运筹与管理 ›› 2023, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (6): 1-11.DOI: 10.12005/orms.2023.0175

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赵宁1, 裴蕾2, 刘德海1, 刘克3   

  1. 1.东北财经大学 公共管理学院,辽宁 大连 116025;
    2.大连万众应急救援队,辽宁 大连 116025;
    3.中国科学院 数学与系统科学研究院,北京 101408
  • 收稿日期:2023-06-15 出版日期:2023-06-25 发布日期:2023-07-24
  • 通讯作者: 刘克(1956-),男,北京人,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究方向:可靠性数学理论。
  • 作者简介:赵宁(1992-),男,吉林白城人,博士,副教授,研究方向:应急管理;裴蕾(1973-),女,辽宁大连人,研究方向:应急管理; 刘德海(1974-),男,辽宁辽阳人,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究方向:应急管理,社会治理,博弈论。
  • 基金资助:

Practical Demand and Theoretical Prospect of Data-driven Emergency Management: 2023 “Wanzhong Cup” Emergency Management Data Analysis Competition

ZHAO Ning1, PEI Lei2, LIU Dehai1, LIU Ke3   

  1. 1. School of Public Administration, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian 116025, China;
    2. Wanzhong Emergency Rescue Team, Dalian 116025, China;
    3. Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 101408, China
  • Received:2023-06-15 Online:2023-06-25 Published:2023-07-24

摘要: 为了解决数据驱动下应急管理面临的应急数据严重异构、跨部门应急业务数据缺乏共享等实践难题,充分发挥社会救援力量在应急抢险救援中的作用,建立大安全大应急框架,东北财经大学公共管理学院、大连万众应急救援队和《运筹与管理》编辑部共同发起“万众杯”应急管理数据分析大赛。大连万众应急救援队为参赛者提供自2020年以来近5000余次救援/培训任务的相关数据,每份数据涉及求助信息记录、任务指派和调度记录、队员出勤和参与情况、出勤资源配置记录和任务执行结果等要素。欢迎国内外研究人员利用这些应急救援数据集,围绕着大安全大应急框架下防灾减灾下沉基层的实施路径、政府部门与非政府组织目标差异下的应急救援任务协调、大安全大应急框架下社会救援力量的参与途径、互联网时代下社会公益救援组织的运行模式优化、政府数据与资源开放和共享的应急数据治理、数据驱动下走失人员追踪搜救措施优化和基于GIS的城市急救资源优化配置等实践需求,开发质性研究、计量经济模型、数据驱动的优化技术、社会仿真模型和智能算法设计等,着力解决数据驱动下应急管理的实践需求,并做出适度的理论前瞻。

关键词: 应急管理, 数据驱动, 数据分析大赛, 实践需求, 社会救援力量

Abstract: Motivation: The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has made strategic arrangements to “improve the level of public safety governance”, with one of the important tasks being to “establish a comprehensive safety and emergency framework and improve the public safety system”. Given China’s vast territory, large population, and diverse types of disasters, the task of preventing and responding to disasters is extremely demanding. The Chinese government adheres to the principle of putting people first in disaster relief work and fully leverages the institutional advantage of socialist “mobilizing resources for major undertakings”. Social rescue forces are an important complement to professional rescue forces and play a significant role in establishing a closely coordinated mechanism for emergency response to disasters. In recent years, China’s social rescue forces have continuously grown and developed, playing a crucial role in strengthening the foundation of disaster prevention, mitigation, and relief, promoting popular science knowledge, and engaging in emergency rescue operations. They have become an integral part of the emergency rescue system. However, the “14th Five-Year National Comprehensive Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Plan” (National Reduction Letter[2022]) still emphasizes that China currently faces issues such as the need to improve coordination and coordination mechanisms, the inadequacy of mechanisms such as social mobilization to adapt to new situations and requirements, and insufficient application of new technology and techniques. From the perspective of emergency management, the aforementioned issues reflect the imperfect mechanism and unclear path of social participation under the government-led disaster management model in the current stage. There is a need to optimize the management processes of social rescue organization and address issues related to the incomplete effectiveness of new technologies such as GIS and artificial intelligence. It is necessary to further strengthen organizational guidance, standardize rescue operations, enhance capabilities, and promote the greater role of social rescue forces.
