Operations Research and Management Science ›› 2023, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (12): 43-49.DOI: 10.12005/orms.2023.0384

• Theory Analysis and Methodology Study • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Evolutionary Game Analysis of Servitization of Equipment Manufacturing Enterprises Based on Prospect Theory: From the View of Consumers

ZHANG Jingsi, QI liangqun   

  1. School of Economics and Management, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin 150080, China
  • Received:2020-12-30 Online:2023-12-25 Published:2024-02-06


张婧思, 綦良群   

  1. 哈尔滨理工大学 经济与管理学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150080
  • 作者简介:张婧思(1990-),女,黑龙江哈尔滨人,讲师,博士,研究方向:高技术产业转型升级与服务化;綦良群(1964-),男,吉林长春人,教授,博士生导师,博士,研究方向:高技术产业发展战略与政策。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The service-oriented transformation of equipment manufacturing enterprises is currently a high point in global industrial competition. It helps companies transition from traditional manufacturing to high-end manufacturing, gaining sustainable competitive advantages. Service orientation not only protects the core product model and mission of enterprises but also creates additional value by internalizing key manufacturing processes. This is a process of interactive innovation that requires establishing close customer relationships. Customers, as the driving force behind service-oriented strategies, are crucial reasons for adopting such strategies. Research on the service orientation of equipment manufacturing enterprises, especially dynamic research considering customer interaction, has significant theoretical value and practical relevance.
Evolutionary game theory is applicable to solving service-oriented problems with stage-specific characteristics, particularly in dynamic processes involving customer participation. This process entails continuous coordination among entities and is characterized by stage-specific features. However, previous research has largely focused on enterprises or governments, with limited analysis of the interaction between equipment manufacturing companies and customers in the service-oriented process. In this context, traditional evolutionary game theory based on expected utility theory fails to accurately capture the real decision-making situations faced by individuals. On the other hand, behavioral decision theory addresses the separation of expected standards from values and considers risk preferences when individuals face gains and risks, as well as their perception of probabilities for uncertain events. This paper, from a customer perspective, introduces prospect theory into the evolutionary game model, replacing expected gains and event probabilities in the expected utility function with value perception functions and decision weight functions respectively. It also considers the value perception from the reference point in the original payoff matrix, exploring the key influencing factors of service-oriented strategies under bounded rationality and revealing the fundamental strategies for equipment manufacturing companies’service orientation.
The results show that, firstly, the demand degree of advanced service factors, the heterogeneity degree of service factors and the absorptive capacity of equipment manufacturing enterprises have an important impact on the adoption of service strategy. Among them, the heterogeneity of service factors has the most significant impact on strategy adoption. Secondly, reasonable distribution of service-oriented income and cost is the prerequisite for the adoption of service-oriented strategy, but the sensitivity of customers and enterprises to these two aspects differs. Customers are generally more tolerant towards service-oriented costs, while enterprises are more concerned about the returns. Thirdly, the results show that the difference of service factors has a more significant impact on the outcome of the game than the level of service demand and the enterprise’s resource acquisition ability, which reflects the equipment manufacturing company’s strong desire for innovative solutions to meet the challenges of service-oriented strategy. Lastly, the fuzzy aversion attitude, risk-reward, and loss-aversion coefficients of both parties in the game must be within their respective critical value ranges for the service-oriented strategy to be adopted. Based on the above conclusions, recommendations are made from three aspects: government incentives, customer value perception of service orientation, and enterprise quality improvement and efficiency.

Key words: equipment manufacturing; servitization; prospect theory; evolutionary game; simulation analysis

摘要: 本文以客户需求为视角,探讨了现阶段我国装备制造企业通过服务增值建立新发展格局下竞争优势的途径。研究中将前景理论引入演化博弈模型,使用价值感知函数和决策权重函数替换期望效用函数中的期望收益和事件概率,同时考虑参照点的价值感知对收益矩阵的影响。研究结果显示,服务要素差异度、先进生产性服务要素需求度,以及企业资源吸收能力等因素都对服务化策略采纳产生重要影响,其中异质性的服务要素对策略采纳影响最为显著。此外,合理的服务化收益分配和成本是服务化策略采纳的前提条件,但客户和企业在此方面的敏感性存在明显差异。客户对先进生产性服务化成本容忍度较高,企业则对服务化收益更为敏感。最后,客企的模糊反感程度和损益敏感性系数也是影响服务化策略采纳的关键因素,需要进行合理调节。

关键词: 装备制造企业, 服务化, 前景理论, 演化博弈, 仿真分析

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