoretical results and innovative application in industry, agriculture, government, military and other fields of social and economic development.

    The journal now lists as the “Core Chinese Journal”, “Chinese Core Scientific Journal” and the “Chinese Key Journal in Management Science”. The current impact factor is 1.150 (from the data of Institute of Science and Technology Information of China).

    Currently it is a monthly published journal. We have over 1500 subscribers. Statistics shows that half of the paper contributors come from the leading universities and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

    The journal has mainly accepted papers and reports in Chinese, but now extremely welcome papers and reports in English, especially from the scientists and practitioners in other countries.

  • 2010-10-11 Visited: 31652