Dalian Wanzhong Emergency Rescue Team was established in April 2015 and has been in operation for 8 years. Since its establishment, the team has been committed to emergency disaster relief, urgent rescue operations, social assistance, public promotion of disaster prevention and mitigation skills, and providing security for large-scale mass activities. Its goal is to promote the development of non-governmental public welfare rescue undertakings and become a professional, standardized, and standardized rescue organization covering various fields such as life rescue, humanitarian assistance, and disaster prevention. Over the years, it has become a collaborative unit of the Liaoning Provincial Public Security Department’s Patrol and Special Police Brigade, Liaoning Maritime Search and Rescue Center, Dalian Maritime Search and Assistance Center, provincial, municipal, and district emergency departments, 110 command centers, armed forces, maritime police, and border police. It undertakes emergency warehouse management services for the Jinpu New Area Development and Reform Bureau and has established cooperative relationships with several universities, including Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian Jiaotong University, and Dalian Community College. The team has basic equipment and various vehicles used for training in urban search and rescue, earthquake rescue, water rescue, mountain rescue, and pre-hospital emergency care, with a total value of over 5 million yuan. It currently has more than 3 000 active volunteers, including nearly 100 professional rescue personnel with national qualifications. Since the recording of rescue operations began in March 2018, as of May 2023, the team has carried out over 3 400 rescue operations, saving more than 300 people, and assisting in the search for nearly 2 000 missing persons.
The participation of social forces in emergency rescue under the framework of comprehensive security and emergency response has positive significance. Due to the potential negative impacts of human activities on disasters, the management of social rescue forces becomes particularly important. Firstly, the participation of social forces can expand the scope and scale of rescue resources. Not only government departments but also volunteer organizations, non-governmental organizations, businesses, and ordinary citizens can provide rescue resources and assistance, increasing the strength of rescue operations. Secondly, the participation of social forces can improve the response speed of emergency rescue. Social organizations and volunteers are often more flexible and agile, able to quickly organize actions and provide rescue and support in emergency situations, thereby shortening the response time. Finally, the participation of social forces can bring diverse professional knowledge and skills. Different organizations and individuals possess different professional backgrounds and skills, and have better acceptance of soft technologies such as GIS, artificial intelligence, and emerging equipment. They can provide a wider range and more comprehensive rescue services and support to meet various rescue needs.
In order to address the challenges of emergency data heterogeneity and lack of interdepartmental sharing of emergency business data in data-driven emergency management, and to fully leverage the role of social rescue forces in emergency response and rescue, the School of Public Administration at Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian Wanzhong Emergency Rescue Team, and the journal Operations Research and Management Science jointly initiated the “Wanzhong Cup” Emergency Management Data Analysis Competition. The goal is to promote the integration of cutting-edge theories in emergency management with practical rescue practices in China, and to leverage the advantages of universities, industrial enterprises, and journals to accelerate the development of a Chinese-style modern emergency management system and capacity building. Participants will have the opportunity to utilize the abundant emergency management data of Dalian Wanzhong Emergency Rescue Team, conduct in-depth data analysis, and reveal the patterns and trends of emergency management in specific contexts, providing scientific decision-making basis for emergency response and rescue work.
Data and Task Flow: Dalian Wanzhong Emergency Rescue Team is a nonprofit social organization, and the equipment needed for its daily operations is mainly acquired through self-raised funds. The rescue team currently provides two main services: Rescue operations and training. The information for rescue tasks comes from government departments and civilian requests for assistance. When responding to rescue tasks, the rescue team primarily mobilizes volunteers through a call-to-action approach. On the other hand, training tasks are carried out through signed training agreements with specific departments. In order to assist researchers in gaining a better understanding of the operational flow of the rescue team and analyzing potential scientific issues, the following sections will provide a detailed overview of the daily management process of the team and the available data.
