Operations Research and Management Science ›› 2024, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (4): 63-69.DOI: 10.12005/orms.2024.0113

• Theory Analysis and Methodology Study • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Optimization Strategies of Remanufacturing System Considering Consumers’Environmental Awareness under Carbon Tax Policy

ZHANG Huichen, HAN Xiaoya   

  1. Business School, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China
  • Received:2022-01-26 Online:2024-04-25 Published:2024-06-13


张会臣, 韩小雅   

  1. 上海理工大学 管理学院,上海 200093
  • 通讯作者: 韩小雅(1989-),通讯作者,女,安徽潜山人,博士,副教授,研究方向:供应链管理,消费者行为。
  • 作者简介:张会臣(1994-),男,河南商丘人,硕士研究生,研究方向:供应链管理,消费者行为。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: In recent years, climate change has been a topic of common concern in the world, and in order to cope with climate change, low-carbon development has become a common trend in the development of countries around the world. With the development of society, consumers’ awareness of environmental protection is increasing. In order to capture the market and promote product sales, many manufacturing companies provide “trade-in” services. The “trade-in” and government subsidy policies promote the recycling of old products, which further provides the basis for the development of the remanufacturing industry. As a kind of green products, the performance and quality of remanufactured products are no worse than those of the original new products, and the acceptance of remanufactured products by consumers is also increasing. However, due to the inherent concept of consumers, the acceptance of remanufactured products is relatively low compared with green innovative products, which also provides an incentive for manufacturers to develop green innovative products. Then, how manufacturers should respond to the competition of remanufactured products and promote the development of the remanufacturing supply chain under the low-carbon policy is an issue worth studying.
This study takes new products produced by manufacturers and remanufactured products produced by remanufacturers under the carbon tax policy as an object for study. Considering the erosion of remanufactured products on new products, royalties are introduced to mitigate the erosion of the products, and in order to cope with the increasing environmental protection consciousness of consumers, emission reduction design is carried out for new products. The game models between manufacturers and remanufacturers are developed and optimized under three scenarios: no emission reduction strategy, emission reduction strategy and supply chain coordination. The government promotes low-carbon production through carbon tax policy, while producers and remanufacturers maximize profits by optimizing pricing and production strategies. The interactive decision-making between remanufacturers and producers is analyzed using the Stackelberg game model framework. Finally, by coordinating the supply chain, a contract is proposed to achieve a “win-win” situation for both producers and remanufacturers.
The main conclusions are as follows: (1)When producers do not adopt emission reduction strategies, the increase in consumers’ environmental awareness can motivate producers to reduce the price of new products and royalties; when the unit production cost of new products is low, remanufacturers should try to increase the acceptance of remanufactured products to cope with the competition of new products. (2)When manufacturers adopt emission reduction strategies, the optimal emission reduction rate of new products will not always increase with the increase in consumers’ environmental awareness, and the gap between the unit carbon emission of new products and that of remanufactured products needs to be considered. (3)Cooperation among supply chain members is a necessary means to promote the healthy development of the market. In conclusion, when facing the issues of carbon tax policy, consumer environmental awareness and product erosion, manufacturers should judge the size of the corresponding thresholds according to the market situation and formulate effective strategies to promote the healthy development of the market.
Future research can conduct in-depth discussions in the following directions: (1)Research on the interaction between emission reduction strategies and supply chain coordination should further explore the interaction between emission reduction strategies and supply chain coordination, and analyze how to achieve benefit sharing and risk sharing among supply chain members under the emission reduction target. It should study the impact of different coordination mechanisms (e.g., contract design, information sharing, etc.) on the implementation effect of emission reduction strategies, and explore how to optimize the coordination mechanism to improve the emission reduction effect and supply chain performance. (2)Research on the impact of carbon tax policy on the remanufacturing system should further analyze the specific mechanism of carbon tax policy in the remanufacturing system, including its impact on producers, remanufacturers and the whole supply chain. It can explore the operation strategies and performance changes of the supply chain under different carbon tax rates, and provide decision support for the government to formulate reasonable carbon tax policies.

Key words: carbon tax, consumer environmental awareness, outsourcing authorizes remanufacturing, Stackeberg game, emission reduction

摘要: 本文基于消费者环保意识和政府碳税政策,从产品竞争与侵蚀的角度出发,对外包授权再制造系统运作管理问题进行研究。在不减排策略、减排策略和供应链协调三种情形下,分别建立了生产商与再制造商之间的博弈模型,并进行优化求解。分析结果表明,消费者环保意识的增强可以促使生产商降低新产品价格和专利费用,而对于再制造商,只有当再制造产品的接受程度较大时,再制造产品的价格才会随着消费者环保意识的增强而提高;有趣的是,新产品的最优减排率并不总是随着消费者环保意识的提高而提高,需要考虑两种产品单位碳排放之间的差距;此外,减排策略的实施对产品的专利费用没有直接的影响,也不总是有利于新产品需求的提升;最后,碳税政策在供应链协调中发挥着重要作用,从而促进“双赢”局面的形成。

关键词: 碳税, 消费者环保意识, 外包授权再制造, Stackeberg博弈, 减排

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