运筹与管理 ›› 2019, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (2): 74-80.DOI: 10.12005/orms.2019.0035

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曹兴1,2, 欧阳莹1, 杨春白雪3   

  1. 1. 中南大学 商学院,湖南 长沙 410083;
    2. 湖南第一师范学院,湖南 长沙 412083;
    3. 湖南财政经济学院 财政金融学院,湖南 长沙 410006
  • 收稿日期:2017-10-15 出版日期:2019-02-25
  • 作者简介:曹兴(1964-),男,四川大竹人,教授、博士生导师,博士,研究方向为技术创新、技术管理、知识管理;欧阳莹(1994-),女,湖南郴州人,硕士,研究方向为复杂网络、技术创新;杨春白雪(1985-),女,河北三河人,讲师,博士,研究方向为技术创新。
  • 基金资助:

Influence Factors and Simulation Analysis of Innovation Network Cooperation Density

CAO Xing1,2, OU Yang-ying1, YANG CHUN bai-xue3   

  1. 1. Business School of Central South University,Changsha 410083, China;
    2. Business School of Hunan First Normal University, Changsha 412083, China;
    3. Department of Finance, Hunan University of Finance and Economics, Changsha 410006, China
  • Received:2017-10-15 Online:2019-02-25

摘要: 合作创新模式使得创新主体之间构成具有拓扑结构特性的创新网络,创新主体合作行为会影响创新网络的可持续发展。为探究不同影响因素作用下创新网络合作密度的变化,基于演化博弈理论和BA无标度网络理论,运用仿真方法,分析了网络规模、聚类系数、偏好性仿真、利益分配对创新网络合作密度的影响。结果表明:小规模的创新网络具有较低的聚类系数有利于网络合作密度的提升,大规模的创新网络具有较高的聚类系数有利于网络合作密度的提升;无论是大规模还是小规模创新网络,适度的偏好性模仿均能促进网络合作密度的提升;对于利益分配而言,无论是大规模还是小规模的创新网络,按劳分配是提升网络合作密度的最佳利益分配形式。

关键词: 创新网络, 合作密度, 演化博弈, 仿真

Abstract: Multi-agent cooperative innovation model makes the innovation entity constitute an innovation network with certain topological structure, and the cooperation behavior of the main body of innovation directly influences the sustainable development of the innovation network. In order to explore the influence of different factors on the innovation network cooperation density, this paper analyzes the influencing factors of innovation network cooperation density, and constructs the income matrix between different types of innovation agents, based on evolutionary game theory and BA scale-free network, the influence of network size, clustering coefficient, biased imitation, and benefit distribution on cooperation density of innovation network are simulated and analyzed by using Matlab software. The results show that the small size of the cluster innovation network has a low coefficient of cooperation which is conducive to enhancing the network density, and clustering coefficient of mass innovation network has high density network cooperation which is conducive to ascension; whether it is a large-scale or small-scale innovation network, moderate biased imitation can promote the network cooperation; for the distribution of benefits, whether it is large-scale or small-scale innovation network, distribution on the basis of work is the best way to enhance the network cooperation density.

Key words: innovation network, cooperation density, evolutionary game, simulation