Dalian Wanzhong Emergency Rescue Team is a collaborative rescue organization with a 24-hour hotline, and its daily management processes ensure efficient rescue operations. Different rescue tasks correspond to different sources of information. For example, search and rescue operations for missing persons are typically initiated by local 110 command centers or the relatives and friends of the missing individuals. Maritime rescue missions primarily originate from the Maritime Search and Rescue Center, Coast Guard, and Border Patrol. Mountain rescue operations are mainly sourced from local police stations or fire departments within the jurisdiction. The process begins with the transmission of distress signals, whereby victims report their requests for assistance either directly to the rescue team headquarters or through government agencies. Upon receiving the information, the rescue team headquarters notifies the sectional team leaders in the respective regions to ensure prompt response to the task. Subsequently, the duty secretary verifies the distress information and provides feedback to the sectional team leader. Through communication tools such as WeChat groups, the sectional team leader summons participating team members and other relevant personnel, who then assemble at designated locations before proceeding to the rescue site for the operation. Upon completion of the task, the secretary’s team assesses and archives the attendance and performance of the sectional team leader and team members.
Each step in this management process holds significant importance. The transmission of distress signals serves as the starting point for rescue operations. Timely and accurate information dissemination ensures swift response by the rescue team, thereby enhancing the efficiency and success rate of rescue missions. The verification of distress information is a crucial step to ascertain the authenticity and feasibility of the rescue operation, ensuring effective utilization of resources. The gathering of team members and relevant personnel is an essential stage to ensure organized actions by the rescue team. Efficient communication tools enhance the efficiency of information dissemination and improve communication accuracy. Lastly, the assessment and archiving process contributes to the summary of experiences and lessons learned from rescue operations, providing reference and improvement directions for future rescue work.
Dalian Wanzhong Emergency Rescue Team maintains comprehensive records of various rescue cases and task data before and after the rescue operations. The volunteer-based organization offers abundant data for research analysis. This includes nearly 5000 pieces of relevant data on rescue and training tasks from January 2020 to February 2023. Each year is represented by a separate Excel spreadsheet, and each spreadsheet is divided into six sub-tables based on the type of tasks, namely maritime rescue, urban search and rescue, mountain rescue, training support, epidemic prevention and control, and team organization and equipment maintenance. Each sub-table contains seven categories of information, including event ID, event summary, deployment time, number of deployed personnel, number of deployments, team name, and remarks. Through the analysis of this data, researchers can explore various scientific questions in depth. For example, based on the records of distress signals, researchers can study the distribution patterns of different types of disasters in different regions and the characteristics of emergency calls for help. This information can be used to formulate corresponding rescue strategies. Task assignment and scheduling records can be utilized to assess the response speed and resource utilization efficiency of the rescue team, providing references for improving the effectiveness of rescue operations. The data on team attendance and participation can be used to evaluate the enthusiasm of team members and the effectiveness of teamwork, thereby enhancing team management and training mechanisms. Additionally, the analysis of rescue resource allocation records can contribute to optimizing resource allocation and utilization, improving rescue efficiency and flexibility. The results of task execution can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of rescue command processes.
In summary, the daily management processes and provided data of Dalian Wanzhong Emergency Rescue Team offer researchers an opportunity to gain in-depth understanding of the operation of the rescue team and analyze potential scientific issues. Through the study and analysis of these processes and data, the scientific and efficient nature of rescue work can be promoted, enhancing the emergency response capabilities of the rescue team and better addressing various disaster events.
Potential Research Directions: Dalian Wanzhong Emergency Rescue Team has decided to provide detailed rescue data to support the 2023 “Wanzhong Cup” Emergency Data Analysis Competition. This article provides a detailed description of the dataset. Interested researchers can choose appropriate research methods based on their research questions and expertise. Qualitative research, econometric modeling, optimization modeling, social simulation, data-driven optimization techniques, and research on intelligent algorithms are all popular areas of study. Specifically, emergency rescue managers in the industrial sector strongly recommend researching the following issues.
Direction 1:Mechanism analysis in the context of government-led and social participation
First, the implementation pathway of disaster prevention and reduction at the grassroots level within the framework of comprehensive safety and emergency management.
With the increasing frequency of disasters and the growing demand for emergency response, it has become an urgent task to implement disaster prevention and reduction at the grassroots level within the framework of comprehensive safety and emergency management. In order to effectively address disaster risks, the research competition solicits research achievements on the pathways and approaches for disaster prevention and reduction at the grassroots level. Under this theme, participants are encouraged to explore the following aspects:
Collaboration between grassroots organizations and the government: Research on how to strengthen the collaboration between grassroots organizations and government departments, establish a collaborative working mechanism, and jointly promote disaster prevention and reduction efforts. This can include exploring the establishment of effective information sharing and communication channels, enhancing the emergency response capabilities of grassroots organizations, and the government’s support in resource allocation and guidance.
Training and capacity building for grassroots personnel: Explore how to enhance the training and skills development of grassroots personnel, enabling them to effectively organize and guide emergency response efforts during disasters. This can involve researching the development of tailored training programs for grassroots personnel, providing opportunities for practical experience exchange, and establishing training institutions and resource support systems.
Community participation and awareness enhancement: Study ways to enhance the disaster prevention and reduction awareness and engagement of community residents, encouraging them to take proactive actions when disasters occur. This can involve exploring the implementation of public education activities, organizing simulation drills, establishing community networks, and stimulating community residents’ participation and improving their emergency self-help capabilities.
Technological innovation and information support: Explore how to leverage modern technology and information tools to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of grassroots disaster prevention and reduction efforts. This can include researching the development of intelligent emergency management systems, emergency resource dispatch platforms, and disaster information platforms, as well as utilizing technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence to provide scientific decision-making support and real-time monitoring and early warning capabilities.
Second, emergency rescue task coordination between government departments and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) under goal disparities.
Under the goal disparities between non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and government departments, achieving coordination and collaboration in emergency rescue tasks is an important issue. This theme aims to solicit research achievements on the coordination of emergency rescue tasks between NGOs and government departments. The following aspects are encouraged to be explored:
Goal compatibility and cooperation mechanisms: Research on how to align the goals between NGOs and government departments and establish mechanisms for collaborative cooperation. This can involve exploring the establishment of cooperation agreements, resource and information sharing, as well as developing clear cooperation frameworks and division of responsibilities.
Role positioning and complementary advantages: Explore the role positioning and complementary advantages of NGOs and government departments in responding to disasters and emergencies. This can involve researching how to leverage the flexibility and innovative capabilities of NGOs, combined with the resource allocation and regulatory management of government departments, to form a joint force in addressing disasters and emergencies.
Communication and collaboration platforms: Research on how to establish effective communication and collaboration platforms to facilitate information exchange and coordination between NGOs and government departments. This can include considering the use of modern technological tools to establish platforms such as online collaboration platforms, social media, as well as organizing regular meetings, workshops, and other forms of communication and cooperation.
Legal regulations and policy support: Explore how to improve relevant laws, regulations, and policies to support the coordination of tasks between NGOs and government departments. This can involve researching the development of clear policy guidance, providing preferential policies and funding support, as well as strengthening legal protection and regulatory measures to promote cooperation between both parties, and safeguard corresponding rights and interests.
Direction 2: Optimization research on the operation mechanism of social forces
First, the participation pathways of social rescue forces within the framework of comprehensive safety and emergency response.
Under the framework of comprehensive safety and emergency response, the participation of social rescue forces is crucial. To promote the effective participation of social rescue forces, the scientific research and innovation competition is soliciting research results related to this theme. Under this theme, we encourage participants to explore the following aspects:
Cultivation and development of social rescue organizations: Research on how to cultivate and develop social rescue organizations, including non-governmental organizations, volunteer organizations, and corporate social responsibility projects. Consider providing training and guidance to stimulate the enthusiasm and professionalism of social rescue forces, as well as establishing cooperative networks and resource support systems for social rescue organizations.
Interdepartmental cooperation and coordination mechanisms: Explore how to establish mechanisms for interdepartmental cooperation and coordination, enabling social rescue forces to collaborate effectively with government departments, public safety agencies, and other relevant organizations. Research the formulation of cooperative agreements, mechanisms for information sharing and resource allocation to facilitate cross-sectoral cooperation and coordination.
Technological innovation and application: Study how to enhance the response speed and efficiency of social rescue forces through the use of modern technologies. Explore the application of technologies such as unmanned aerial vehicles, artificial intelligence, and big data to provide real-time disaster information and warnings, supporting rescue decision-making and resource allocation.
Social participation and public awareness: Explore ways to enhance public awareness and participation in social rescue forces, thereby improving the overall capacity of social rescue. Consider conducting public awareness campaigns, organizing public visits to rescue exercises, and sharing case studies to inspire public social responsibility and participation.
Second, optimization of the operational models of social welfare and rescue organizations in the Internet era.
In the Internet era, the operational models of social welfare and rescue organizations need to be optimized and innovated. To promote the development of social welfare and rescue organizations, the scientific research and innovation competition is soliciting research results related to this theme. Under this theme, we encourage participants to explore the following aspects:
Social media and public participation: Research how to utilize social media platforms and Internet tools to facilitate interaction and engagement between social welfare and rescue organizations and the public. Explore the establishment of online volunteer recruitment platforms, crowdfunding platforms for social rescue projects, and utilize social media for promotion and information dissemination.
Organizational structure and operational model innovation: Explore how to optimize the organizational structure and operational model of social welfare and rescue organizations to enhance their efficiency and sustainable development capabilities. Research the adoption of flat management structures, the introduction of specialized operational teams, and the establishment of partnerships with other charitable organizations to enhance organizational flexibility and professionalism.
Data management and decision support: Study how to utilize data management and analysis technologies to provide decision support and strategic planning. Explore the establishment of information-based data management systems to collect and analyze data relevant to social welfare and rescue, providing scientific decision-making basis for optimizing resource allocation and project management.
Risk management and supervision mechanisms: Discuss how to establish sound risk management and supervision mechanisms to enhance the transparency and trustworthiness of social welfare and rescue organizations. Research the establishment of assessment and monitoring systems, strengthen supervision and evaluation of rescue projects and the use of donations to safeguard the rights and interests of the public and ensure the effective utilization of donations.
Direction 3: The paradigm-shifting of emergency rescue driven by new technologies
First, emergency data governance: openness and sharing of government data and resources.
The openness and sharing of government data and resources play a crucial role in emergency data governance. To promote innovation and development in emergency data governance, the research and innovation competition is seeking research outcomes related to this topic. Under this theme, participants are encouraged to explore the following aspects:
Mechanisms for data openness and sharing: Research how to establish mechanisms for government data openness and sharing to facilitate data sharing and collaboration among different departments. This may involve establishing unified data standards and interfaces to promote data interoperability while ensuring data privacy and security.
Multi-source heterogeneous data fusion and big data analysis: It is necessary to explore how to integrate the multi-source heterogeneous data emerging in the process of emergency rescue, and use data analysis technology to extract valuable information and management insights from the “infodemic”. Research on establishing an integrated platform for emergency data that enables real-time data collection, storage, and analysis to provide scientific basis for emergency decision-making.
Data governance and policy regulations: Study how to establish a sound data governance system and develop relevant policies and regulations to promote compliant and effective data usage and management. Consider the government to promote the establishment of a reward mechanism for data sharing and openness, and clarify the rights and responsibilities of data.
Data application and innovation in emergency rescue scenarios: Explore how to effectively apply government data to all aspects of emergency rescue, and promote the intelligence and precision of emergency decision-making and resource allocation. Research and develop a data-driven emergency management information system for specific emergency rescue scenarios, provide real-time disaster/public opinion monitoring and early warning, and optimize the allocation of emergency resources and response capabilities.
Second, optimization of measures for tracking and search of missing persons in the data-driven context.
Data-driven smart emergency management enables more accurate tracking and search operations for missing persons. The Emergency Rescue Team has been involved in search and rescue operations for Alzheimer’s patients and runaway teenagers, accumulating a wealth of cases and data. In order to enhance the intelligence level of the search and rescue work of missing persons, participants are encouraged to explore the following topics worthy of further study.
Data-driven tracking of missing persons: Research how data technologies such as GPS positioning, facial recognition, and mobile communications can enhance the localization and tracking capabilities of missing persons. Discuss the establishment of real-time databases and tracking systems for missing persons to provide fast and accurate location information.
Multi-party cooperation mechanism and resource integration platform: Explore how to realize cross-departmental and cross-organizational cooperation mechanisms and resource integration platforms to improve the efficiency and coverage of search and rescue for missing persons. Research on the establishment of an information cooperation platform for search and rescue of missing persons, and promote the organic collaboration of police, volunteers, communities and other forces.
Early warning mechanisms and emergency response: Study how to establish early warning mechanisms for identifying missing person risks in advance and implementing rapid and effective emergency response measures. Explore the establishment of intelligent warning systems that leverage artificial intelligence and big data technologies to provide accurate prediction and warning information about missing person risks.
Information dissemination and public participation: Explore how to expand the coverage and resources for searching and rescuing missing persons through information dissemination channels and public participation. Research the establishment of platforms for publishing missing person information and strengthen cooperation with media and social media to increase public awareness and participation in search and rescue efforts for missing persons.
Third, optimization of urban emergency medical resource allocation based on GIS.
With the support of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), the optimization of urban emergency medical resource allocation can be improved. To promote the optimization of urban emergency medical resource allocation, the research and innovation competition is seeking research outcomes related to this topic.
Spatial layout of emergency medical resources: Research how to use GIS technology to strategically allocate urban emergency medical resources, expanding their coverage and ensuring mutual coordination. Explore the use of GIS analysis methods to determine the most reasonable location of emergency centers, ambulance stations, AED devices, and other facilities to optimize resource allocation and distribution.
Traffic network and emergency route planning: Explore how GIS technology can be used to optimize emergency route planning for urban emergency medical resources. Research on route navigation systems based on real-time traffic information to provide the shortest time and optimal routes, thereby improving response times of emergency medical resources.
Spatial data analysis and resource scheduling: Study how to use GIS technology to perform spatial data analysis and resource scheduling for urban emergency medical resources. Explore the establishment of real-time resource scheduling systems that allocate and dispatch emergency medical resources based on the spatial distribution and demand of disasters and emergencies.
Public participation and information sharing: Explore how public participation and information sharing can enhance the effectiveness of optimizing urban emergency medical resource allocation. Research the establishment of interactive platforms for public reporting and seeking assistance, promoting close connections between the public and emergency medical resources, and improving resource utilization efficiency.
Through these research outcomes, we hope to promote emergency data governance through government data and resource openness and sharing, optimize measures for tracking and searching missing persons under data-driven approaches, and optimize the allocation of urban emergency medical resources driven by GIS. These contributions will provide innovative ideas and practical methods for the development of emergency management and public safety fields. Those interested in participating in the competition should contact the Secretariat of Higher Education Administration Branch, China Double-method Society, scopehe@163.com. Application deadline is September 1, 2023.
Research Objectives: The goal of this competition is to promote the deep cooperation between the theoretical research of emergency rescue and the practical needs of the industry based on the rich data of emergency rescue practice. Participants will have the opportunity to use the emergency rescue data of Dalian Wanzhong Emergency Rescue Team to conduct in-depth data analysis and mining in order to reveal the rules and trends and provide scientific decision-making basis for emergency rescue work. The joint organization of the School of Public Administration at Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian Wanzhong Emergency Rescue Team, and the journal editorial department of Operations Research and Management Science brings together the comprehensive advantages of university education, practical experience and academic research to this competition. Universities, as educational and research institutions, can provide theoretical guidance and academic support. Emergency enterprises or social organizations, as emergency rescue practitioners, can provide actual data and cases to strengthen the connection between theory and practice. Academic journals, as platforms for knowledge spreading and academic exchanges, can facilitate the publication and communication of academic achievements. Through this competition, not only can promote the research and innovation in the field of emergency management, but also promote the deep cooperation between academia, universities and social organizations, and jointly promote the digital intelligence of emergency management and the modernization of social governance. At the same time, this provides researchers with an opportunity to understand the operational processes and management models of Dalian Wanzhong Emergency Rescue Team, conduct in-depth analysis of potential scientific issues, and provide valuable references and suggestions for enhancing emergency rescue capabilities and efficiency. Researchers, university teachers, graduate students and emergency rescue practitioners are welcome to actively participate in this scientific research competition, jointly promote the practical development and theoretical innovation in the field of emergency management, accelerate the construction of a safer, more sustainable and more intelligent Chinese modern emergency management system, and ensure a new development pattern with a new security pattern.

Key words: emergency management, data-driven, data analysis contest, practical needs, social rescue force
